I've always been using isNaN wrong! (and you?)

Davide de Paolis - Sep 1 '20 - - Dev Community

Lately, I updated the version of the ES Linter we are using in one of our projects. It was quite a jump between minor versions, so I was expecting some changes, but not too many.

I was wrong.
There were quite a new bunch of rules added, which I had to either switch off ( XO is a very opinionated linter) or for which I'd have to adjust my code or in the best case scenario I'd just need to review the changes made by --fix command)

Let's say this bluntly:

Lint Rules are a pain in the ass.

Code that was perfectly fine yesterday, and it's working, is now marked as an error just because of some Lint configuration!

Nevertheless, I usually like checking out the new rules because understanding the reason behind the rules forces me to read more and deeper in the documentation and this often discloses details of the language I overlooked or was not aware at all.

One of those rules and changes I reviewed last week this:

Prefer Number.isNaN() over isNaN()

By running xo --fix any code doing isNaN(aPossibleNumber) was changed to Number.isNaN(aPossibleNumber)

No big deal right?
Well. If it wasn't for our Unit tests we would have gotten into trouble.

We have a validation method that checks for valid userID, which is formally a number but treated anywhere in the code as a string, due to many reasons ( being passed around via query strings, through different applications written in different languages, and ultimately because it could even be a BigInt)

Imagine these unit tests:

test("A valid number", t=> {

test("A valid stringified number", t=> {

test("A very big integer", t=> {

test("A string that contains other than digits will throw an error", t=> {

test("Undefined will throw an error", t=> {

// and so on for empty string, null etc
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and imagine an implementation looking something along these lines:

validates that input is a number or stringified number (it does not matter if it's a number or string as long as they are just digits)
throws and error if does not pass validation
const validateID = (val) => {
      if (!val || isNaN(val)) {
        throw new Error(`ValidationFailed: ${val} must be a number or a string containing only digits`)
   return true
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After the Linter --fix isNaN became Number.isNaN and since everything looked fine I run git commit.
Since we are using Husky, we are running a Git Hook that runs all our unit tests before committing.
And I am very glad we had unit tests and we had that pre-commit git hook, because the tests above started failing.

I checked again the Rule and noticed the side note:

Number.isNaN() over isNaN() (they have slightly different behavior)

(they have slightly different behavior)

(they have slightly different behavior)

look closer

and you call it SLIGHTLY different behaviour?

Look at this slightly different outputs:

isNaN("1234ZZZ56")   // true
Number.isNaN("1234ZZZ56") // false

isNaN(undefined) // true
Number.isNaN(undefined) // false

isNaN("25") // false
Number.isNaN("25") // false

isNaN("blabla") // true
Number.isNaN("blabla") // false

isNaN("12nope") // true
Number.isNaN("12nope") // false

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I must admit it has nothing to do with the Linter. Even the official docs state this

The Number.isNaN() method determines whether the passed value is NaN and its type is Number. It is a more robust version of the original, global isNaN().

Whether it is more robust or not I cannot say. But for sure it is not a slight difference. I find that to be quite a big difference, even though it's just a matter of "semantic".

I have always thought NaN in literal terms:

something that is not a number, anything that is not a number is going to be treated - in my understanding - as a NaN.

  • null will be a NaN
  • undefined will be a NaN
  • a string which cannot be converted to a valid number will be a NaN

I don't think so!

For me, it was pretty straightforward, but apparently that was confusing for many because of the type coercion implicitly applied to the value.

This is the main difference.

Global isNaN forces the value into Number and then checks if it's a NaN, while Number.isNaN first checks if the value is of type Number and if not just return false, only if it is a typeof Number it will evaluate if the value is NaN or not.

But... if it's the type is Number, how can it then be a Not-A-Number???

The problem is that NaN is not something we can use to represent something that is not-a-number as I always thought, it is rather an entity on its own that is returned by specific - failing - operations like Math or Parse.

So, in that matter, Number.isNaN is more robust and safe because values that would normally convert to NaN might not be actually the same value as NaN...

I still find the isNaN more logical to me, but hey.. who am i do disagree


By the way, after looking at this old validation method I thought that probably the best way to check if a value ( be it a string or a number) is, at least for our definition, not-a-number could be a regex.

Since Number.isNaN behaves differently than how I expect, and isNaN is not robust, and parseInt would definetely not fit
(because parseInt("123456-user") would return 123456 which is definetely not what i want! )

something like const ONLY_DIGITS = /^\d+$/ would do the trick.

(/^\d+$/).test(12345) // true
(/^\d+$/).test("12345") // true
(/^\d+$/).test("123nope45") // false
(/^\d+$/).test() // false
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What do you think?

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