Article Every Day April

Daniel Lima - Apr 16 '23 - - Dev Community

1# April, I decide to be a more productivity person.
At first, the main idea was to record videos, and --force me to learn new things every day.

So I decide to start my journey building articles, and create this challenge in order to help me learn how to communicate with my public.

And here are the main things that i learned until day 15.

Improve My English Skills

My mother language is Portuguese ( I'm from Brazil 🇧🇷 ).

Of course that write every day using english was a game change for my language skills. My communication in english just became much better. The words come into my mind much easier.

Now I think and write just in English, don't need to translate every time anymore. And in case I don't know a word or if I want to say the hole think in a better way, I force myself to write that in another perspective.

It's more about me than pass content

I can just lie for you and say that my main thing is to just pass information for a person who don't know about the article title. But sometimes even I din't knew every thing about the article title. Write force me to learn. Or if I learn some new, it force me to write . Is a two-way street.

I guess this of course is my intention, but is not the main.

My main intention writing articles is to improve my skills, make a "DUMP" of what I learned.
If you learned something about what i wrote, good for you. I'm glad too about it!

Deal with criticism, not everybody likes you

I receive fews bad feedbacks, but at begin i was too scary about how people could criticism me like :

Image description

Bro wtf, this is not real, because I'm a bad ass on this subject and you are totally wrong .

But I just realized that if my main intention was to learn and improve my skills, even if I'm totally wrong, that is ok.
If someone correct me or add a new issue about what I write i will be GLAD and not scary.

Of course that I try my maximum to pass a real and truth information. But I make mistakes, and that is ok .

Learn how to learn 🤯

The first think you should do as a developer is learn the right way to put new content in your mind.

And this is a hard task because I can not give you a to-do list or a tutorial to show the best ways to fix something. Of course I can give you ways that are good for me, but learn the "right" way to lear is a thing that only you can discover.

For example, I don't like to take notations about every thing at Notion. I guess this take a huge time for me and I never come back to read. So I discover that write articles and do some content at public is the best way FOR ME.

GTP: use but not abuse

To write content at begin I input every phase at GPT and ask him to "improve" or to "write this in a better way". And in my opinion this is the wrong way for me. I was insecure about my english skills and try hard to make sure that my article should have the "best english ever".

But this is a mistake. The most part of my audience ( and I ) are not native english speakers. So write in a simple way, without using fancy words is the best way to learn.

So now you can see several gramar errors, but my main intention is to communicate with you and dump info for me at future.

## Every day was not cool for me

Now I realized that the best option is one video per week with a good and more elaborate article. I guess that allows me to understand more about the hole theme.

Make a unique article per day don't allow me to get deep at the subject. So for now I will reduce the occurrence, to 1 video and article/week .


Follow me here if you want to see more content :)
Or at twitter @daniellimae

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