Python: WTForms 3.0.1 customising built-in error messages.

Be Hai Nguyen - Apr 29 '23 - - Dev Community

An approach to customise WTForms 3.0.1 built-in error messages before (possible) translation and sending back to the callers.

I am using WTForms 3.0.1 to do basic data validations, and I would like to customise built-in messages before sending them back to the callers; or possibly translating them into other languages, then sending back to the callers.

-- An example of such built-in message is “Not a valid integer value.”

And by customising, I mean making them a bit clearer, such as prefix them with the field label. E.g.:

Employee Id: Not a valid integer value.

These built-in messages are often exception messages raised by the method def process_formdata(self, valuelist): of the appropriate field class. The message Not a valid integer value. comes from class IntegerField(Field), in the module:

    def process_formdata(self, valuelist):
        if not valuelist:

   = int(valuelist[0])
        except ValueError as exc:
   = None
            raise ValueError(self.gettext("Not a valid integer value.")) from exc
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This method gets called when we instantiate a Form with data to be validated.

self.gettext("Not a valid integer value.")
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is related to internationalisation. It is the def gettext(self, string): method in class DummyTranslations:, in module

In class DummyTranslations:, def gettext(self, string): just returns the string as is, i.e. Not a valid integer value.

According to Internationalization (i18n) | Writing your own translations provider -- we can replace class DummyTranslations: with our own, following the example thus given, I came up with the following test script:

from pprint import pprint

from wtforms import Form

from wtforms import (
from wtforms.validators import (
from werkzeug.datastructures import MultiDict

class MyTranslations(object):
    def gettext(self, string):

        return f"MyTranslations: {string}"

    def ngettext(self, singular, plural, n):
        if n == 1:
            return f"MyTranslations: {singular}"

        return f"MyTranslations: {plural}"

class MyBaseForm(Form):
    def _get_translations(self):
        return MyTranslations()

class TestForm(MyBaseForm):
    id = IntegerField('Id', validators=[InputRequired('Id required'), NumberRange(1, 32767)])
    hired_date = DateField('Hired Date', validators=[InputRequired('Hired Date required')], 

form_data = MultiDict(mapping={'id': '', 'hired_date': ''})

form = TestForm(form_data)

res = form.validate()

assert res == False

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Basically, I just prepend built-in messages with MyTranslations:, so that the above message would come out as “MyTranslations: Not a valid integer value.”.

class MyBaseForm(Form): is taken from the documentation. In class TestForm(MyBaseForm), there are two required fields, an integer field and a date field. The rest of the code is pretty much run-of-the-mill Python code.

The output I expected is:

{'hired_date': ['MyTranslations: Not a valid date value.'],
 'id': ['MyTranslations: Not a valid integer value.',
        'MyTranslations: Number must be between 1 and 32767.']}
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But I get:

{'hired_date': ['Not a valid date value.'],
 'id': ['Not a valid integer value.', 'Number must be between 1 and 32767.']}
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👎 It is still using the default DummyTranslations class -- I am certain, because I did trace into it. The documentation appears misleading.

I could not find any solution online, in fact there is very little discussion on this topic. I finally able to correct class MyBaseForm(Form): following class FlaskForm(Form): in the Flask-WTF library:

from wtforms.meta import DefaultMeta

class MyBaseForm(Form):
    class Meta(DefaultMeta):
        def get_translations(self, form):
            return MyTranslations()
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The rest of the code remains unchanged. I now got the output I expected, which is:

{'hired_date': ['MyTranslations: Not a valid date value.'],
 'id': ['MyTranslations: Not a valid integer value.',
        'MyTranslations: Number must be between 1 and 32767.']}
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How do I replace MyTranslations with respective field labels, Id and Hired Date in this case? We know method def gettext(self, string) of the MyTranslations class gets called from the fields, but def gettext(self, string) does not have any reference to calling field instance.

Enable to find anything from the code. I finally choose to use introspection, that is, getting the caller information at runtime. The caller in this case is the field instance. Please note, it is possible that Python introspection might not always work.

MyTranslations class gets updated as follows:

import inspect

class MyTranslations(object):
    def gettext(self, string):
        caller = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_locals

        return f"{caller['self'].label.text}: {string}"

    def ngettext(self, singular, plural, n):
        caller = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_locals

        if n == 1:
            return f"{caller['self'].label.text}: {singular}"

        return f"{caller['self'].label.text}: {plural}"
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And this is the output I am looking for:

{'hired_date': ['Hired Date: Not a valid date value.'],
 'id': ['Id: Not a valid integer value.',
        'Id: Number must be between 1 and 32767.']}
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Complete listing of the final test script:

from pprint import pprint

import inspect

from wtforms import Form
from wtforms.meta import DefaultMeta

from wtforms import (
from wtforms.validators import (
from werkzeug.datastructures import MultiDict

class MyTranslations(object):
    def gettext(self, string):
        caller = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_locals

        return f"{caller['self'].label.text}: {string}"

    def ngettext(self, singular, plural, n):
        caller = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_locals

        if n == 1:
            return f"{caller['self'].label.text}: {singular}"

        return f"{caller['self'].label.text}: {plural}"

class MyBaseForm(Form):
    class Meta(DefaultMeta):
        def get_translations(self, form):
            return MyTranslations()

class TestForm(MyBaseForm):
    id = IntegerField('Id', validators=[InputRequired('Id required'), NumberRange(1, 32767)])
    hired_date = DateField('Hired Date', validators=[InputRequired('Hired Date required')], 

form_data = MultiDict(mapping={'id': '', 'hired_date': ''})

form = TestForm(form_data)

res = form.validate()

assert res == False

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Please note that I am not sure if this is the final solution for what I want to achieve, for me, it is interesting regardless: I finally know how to write my own translation class (I am aware that MyTranslations class in this post might not be at all a valid implementation.)

Furthermore, we could always argue that, since the final errors dictionary does contain field names, i.e. hired_date and id:

{'hired_date': ['Hired Date: Not a valid date value.'],
 'id': ['Id: Not a valid integer value.',
        'Id: Number must be between 1 and 32767.']}
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We could always use field names to access field information from the still valid form instance, and massage the error messages. Translating into other languages can still take place -- but prior via translation also. But I don't like this approach. Regardless of the validity of this post, I did enjoy investigating this issue.

Thank you for reading. I hope you could somehow use this information... Stay safe as always.


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