Vue.js and Vue Router Unveiled: Mastering Seamless Routing for Vue Apps

chintanonweb - Sep 19 '23 - - Dev Community


In the ever-evolving world of web development, creating dynamic and interactive web applications is the key to success. Vue.js, a popular JavaScript framework, offers a sleek and efficient way to build such applications. One of the essential components of any modern web application is routing, which allows users to navigate through different views or pages seamlessly. In this article, we will delve into Vue.js and Vue Router, exploring how they work together to enable smooth routing in Vue applications.

What is Vue.js?

Understanding Vue.js

Vue.js, often simply referred to as Vue, is a progressive JavaScript framework for building user interfaces. It was created by Evan You and has gained significant popularity in recent years due to its simplicity and flexibility. Vue.js allows developers to build interactive and reactive web applications with ease.

Key Features of Vue.js

  • Declarative Rendering: Vue uses a template-based syntax to declaratively render the UI. Developers describe how the UI should look, and Vue takes care of the rest.

  • Component-Based Architecture: Vue encourages the creation of reusable components, making it easy to manage and maintain complex user interfaces.

  • Reactivity: Vue provides a reactivity system that automatically updates the DOM when the data changes, reducing the need for manual manipulation.

  • Vue CLI: The Vue Command Line Interface (CLI) is a powerful tool for scaffolding and managing Vue projects, making development more efficient.

What is Vue Router?

Introducing Vue Router

Vue Router is the official routing library for Vue.js. It seamlessly integrates with Vue applications, allowing you to build single-page applications (SPAs) with client-side routing. Vue Router helps manage the navigation within your Vue application by mapping URLs to specific components.

Key Features of Vue Router

  • Declarative Routing: Vue Router uses a declarative configuration to define your application's routes, making it easy to understand and maintain.

  • Nested Routes: You can create nested routes, allowing for complex application structures where components are nested within each other.

  • Route Parameters: Vue Router supports dynamic route parameters, enabling the passing of data through URLs.

  • Navigation Guards: Implementing navigation guards in Vue Router allows you to control access to routes, ensuring that users have the necessary permissions.

Setting Up Vue Router

Installation and Configuration

To get started with Vue Router, you first need to set up a Vue project. You can use Vue CLI to scaffold a new project or add Vue Router to an existing one. Here are the basic steps:

  1. Install Vue Router: You can install Vue Router via npm or yarn.
   npm install vue-router
   # or
   yarn add vue-router
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  1. Import and Use Vue Router: In your Vue project, import Vue and Vue Router, create routes, and use Vue Router to enable routing.
   // main.js
   import Vue from 'vue'
   import VueRouter from 'vue-router'
   import App from './App.vue'


   const routes = [
     { path: '/', component: Home },
     { path: '/about', component: About },
     // ...other routes

   const router = new VueRouter({
     mode: 'history' // Use history mode or hash mode for routing

   new Vue({
     el: '#app',
     render: h => h(App)
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Navigating with Vue Router

Creating Links and Navigating

Once you've set up Vue Router, you can create links to navigate between different views in your application. Vue Router provides the <router-link> component for this purpose. Here's an example:

    <router-link to="/">Home</router-link>
    <router-link to="/about">About</router-link>
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These links will render as anchor tags (<a>) and handle the navigation for you.

Programmatic Navigation

In addition to declarative navigation with <router-link>, Vue Router allows programmatic navigation using the $router object. You can navigate to a specific route using methods like push, replace, and go.

// Programmatically navigate to the About page
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Dynamic Routing with Vue Router

Dynamic Route Parameters

Vue Router supports dynamic route parameters, allowing you to create routes that can capture dynamic values from the URL. For example, you can define a route like this:

{ path: '/user/:id', component: UserProfile }
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In this case, :id is a dynamic parameter, and you can access it within your component using this.$

Nested Routes

Vue Router also supports nested routes, which are useful for building complex user interfaces. You can nest routes by defining child routes within a parent route.

  path: '/dashboard',
  component: Dashboard,
  children: [
    { path: 'profile', component: Profile },
    { path: 'settings', component: Settings }
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Navigation Guards

Protecting Routes with Guards

Navigation guards in Vue Router allow you to protect routes by adding logic to them. You can use guards to implement authentication, authorization, and other custom behaviors.

There are three types of navigation guards:

  • Global Guards: These guards are applied to all routes in your application.
  • Per-Route Guards: You can define guards on a per-route basis.
  • In-Component Guards: Guards can also be defined within individual components.

Here's an example of a global beforeEach guard that checks if the user is authenticated before allowing access to a protected route:

// main.js
router.beforeEach((to, from, next) => {
  if (to.matched.some(record => record.meta.requiresAuth)) {
    // Check if the user is authenticated
    if (!auth.isAuthenticated()) {
      // Redirect to the login page
    } else {
  } else {
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FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: What is the difference between Vue Router and traditional server-side routing?

A1: Vue Router enables client-side routing, which means that navigation happens on the client's side without full page reloads. Traditional server-side routing involves requesting new HTML pages from the server for each route.

Q2: Can I use Vue Router with other JavaScript frameworks or libraries?

A2: Vue Router is primarily designed for use with Vue.js. While it may be possible to integrate it with other frameworks, it's recommended to use a routing solution specifically tailored to those frameworks.

Q3: How do I handle 404 (Not Found) pages with Vue Router?

A3: Vue Router provides a way to handle 404 pages by defining a route with a wildcard path (*). This route will match any URL that doesn't match any other routes, allowing you to display a custom 404 page.

{ path: '*', component: NotFound }
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Vue.js and Vue Router make a powerful combination for building dynamic and interactive web applications. Vue.js provides a clean and efficient way to create user interfaces, while Vue Router handles client-side routing with ease.

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