Cypress Tests in BDD Style

Ajdin Mustafić - Jul 27 '20 - - Dev Community

Behavior-driven development is an Agile software development process that promotes collaboration between developers, software testers (QA), and the non-technical, business side in a software development process. The outcomes of their collaboration are structured behavior stories which are requirements for product owners, acceptance criteria for developers, description for stakeholders, test cases, and automation scripts for testers.
If you write your automated tests in Cypress and you would like to run them in BDD stories style, you will need to do some additional steps:
1) First, you need to install cypress with cucumber preprocessor module with this command:
$ npm install cypress cucumber cypress-cucumber-preprocessor

2) Then you need to define in your package.json how will you open Cypress:

“scripts”: {
    “cypress-run-cucumber”: “cypress run --config-file cypress/cypress-cucumber.json”
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Now you can simply start cypress with command npm cypress-run-cucumber

This is our example of cypress-cucumber.json:

   “baseUrl”: “http://localhost:3000,
   “integrationFolder”: “cypress/tests/BDD”,
   “pluginsFile”: “cypress/plugins/cucumber-plugins.js”
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And our cucumber-plugins.js looks like this:

const cucumber = require(cypress-cucumber-preprocessor).default;
module.exports = (on, config) => {
//on is used to hook into various events Cypress emits
   //config is the resolved Cypress config
   on(file:preprocessor, cucumber());
   return Object.assign({}, config, {
       fixturesFolder: cypress/fixtures,
       integrationFolder: cypress/tests/BDD,
       screenshotsFolder: cypress/screenshots,
       videosFolder: cypress/videos,
       supportFile: cypress/support/index.js,
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3) Also, in your package.json file you should define the path to your step definition:

“cypress-cucumber-preprocessor”: {
        “nonGlobalStepDefinitions”: true,
        “step_definitions”: “cypress/tests/BDD”
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4) It is also important to create .feature and .js file with the same name, where .js file must be in a folder, also with the same name. So, for example, you will have:

  • login.feature
  • login (folder)
    • login.js

In login.feature file you can simply paste the BDD story which was the outcome of your team collaboration and in login.js file you should define the steps with Cypress for that story.
This is your login.feature file:

Feature: User Login
  In order to use the application
  As a user
  I need to be logged in
    Scenario: User logs in with correct credentials
    Given the user is on the login page
    When the user tries to login with correct credentials
    Then he should be redirected to the homepage
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This is your login.js file:

import {
    Given, When,Then,
} from cypress-cucumber-preprocessor/steps;
Given(/^the user is on login page$/, function () {
    cy.url().should(include, /login);
When(/^the user tries to login with correct credentials$/, function () {
Then(/^he should be redirected to the homepage$/, function () {
    cy.url().should(include, /home);

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Feel free to comment below if you need any additional explanation or you would like to share your experience on this topic.

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