How to get a job as a web developer (no degree)

Programming with Shahan - Jan 31 - - Dev Community


So, you're thinking about getting a full-time or part-time job as a web developer.

You want to be the architect of the internet, designing and developing the online experience for users. Well, buckle up (put on your belt), because we're about to break down the steps to becoming a web developer and getting a job.

This ain't rocket science; it's web development, and it's about to get SERIOUS 🚒.

🧐 What's a Web Developer?

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Imagine you're behind the scenes of the Terminator movie, making sure the acting and editing work flawlessly.

That's a web developer for you. They're the ones who write code and tell browsers what to do.

Some work for big companies, and others are freelancers, doing their thing for various clients. Some have a computer science degree, some don't, but rather bring hands-on experience (real-world projects) with a shiny certification from an online coding bootcamp. It's a diverse field with different paths to success.

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Based on insights from the Stack Overflow Survey, more than 70% of developers who participated in the survey expressed satisfaction with their jobs, and the majority fell into the "very satisfied" category.

Moreover, according to the USN, web developer rank #5 in the Best Tech Jobs.

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Clearly, web development holds a promising future. Now, let's explore the steps on how you can land yourself a job as a web developer.

🪖 Getting into the Web Developer Battle:

1. 🧻Earn a Degree (or not, your call):

If you're feeling studious, grab a degree related to web development. Computer science is the usual suspect.

But hey, if you're a rebel and have a different degree, no worries. You can catch up with online courses that teaches you the ropes.

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You might hear folks saying a CS degree is a MUST for a serious web developer. Truth is, you can totally become a web application developer without one.

You can get practical experience by doing internships or entry-level jobs. Try to work on different projects to improve your skills, like focusing on tasks, being creative, and helping customers.

In my opinion, having a computer science degree is not necessary for web developers. Academic books can be outdated, so it's better to learn on your own.

Also, I want to make it clear that going to college and getting a 4-year degree can be totally worth it. If you believe that's the right path for you, it is! You'll gain valuable skills, and it can definitely lead to job opportunities!

BUT here is the Deal: there's a buffet of online courses out there. Pick what tickles your fancy and start gobbling up those web development skills. You can get certifications (not that important), join training programs to make yourself more qualified and impressive to employers.

2. 🏗️Build Your Portfolio (Show 'em What You Got):

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  • Degree or no, it's essential to have personal projects to flaunt. They not only set you up for future job opportunities but also offer a hands-on learning experience. This becomes particularly vital if you're skipping the whole computer science degree route, as these projects essentially become your standout portfolio, showcasing your skills.
  • I recommend starting your OWN project by creating various kinds of websites (e.g e-commerce or blogging websites).
  • Got projects from school, work, or your late-night coding spree? Throw them in your portfolio!
  • Make it a mixtape of your skills. Dazzle potential employers with your creativity and technical know-how.

3. 👋Get Your Hands Dirty (aka Gain Work Experience):

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  • You don't have to wait for a degree to start flexing those muscles. Volunteer, help out small businesses, or work your potential for individuals. Even if it's free at first, consider it your learning phase in web development.
  • Use this experience to level up and stack that portfolio with real-world projects.

4.🥊Hit the Job Market (You're Ready, Own It):

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Once your portfolio is looking snazzy (stylish and attractive), start eyeing those web developer job listings.

Research companies like you're stalking (capture) your crush on social media – know them inside out.

Tailor your application materials to match the job descriptions.

Think of it as curating the perfect playlist for the job you want.

🔥Here are the most useful web development job portals

🦹‍♂️How to Make Your Job Application Stand Out?

Image by programming with shahan of a developer stand out from the crowd

Once you're on the path to your first web development job, the next hurdle is landing an interview. While experienced developers might get offers easily, newcomers need to stand out among many applicants. Here are key strategies to make sure you shine:

1. Tailor Your Resume and Cover Letter:

  • Customize your application for each job.
  • Use keywords from the job description in your resume.
  • Highlight essential skills and experiences relevant to the role.
  • Provide specific examples of your achievements.

