HashMap in C#: Detailed Guide

ByteHide - Dec 22 '23 - - Dev Community

Understanding HashMap in C#

Hey there, code brewer! Today we’re going to sift through one of the most useful data structures in coding – the HashMap. Hold on to your hats, this is going to be a fun and enlightening ride!

What is a HashMap?

A HashMap, simply put, is a data structure that implements an associative array, a structure that can map keys to values. A HashMap uses a hash function to compute an index into an array of buckets or slots. Now, why would you need this, you ask? Imagine having a huge collection of data and you need a method to save and fetch data efficiently. That’s where our buddy HashMap comes in!

// creating a HashMap using Dictionary in C#
Dictionary<string, int> hashMap = new Dictionary<string, int>();
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Here, we’re using the native Dictionary class of C# to create our HashMap. Keys are string type and values are of int type.

The Concept Behind HashMaps

One important thing to know about HashMaps is that they store data in key-value pairs, just like a physical map with places and their coordinates. They implement the [ICollection](https://www.bytehide.com/blog/icollection-csharp) interface, which makes them part of the C# Collections. Now, isn’t that neat?

The Fundamental Units of C# HashMap

The HashMap’s brain is divided into two main parts: Key and Value. Every entry in a HashMap has these two. Think of a HashMap like an alphabet book – the Key is the alphabet letter, and the Value is the corresponding picture. That’s how we know A stands for Apple!

// Adding keys and values to the HashMap
hashMap.Add("Jack", 25);
hashMap.Add("Jill", 23);
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We’ve added “Jack” and “Jill” as keys, and 25 and 23 as their corresponding values.

C# Compared to Other Languages: The HashMap Case

As a coder, it’s natural to wonder how the data structures we’re dealing with fare when compared across different languages. So, let’s delve into the distinctive traits of our current superhero, the HashMap, as it functions in C#, and see how it stands against its peers in other languages.

HashMap Implementation in Other Languages

Almost every popular language supports some kind of HashMap implementation and despite their differences in syntax or naming conventions required for their implementation, the fundamental principle remains the same: Store keys and values for efficient retrieval later.

For instance, let’s consider Python and Java, two languages renowned for their elegance and usability.

In Python, Python’s built-in data type dictionary serves as a HashMap.

# Python
my_dict = {"Apple": 1, "Orange": 2}
print(my_dict['Apple'])  # Outputs: 1
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On the flip side, it’s Java that goes the conventional route by naming its implementation plainly as a ‘HashMap’.

// Java
HashMap<String, Integer> map = new HashMap<>();
map.put("Apple", 1);
System.out.println(map.get("Apple"));  // Outputs: 1
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Comparatively speaking, you can see similarities in how HashMaps are used despite language-specific nuances. The key principles of speedy storage and retrieval remain commonplace, amicably setting a universal standard.

Features of Hashmap CSharp

In C#, HashMaps are not directly christened as ‘HashMap’, rather they dawn the guise of a ‘Dictionary’, hinging on the functionality provided by the Dictionary<TKey,TValue> class.

Dictionary<string, int> myHashMap = new Dictionary<string, int>();
myHashMap.Add("Apple", 1);
Console.WriteLine(myHashMap["Apple"]);  // Outputs: 1
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The underlying logic that drives these Dictionaries is very much a typical HashMap mechanism. But moving beyond the HashMap functionalities, C# offers a handful of additional features.

One such feature is that C# HashMaps implement the ICollection interface. They also offer vast usability with methods that operate seamlessly on these HashMaps, such as Add(), Remove(), and TryGetValue(), making the Hashmap a dynamic tool in your coding toolbox.

// adding key-value pairs
myHashMap.Add("Banana", 2);

// removing key-value pairs
// trying to get value
int value;
if (myHashMap.TryGetValue("Apple", out value))
else {
    Console.WriteLine("Key not found.");
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In real-life applications, you won’t just be adding or removing data. You might have to handle exceptions, especially when dealing with large sets of data. As seen, the TryGetValue function is designed to safely fetch values from your HashMap, even if the supplied key doesn’t exist.

C# also includes LINQ (Language Integrated Query) that provides robust querying capabilities on HashMaps enabling us to craft powerful one-line solutions for efficiency.

