Unit Testing in .NET WCF Projects Using xUnit, Moq, and AutoFixture

Mahesh Nikam - Jun 11 - - Dev Community

Unit testing is a fundamental aspect of modern software development, ensuring code reliability, maintainability, and robustness. In .NET WCF (Windows Communication Foundation) projects, employing frameworks like xUnit, Moq, and AutoFixture can significantly streamline the unit testing process. This article will guide you through setting up and utilizing these tools effectively, including mocking databases, third-party API calls, and internal dependencies such as email services.

Project Structure:

A well-organized project structure is crucial for maintaining clarity and separation of concerns. Here is a recommended structure for a .NET WCF project with unit testing:


├── MyWcfProject/
│ ├── Services/
│ │ ├── EmailService.cs
│ │ ├── SomeService.cs
│ │ └── DesktopService.cs
│ ├── Data/
│ │ ├── DatabaseContext.cs
│ │ ├── IRepository.cs
│ │ └── DesktopRepository.cs
│ ├── Contracts/
│ │ └── IDesktopService.cs
│ ├── Models/
│ │ └── DesktopModel.cs
│ └── MyWcfProject.csproj

├── MyWcfProject.Tests/
│ ├── Services/
│ │ └── DesktopServiceTests.cs
│ ├── Data/
│ │ └── RepositoryTests.cs
│ └── MyWcfProject.Tests.csproj

└── MyWcfProject.sln

Test File Naming and Test Case Naming Standards

Consistent naming conventions improve readability and maintainability of tests. Follow these standards:

Test File Naming

  • Use the format ClassNameTests.cs for test files. For example, tests for DesktopService would be in DesktopServiceTests.cs.

Test Case Naming

  • Use the format MethodName_Input_ExpectedOutput. For instance, a test case for a GetDesktopById method with a valid ID returning a user would be named GetDesktopById_ValidId_ReturnsDesktop.

Roles and Responsibilities of Developers

Developers play a crucial role in ensuring code quality through unit testing. Their responsibilities include:

  • Writing Tests: Developers should write comprehensive unit tests for all new features and bug fixes.

  • Maintaining Tests: Existing tests should be updated to reflect any changes in the application logic.

  • Code Reviews: Reviewing peers’ tests to ensure coverage and adherence to standards.

  • Continuous Integration: Ensuring tests are integrated into the CI pipeline to catch issues early.

Importance in Continuous Integration (CI)

Integrating unit tests into the CI pipeline is essential for early detection of issues. It ensures that:

  • Code changes do not introduce new bugs.

  • The application remains stable and reliable.

  • Development and deployment processes are faster and more efficient due to early bug detection.

Writing Good Test Cases

Good test cases are:

  • Independent: Each test should run independently without relying on other tests.

  • Descriptive: Test names should clearly state what is being tested and the expected outcome.

  • Comprehensive: Cover all possible edge cases, not just the happy paths.

  • Maintainable: Easy to understand and maintain


Mocking Database, Third-Party API, and Internal Dependencies
Here's a practical example demonstrating how to mock different dependencies using xUnit, Moq, and AutoFixture.

Setting Up xUnit, Moq, and AutoFixture
First, add the necessary NuGet packages to your test project:

dotnet add package xunit
dotnet add package xunit.runner.visualstudio
dotnet add package Moq
dotnet add package AutoFixture
dotnet add package AutoFixture.AutoMoq

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Example Test Case

Suppose we have a service DesktopService that depends on a repository, a third-party API, and an email service.

public class DesktopService : IDesktopService
    private readonly IDesktopRepository _desktopRepository;
    private readonly IAzureService _azureService;
    private readonly IEmailService _emailService;

    public DesktopService(IDesktopRepository desktopRepository, IAzureService azureService, IEmailService emailService)
        _desktopRepository = desktopRepository;
        _azureService = azureService;
        _emailService = emailService;

    public async Task<DesktopModel> GetDesktopByIdAsync(int id)
        var desktop = await _desktopRepository.GetDesktopByIdAsync(id);
        if (desktop == null)
            var apiDesktop = await _azureService.FetchDesktopAsync(id);
            if (apiDesktop != null)
                _emailService.SendNotification("New desktop fetched from Azure");
                return apiDesktop;
        return desktop;

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Writing the Test

public class DesktopServiceTests
    private readonly Mock<IDesktopRepository> _desktopRepositoryMock;
    private readonly Mock<IAzureService> _azureServiceMock;
    private readonly Mock<IEmailService> _emailServiceMock;
    private readonly DesktopService _desktopService;

    public DesktopServiceTests()
        // Initialize the mocks
        _desktopRepositoryMock = new Mock<IDesktopRepository>();
        _azureServiceMock = new Mock<IAzureService>();
        _emailServiceMock = new Mock<IEmailService>();