2. Optimize Your Online Presence:

  • Update professional profiles on sites like LinkedIn.
  • Include current information on skills and experiences.
  • Use a professional photo.
  • Craft a concise, captivating headline summarizing your skills.
  • Pay attention to keywords relevant to the jobs you're seeking.
  • Keep social media profiles private or employer-friendly.

Taking these steps will help you make a great impression and increase your chances of standing out in the competitive world of web development.

🤹‍♂️Skills of a Web Developer:

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1. Coding (The Language of Geeks):

Web developers speak fluent code. It's your vehicle for web development graduate. Its your language to tell computers what to do. Take relevant coding courses online or wherever you can find them, and start building projects.

2. Graphic Design (Make it Look Pretty):

Web development is not just about code; it's about making website look damn good too. Learn some graphic design to sprinkle that extra creativity on your creations.

Use collaborative design tools such as Figma or Sketch (only for Mac).

Figma, in particular, is like a Swiss Army knife for designers. It proudly calls itself a "leading collaborative design toolkit," and for good reason. If you need a quick design for a presentation or website, FigJam AI (recently released) has ready-made templates. Just tell it what you want, draw a little, and boom – your idea comes alive!

You can do all sorts of cool stuff with it, like adding simple animations and making clickable prototypes, perfect for icons or avatars.

Image of figma developer mode

It's a blend of Photoshop and Canva for professional designers. I would say its more than that for web developers, thanks to Figma developer mode and Figjam AI.

3. Problem-Solving (Fixing Glitches Like a Boss):

Image of a developer fixing bugs by programming with shahan

Web developers are the glitch hunters. When something goes wonky, they're on the case, Sherlock Holmes style. Develop those problem-solving skills – you'll need 'em.

📃 Here is a list of the best problem solving strategies as a web developer:

  • Identify the problem: Clearly state what's going wrong.
  • Research: Dig into reliable sources to understand the issue.
  • Step-by-Step Troubleshooting: Break down the problem into smaller parts and address them one by one.
  • Code Check: Examine the code for errors or typos.
  • Debugging Tools: Use browser tools or development features to find and fix issues.
  • Community Support: Seek insights from online developer communities.
  • Get Feedback: Discuss the problem with colleagues or peers for additional perspectives.
  • Version Control: Utilize Git to track changes and roll back if necessary.
  • Stay Updated: Regularly update development tools and libraries.
  • Document: Keep a record of your troubleshooting steps.
  • Continuous Learning: Stay informed about new technologies and best practices in the field.

4. Attention to Detail (The Devil's in the Details):

Coding is actually your craft; you can't mess up the details. Pay attention to every symbol, every line of code. It's the small things that make your work shine.

🧜‍♂️ Tips to Crush It as a Web Developer:

Learn the ABCs (Web Dev Edition):

  • If you're a newbie, start with the basics. Learn how websites and software get built. Books, online courses, or a geeky friend – find your way in. You can even ask me questions on LinkedIn.

Get Yourself a Mentor:

  • Don't go solo. Find a wise web development Yoda to guide you. They'll drop knowledge bombs and hook you up with the right peeps in the industry.

Practice Like a Fighter:

  • Whether you're an expert or giving it your first try, relentless practice is key. Keep those fingers nimble, and you'll be dominating the web development stage in no time. No excuses, just results.

👏 Conclusion:

So, learning web dev and getting a job is not about fancy degrees; it's about passion, skills, and a bit of swagger (expressing pride).

Get started now—start coding, give it your all, and see the digital world become your playground, rewarding you as you deserve. Ready to crush it? Let's ROLL and comment below your thoughts.

Stay tuned for more valuable content, and if you find it helpful, you may also like my YouTube Channel.

If you EVER wondered about the future of frontend development, you can read this article.

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