// getting count of elements
var count = myHashMap.Count();

// finding key-value pair with maximum value
var maxPair = myHashMap.Aggregate((l, r) => l.Value > r.Value ? l : r);
Console.WriteLine(maxPair.Key);  // Outputs key with the maximum value
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Implementing a HashMap in C#

Ready to roll up your sleeves and get hands-on with implementing a HashMap?

HashMap Creation in C#

Creating a HashMap with C# couldn’t be easier. We start by declaring our HashMap.

Dictionary<string, int> myHashMap = new Dictionary<string, int>();
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In true blue C# style, we declare Dictionary<key_type, value_type> and initialize it with new_().

Adding Items to a C# Hashmap

Now that we have our HashMap in place let’s fill it with some data.

myHashMap.Add("Tom", 33);
myHashMap.Add("Jerry", 22);
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And voila! You just added items to your HashMap.

Retrieving Items from a Hashmap Csharp

Once we’ve stored the data, fetching it is a no-brainer.

int age = myHashMap["Tom"];
Console.WriteLine(age);  // Outputs: 33
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Just use the key and the HashMap hands over the corresponding value. Just like magic!

HashMaps in Real World Applications

Alright, let’s bring this down to earth a bit. How are HashMaps applied in the real world? You may be surprised to discover that they’re not just for academic exercises or competition coding. From cache-based applications to web server sessions, HashMaps play a critical role in several everyday operations.

Case Study: Utilizing Hashmap in C#

Cache-Based Applications

HashMaps are a perfect fit for cache-based applications. Let’s imagine you’re developing a weather app that retrieves weather data from a remote API. If you call this API every single time a client requests weather data, it’ll slow down the overall performance and utilise unnecessary bandwidth.

This is where the HashMap’s eager, efficient nature comes to the rescue. By storing recently fetched weather data in a HashMap, subsequent requests can be loaded from cache, thus improving the efficiency massively.

// Create a HashMap to act as cache
Dictionary<string, WeatherData> weatherCache = new Dictionary<string, WeatherData>();
// Fetch data from API
WeatherData fetchedData = FetchWeatherData(API, "New_York");
// Store in cache
weatherCache.Add("New_York", fetchedData);
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In this pseudocode, a HashMap acts as a cache for storing the recently fetched weather data.

Web Server Sessions

Sessions are very common in web server applications. In a typical session, each user is assigned a unique id, and their session data is stored on the server. This could be user preferences, temporary data, or any valuable info which needs persistence over multiple visits. HashMaps fit in perfectly in this scenario, storing each session id (key) along with the corresponding session object (value).

// Session data HashMap
Dictionary<string, SessionObject> sessionData = new Dictionary<string, SessionObject>();
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In this pseudo-code example, we see how each user’s session data can be stored in a HashMap.

Advanced Topics in HashMap Csharp

Equipped with the basics? It’s time to explore some high-level HashMap concepts.

Maintaining Order in a C# Hashmap: Is it Possible?

As we’ve discussed, Hashmaps are not order-specific. The ordering of input may not reflect on the output or any iteration over the HashMap. But what if your application demands maintaining some specific order?

C# comes with a solution – the SortedDictionary. It’s a subclass of Dictionary class that maintains elements in the sorted order of keys.

SortedDictionary<string, int> sortedHashMap = new SortedDictionary<string, int>()
    {"Apple", 1},
    {"Orange", 2},
    {"Banana", 3}
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In this example, the keys will consistently be in the order “Apple”, “Banana”, “Orange”.

Dealing with Collisions in a HashMap

The day-to-day life of a HashMap isn’t always collision-less. Sometimes two different keys can end up with the same hash. This scenario is termed as a “collision”. The standard method to deal with this in C# is chaining.

When a collision happens, chaining stores multiple values (each associated with a different original key) into the same slot. Behind the scenes, the structure becomes a HashMap of linked lists!

hashmap["key1"] = new LinkedList();
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Performance Benchmark: HashMap Csharp

Being performance-oriented is the key mantra of a HashMap! They provide a constant time performance, noted as O(1), for the basic operations get and put, which is fantastic in an average case scenario.

