In which order a Django model is created?

DoriDoro - Jun 25 - - Dev Community

Introduction to Order of Items in Django Models

In Django models, maintaining a consistent and logical order of items is essential for enhancing code readability, maintainability, and functionality. Establishing a standardized sequence within your model classes can help developers and collaborators rapidly comprehend the structure and purpose of the model. The following sequence is commonly adopted to organize the contents of a Django model:

  1. Class Attributes:

These are constants or class-level attributes often used for choices or predefined options. For example, PRODUCT_CHOICES defines the permissible values for a product type field.

  1. Field Definitions:

The core of the model, field definitions specify the attributes of the model and their types. These include CharField, IntegerField, DateField, etc.

  1. Meta Class:

The Meta class provides metadata about the model such as ordering, verbose name, indexes, and database table name.

  1. Dunder Methods:

Special methods like __str__() and __repr__() customize the string representation of the model instances. These methods define how objects are displayed and can aid in debugging and logging.

  1. Save Method:

The save method allows for custom save logic to be executed whenever an object is saved. This can include data validation, modification, or additional side effects such as sending notifications.

  1. Property Methods:

Methods decorated with @property provide computed attributes that are derived from the model’s fields. These attributes behave like fields but do not require storage in the database.

  1. Other Custom Methods:

These are additional methods that implement specific functionalities related to the model. They encapsulate business logic or provide utility functions for the model's data.


Here's a complete example of a Django model with PRODUCT_CHOICES included:

from django.db import models

class Product(models.Model):
    # Class attribute for choices
        ('EL', 'Electronics'),
        ('CL', 'Clothing'),
        ('FD', 'Food'),
        ('FR', 'Furniture'),

    # Field definitions
    name = models.CharField(max_length=100)
    category = models.CharField(max_length=2, choices=PRODUCT_CHOICES)
    price = models.DecimalField(max_digits=10, decimal_places=2)
    discount = models.DecimalField(max_digits=5, decimal_places=2, default=0)
    created_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)
    updated_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True)

    # Meta class for model options
    class Meta:
        ordering = ['-created_at']
        verbose_name = 'Product'
        verbose_name_plural = 'Products'

    # __str__ method for readable string representation
    def __str__(self):
        return f"{} ({self.get_category_display()})"

    # save method to customize the saving process
    def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
        # Custom save logic here
        if not
   = 'Unnamed Product'
        super(Product, self).save(*args, **kwargs)

    # Property methods
    def discounted_price(self):
        return self.price -

    def is_discounted(self):
        return > 0

    # Other custom methods
    def apply_discount(self, amount): = amount

    def get_price_details(self):
        return f"Price: {self.price}, Discount: {}, Discounted Price: {self.discounted_price}"
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Detailed Explanation

  1. Class Attribute for Choices:

    • PRODUCT_CHOICES is defined at the top of the class. It’s a list of tuples, where each tuple represents a choice with a key and a human-readable label. This is used by the category field to restrict its possible values.
    • Placing PRODUCT_CHOICES at the top makes it easy to find and understand the options available for the category field.
  2. Field Definitions:

    • Fields like name, category, price, discount, created_at, and updated_at are defined next.
    • The category field uses the choices attribute to restrict its values to those defined in PRODUCT_CHOICES.
  3. Meta Class:

    • The Meta class defines options like default ordering and verbose names for the model.
  4. Dunder Methods:

    • The __str__() method provides a readable string representation of the model instance, including the category display name using get_category_display(), which is a built-in method for fields with choices.
  5. Save Method:

    • The save() method includes custom logic to ensure that the name field is not empty before saving.
  6. Property Methods:

    • The discounted_price property computes the price after applying the discount.
    • The is_discounted property checks if the product has a discount.
  7. Other Custom Methods:

    • Methods like apply_discount and get_price_details provide additional functionality for the model, such as applying discounts and getting detailed pricing information.

Why This Order?

  • Clarity: Defining PRODUCT_CHOICES at the top ensures that it’s visible and understandable before getting into the specifics of field definitions and other methods.
  • Maintainability: By following this structured order, your code remains organized, making it easier to manage and modify as your application evolves.
  • Readability: This order makes the model easy to read, with each section logically flowing into the next.

Following this approach helps maintain a clean and understandable codebase, which is crucial for collaborative development and long-term project maintenance.

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