        // Create an instance of DesktopService with the mocked dependencies
        _desktopService = new DesktopService(

    public async Task GetDesktopByIdAsync_ValidId_ReturnsDesktopFromRepository()
        // Arrange
        var fixture = new Fixture();
        var id = 1;
        var expectedDesktop = fixture.Create<DesktopModel>();

        _desktopRepositoryMock.Setup(repo => repo.GetDesktopByIdAsync(id)).ReturnsAsync(expectedDesktop);

        // Act
        var result = await _desktopService.GetDesktopByIdAsync(id);

        // Assert
        Assert.Equal(expectedDesktop, result);
        _desktopRepositoryMock.Verify(repo => repo.GetDesktopByIdAsync(id), Times.Once);
        _azureServiceMock.Verify(api => api.FetchDesktopAsync(It.IsAny<int>()), Times.Never);
        _emailServiceMock.Verify(email => email.SendNotification(It.IsAny<string>()), Times.Never);

    public async Task GetDesktopByIdAsync_DesktopNotInRepository_FetchesFromAzureAndSendsNotification()
        // Arrange
        var fixture = new Fixture();
        var id = 2;
        DesktopModel expectedDesktop = null;
        var apiDesktop = fixture.Create<DesktopModel>();

        _desktopRepositoryMock.Setup(repo => repo.GetDesktopByIdAsync(id)).ReturnsAsync(expectedDesktop);
        _azureServiceMock.Setup(api => api.FetchDesktopAsync(id)).ReturnsAsync(apiDesktop);

        // Act
        var result = await _desktopService.GetDesktopByIdAsync(id);

        // Assert
        Assert.Equal(apiDesktop, result);
        _desktopRepositoryMock.Verify(repo => repo.GetDesktopByIdAsync(id), Times.Once);
        _azureServiceMock.Verify(api => api.FetchDesktopAsync(id), Times.Once);
        _emailServiceMock.Verify(email => email.SendNotification("New desktop fetched from Azure"), Times.Once);

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Test Initialization: AutoFixture with AutoMoqCustomization is used to automatically generate mock instances and inject them into DesktopService.

Test Cases:

  • GetDesktopByIdAsync_ValidId_ReturnsDesktopFromRepository verifies that if a desktop exists in the repository, it is returned directly, and no external calls are made.

  • GetDesktopByIdAsync_DesktopNotInRepository_FetchesFromAzureAndSendsNotification checks the scenario where a desktop is fetched from a third-party API if not found in the repository, and a notification email is sent.

Code Coverage vs. Test Coverage

  • Code Coverage: Measures the percentage of your code that is executed during testing. High code coverage implies that most of your code is tested, but it does not guarantee the quality or comprehensiveness of tests.

  • Test Coverage: Focuses on how well your tests cover the application's requirements, including edge cases and different scenarios. It is more qualitative, assessing if all possible paths and cases are tested, not just the quantity.

Unit testing Vs end-to-end testing

Unit Testing:

  • Scope: Tests individual units (functions, methods, classes) of code in isolation.
  • Dependencies: Mocks or stubs out dependencies to ensure tests run independently of external systems.
  • Purpose: Validates the correctness of small, isolated units, helping catch bugs early and ensure code quality.
  • Tools: Popular frameworks include NUnit, xUnit.NET, and MSTest.
  • Execution: Fast execution, frequently run during development to provide quick feedback.

End-to-End Testing:

  • Scope: Tests the entire application flow, including user interfaces, backend services, and integrations with external systems.
  • Dependencies: Requires a fully deployed instance of the application and interacts with real systems, databases, and APIs.
  • Purpose: Validates the application's behavior in real-world scenarios, ensuring its functionality and integration are working as expected.
  • Tools: Selenium WebDriver for web apps, Appium for mobile, SpecFlow for behavior-driven development.
  • Execution: Slower execution due to complex setups, typically run before releases or as part of CI/CD pipelines.


  • Scope: Unit tests focus on small units of code, while end-to-end tests validate the entire application's functionality and integration.
  • Dependencies: Unit tests isolate dependencies, while end-to-end tests interact with real systems.
  • Purpose: Unit tests verify code correctness, while end-to-end tests ensure overall system behavior.


Unit testing in .NET WCF projects using xUnit, Moq, and AutoFixture can significantly improve the quality and reliability of your code. Adopting consistent naming conventions, integrating tests into CI pipelines, and writing comprehensive and maintainable tests are crucial steps towards achieving robust software. Understanding the difference between code coverage and test coverage will help you focus not just on the quantity but also the quality of your tests.

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