Doubt it? Run a performance test between a List and a HashMap when you look for specific elements. You’ll see how our HashMap buddy leaves a List way behind in such cases. Always remember, if you must search among a load of elements, the HashMap may be your go-to!

This ideal performance is a reason behind HashMap’s under-the-hood use in many high-performance applications. But remember, understanding the specific needs of your application is a must before zeroing in on the right data structure.

Stopwatch stopWatch = new Stopwatch();
int value = hashmap["desired_key"];
Console.WriteLine("Time taken by HashMap: " + stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds);
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With this stopwatch test, one can measure the time taken by a HashMap to retrieve an element.

Best Practices Using Hashmap in C#

Let’s dig deeper and explore a few essential practices that’ll help you optimize your use of HashMaps in C# and avoid common pitfalls.

Common Mistakes When Implementing a HashMap in C#

Implementing a HashMap in C# might seem straightforward, but there are common mistakes we could easily stumble upon. Let’s unearth and decode them:

Not Making Effective Use of Key and Value

In a HashMap, the Key and Value hold utmost importance. A mistake that often slips through the cracks is using keys that don’t meet the requirements of our application. For example, you might accidentally use a mutable object as a key. This could lead to a situation where the key’s hashcode changes after it is added to the map, making it impossible to retrieve the original value.

Here’s an example to illustrate the issue:

Dictionary<List<int>, int> hashMap = new Dictionary<List<int>, int>()
    { new List<int>(){1, 2, 3}, 1 }

List<int> keyList = new List<int>() { 1, 2, 3 };
int value = hashMap[keyList]; // Throws KeyNotFoundException
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In this case, changing the keyList object after using it as a key in the HashMap causes a KeyNotFoundException when later trying to retrieve the value with this key. Bad luck, right? But we can avoid this!

Overuse of null

The inclusion of null keys can sometimes lead to pain points in your HashMap implementation. Allowing null keys may require special condition checking when inserting, deleting, or retrieving from the map, leading to more complex and slower code. And that’s the last thing we want, right?

Does this imply that we should never use nulls in HashMap? No! It’s to remember that all members of our HashMap family (Key, Value) need careful and case-specific dealing. We’ll look at effective strategies next.

Best Practices for Implementing a HashMap in C#

Understanding how to steer clear of the common errors is half the battle won. However, charting the path of best practices can equip you with the tools for a flawless HashMap implementation in C#. Here’s a handy set of best practices to keep up your sleeve:

Use Appropriate Types as Keys

Remember, keys should generally be immutable. Using immutable objects as keys helps avoid unexpected scenarios like the HashMap losing track of values due to keys changing over-time.

Dictionary<string, int> hashMap = new Dictionary<string, int>()
    { "One", 1 },
    { "Two", 2 },
    { "Three", 3 }
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In this case, our keys are strings, which are inherently immutable in C# – a solid choice for HashMap keys!

Handle null values efficiently

While some prefer prohibiting null values in HashMaps, handling null effectively can also lead to cleaner code. You could handle null values by using the TryGetValue method rather than directly accessing the values.

Dictionary<string, int?> hashMap = new Dictionary<string, int?>()
    { "One", 1 },
    { "Two", null },

if(hashMap.TryGetValue("Two", out int? value))
    Console.WriteLine(value.HasValue ? value.Value.ToString() : "null"); // Outputs: null
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In this example, even though “Two” maps to null, the code doesn’t throw a NullReferenceException.

Conclusion of C# HashMaps

So there you have it, folks. We’ve ventured deep into the realms of HashMap in C#, examining its nooks and crannies. But remember, the beauty of HashMaps truly unfolds when you start using it in your coding journey. So, aren’t you excited to fire up your compiler and experiment with HashMaps? But beware, once you get the hang of it, there’s no way back! You too will fall under the charm of the versatile HashMap. What’re you waiting for? Code away, my friend!

A final word of caution. If you don’t take action now and start implementing HashMap in your code today, you might find yourself stuck with inefficient code tomorrow. And we wouldn’t want that, would we? So, go ahead and make the most out of C# HashMaps now, and join the league of efficient program writers.

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