Building Landing Pages in Vanilla Python with Reflex (formerly Pynecone)

Simon Pfeiffer - Apr 5 '23 - - Dev Community

Building Landing Pages in Vanilla Python with Reflex

[Update July 14th] Following some confusion around the companies name, Pynecone has rebranded to Reflex. It hasn't changed their popularity, they have surpassed 11k stars on GitHub and bunch of new features so we recommend checking them out if you havn't. We have adapted the article accordingly.

Compelling landing pages are crucial for businesses to attract visitors and turn them into customers. A landing page is a standalone web page that is designed to showcase a product, service, or offer. It is optimized for conversion and often includes a form for lead capture. Traditionally, building a landing page required knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. However, with the emergence of low-code website builders and frameworks, even non-technical people can create landing pages.

Building Landing Pages in Vanilla Python with Pynecone

Reflex is a new and fast-growing Python framework that is changing the game for Python web development. Reflex is backed by Y Combinator and has quickly gained popularity due to its ability to build and deploy beautiful landing pages and entire websites in vanilla Python. This means that users no longer need to learn additional front-end languages like HTML, CSS, or JavaScript and frameworks like React. However, these options often required a certain level of technical knowledge or experience. With Reflex, anyone with basic Python (more amazing Python tutorials) skills can build and deploy amazing-looking landing pages in less than 500 lines of code.

So, why Reflex?

What makes Reflex so cool is its simplicity and flexibility. Reflex uses a minimalist approach to web development, which means that you can focus on building the content and let Reflex handle the rest. Reflex has a built-in template engine that allows you to create reusable templates for your landing pages. This means that you can easily make changes to your website's design without having to update each individual page. In addition, Reflex is highly customizable, so you can add any Python libraries or modules you want. This gives you the freedom to add functionality to your landing pages without being limited by pre-built features.

Building Landing Pages in Vanilla Python with Reflex

One of the benefits of Reflex is that it is beginner-friendly. For someone who is not very skilled in coding, Reflex provides an easy and accessible way to create landing pages and websites. The Reflex documentation is clear and concise, making it easy for users to get started. Moreover, Reflex's simplicity makes it an excellent choice for rapid prototyping or for building MVPs (minimum viable products). Reflex also offers a range of features that make it a versatile framework. For instance, Reflex supports dynamic content generation, which means that you can generate content on the fly based on user input or other data. Additionally, Reflex supports data modeling and database integration, making it easy to store and manage data on your website.

How to build and host a Reflex site in minutes

If you are interested in using Reflex to build your landing pages or websites, you can easily deploy your Reflex app on Codesphere. Once deployed, your Reflex app will be available for the world to see. With the combination of Reflex and Codesphere, you can create amazing-looking landing pages and websites within minutes.

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to get Reflex website installed and running in Codesphere:

Create a new workspace: First, log in to your Codesphere account and create a new workspace. Click the "Create Workspace" button and select "Empty Workspace", provide a name and select resources (micro is sufficient for most cases).

Open a terminal: Once you have created the workspace, open a terminal by clicking on the "Terminal" button at the bottom of the screen.

Install Reflex: To install Reflex, type 'pipenv install reflex' in the terminal.

Building Landing Pages in Vanilla Python with Pynecone

Workaround for Pipenv bug: Sometimes we see a known issue with Pipenv that can cause it to fail when installing certain pre-release packages. To work around this issue, use the following command in the terminal before proceeding: 'pipenv lock --pre'.

Building Landing Pages in Vanilla Python with Pynecone

Create a new directory: Type 'mkdir my_app_name' in the terminal. Replace "my_app_name" with a name of your choice.

Navigate to the directory: 'cd my_app_name'.

Activate the Pipenv environment: Type 'pipenv shell' in the terminal.

Initiate Reflex project: Type 'reflex init' in the terminal.

Run server: Define a CI Pipeline with the required steps. Navigate to the "CI Pipeline" option next to the terminal option. From there, add: 'pipenv install' for the prepare stage and 'pipenv run pc run' in the run stage. Then run both steps.

Building Landing Pages in Vanilla Python with Pynecone

Designing your landing page: Finally, we will add a background image, product image, some basic grid layout and our headline followed by a call to action. Our look like this:

[Replace pc with rx]

"""This is an example of a product landing page built in pynecone"""
from pcconfig import config

import pynecone as pc

filename = f"{config.app_name}/{config.app_name}.py"

class State(pc.State):
    """The app state."""


def index() -> pc.Component:
            pc.heading("Fresh.", font_size="4em", color="white"),
            pc.heading("Handpicked.", font_size="4em", color="white"),
            pc.heading("Bottled on site.", font_size="4em", color="white"),
            pc.text("Welcome to Olive.Co! We pride ourselves in the quality of our olives.",
            pc.text("The purest olive oil you will find. Period.", 
            pc.button("Try it now", color="white", size="lg", variant="outline", 
                row_span=1, col_span=1, align_self="center", gap=2),
            pc.image(src="/olive.webp", width="14em"),
                row_span=1, col_span=1),
            template_columns="1fr 1fr",

# Add state and page to the app.
app = pc.App(state=State)
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Building Landing Pages in Vanilla Python with Pynecone
This is what our example page looks like.

Give it a Try!

Pynecone is a powerful tool for building and deploying web applications, and using it in conjunction with Codesphere can make the development process even easier and more efficient. With its intuitive interface and helpful features, Pynecone allows developers to focus on writing code and building applications without worrying about the complexities of deployment and server management. Additionally, the easy-to-follow steps we've provided make it simple for anyone to get started with Pynecone and Codesphere, even if they are new to web development.

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