Parenting Mistakes: Nurturing Reason and Creativity in the AI Era

Imam Ali Mustofa - Aug 5 '23 - - Dev Community

⚠ Attention: make sure you don't have heart disease, if a heart attack occurs after reading this post, I as a writer cannot provide cover for your hospital payments.

Hey there, fellow coders and developers, from beginners to seasoned professionals!

Let's dive into a thought-provoking topic that has been lingering in my mind lately - the importance of studying fundamentals and basic reasoning as programmers. In this era of AI and technological advancements, the allure of instant solutions and shortcuts is undeniable. But, I can't help but wonder - are we unintentionally nurturing a generation of lazy individuals who rely solely on technology's shepherding?

The Foundation of Reasoning and Creativity

As programmers, we often find ourselves surrounded by an abundance of resources, frameworks, and libraries that promise to make our lives easier. It's tempting to dive straight into the practical aspects of coding, leveraging the power of pre-built solutions.

However, let's not forget the significance of studying the fundamentals. Understanding the core principles of programming, honing our reasoning abilities, and nurturing creativity pave the way for innovation and problem-solving. After all, every brilliant invention, from complex AI algorithms to user-friendly applications, is built on a foundation of solid reasoning and creativity.

For example:
How to make a system capable of interpreting different kinds of units to create a transfer method between stores. For example, store A has ABC goods which are only sold in 1 Box size containing 12 Pcs, and Shop B has ABC goods which are sold in 1 Pcs size (not sold in Box sizes). Then, Shop B has 600 Pcs (50 Boxes) and Shop A asks Shop B to transfer goods from Shop B to Shop A in the amount of 25 Boxes.

You can copy and paste the example above in ChatGPT with Language or Framework you prefer. But my question is; How you can imagine and try to think to solve this problem without any AI help?! Just used only your fvck'in brain!

When you want to eat instant noodles, the process you have to do is not as "instant" as the word "instant noodles" you want to cook!

Beware of the Instantization Trap

It's no secret that we live in a world of instant gratification. From instant noodles to one-click purchases, everything is at our fingertips. As developers, we too can fall into the trap of instantization - seeking quick solutions without diving deep into the underlying concepts.

Picture this - a developer facing a challenging coding problem. Instead of brainstorming and analyzing the issue, they turn to a quick online solution, which may only address the surface problem but fails to cultivate a deeper understanding. It's like reaching for a microwave meal when a home-cooked feast awaits.

Balancing Technology and Reasoning (This is stupid section!)

Dear fellow developers, the AI era and technological advances are not adversaries to our creativity and reasoning; they are tools that can amplify our abilities. Embrace technology but also cherish the art of reasoning and creativity.

Let's foster a supportive community where we encourage each other to explore the depths of programming, experiment with new ideas, and share our knowledge. It's through this collaboration that we can unlock our true potential as developers and problem-solvers.

The prompt engineer is good, but more better if you can craft your prompt into real action as developer and problem-solvers!

The Long-Term Perspective

While instant solutions may offer quick wins, true mastery and expertise come from investing time and effort in understanding the "why" behind the "how." Let's strive for long-term growth, where every line of code we write is a testament to our reasoning and creativity.

In a world where instant gratification reigns, let's be the guardians of reason and creativity. By nurturing a generation of programmers who appreciate the value of fundamentals, we can create a future filled with innovative solutions and boundless possibilities.

As we ponder the phenomenon of instantization and its impact on our programming journey, let's keep the flame of reasoning and creativity alive. Embrace technology as a powerful ally, but also cherish the foundations that make us truly skilled developers.

In the comments below, share your thoughts on balancing technology and fundamentals. How do you ensure that you stay rooted in reasoning and creativity amidst the allure of instant solutions? Let's learn from each other and grow together as a community of thoughtful and innovative programmers.

Happy coding, and may your code be a reflection of the brilliance within you! 🚀

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