SEO-Friendly URL Structures in Magento: Best Practices

Elightwalk Technology - May 27 - - Dev Community

Creating SEO-friendly URL structures is crucial for improving your Magento store's search engine rankings and enhancing user experience. This guide covers best practices for making clean and descriptive URLs, avoiding common URL structure mistakes, and implementing URL redirects correctly.

You must first learn how to write SEO-friendly URLs to optimize your Magento store for search engines. Creating Clean and Descriptive URLs

1. Use Keywords in URLs
Apply relevant keywords in your URLs to help search engines recognize your pages' content. For example, instead of a generic URL, Uses a more descriptive URL like

2. Keep URLs Short and Simple
Short URLs are easier to read and remember, and search engines prefer them. Avoid unnecessary parameters and words. For example, is better than because it is more concise and user-friendly.

3. Use Hyphens to Separate Words
Always use hyphens (-) to separate words in URLs. Search engines prefer hyphens over underscores (_). For example, use /mens-running-shoes instead of /mens_running_shoes.

4. Remove Unnecessary Parameters
Remember to keep your URLs clean and free from unnecessary query parameters to avoid clutter and confusion. Stick to a simple format without adding session IDs or other tracking codes.

5. Write URLs in Lowercase
Make sure all your URLs are in lowercase to avoid duplicate content issues. For instance, ' /Mens-Running-Shoes' and
' /mens-running-shoes' could be seen as two different pages by search engines.

6. Avoid Special Characters
Avoid using special characters like &, %, $, @, !,` etc., in URLs, as they can confuse browsers and search engines. Stick to alphanumeric characters and hyphens.

Avoiding Common URL Structure Mistakes

1. Prevent Duplicate Content:
Magento can sometimes create multiple URLs for the same product, leading to duplicate content issues. To avoid this, enable canonical tags for categories and products. This signifies search engines which URL is the preferred one to index.​

2. Dynamic URLs:
It's best to steer clear of lengthy dynamic URLs containing query strings, as they can impede search engine crawling and indexing. Instead, opt for static and readable URLs. For example, use /product/mens-running-shoes instead of

3. URL Parameters:
Minimize the use of URL parameters. If parameters are necessary, ensure they are implemented in a way that does not confuse search engines. For example, use clear and concise parameters like ?color=red instead of ?var1=red.

4. Session IDs:
Avoid using session IDs in URLs because they create duplicate content issues. Manage session data using cookies instead.

Implementing URL Redirects Correctly

1. Use Permanent (301) Redirects:
Always use a 301 redirect to the new URL when changing a URL. This confirms that any SEO value from the old URL is passed to the new one. Configure this in Magento by going to Marketing > SEO & Search > URL Rewrites and setting up the necessary redirects​

2. Avoid 302 Redirects for Permanent Moves:
A 302 redirect indicates a temporary move and does not transfer SEO value to the new URL. Use 302 redirects only for temporary changes. For permanent changes, always use 301 redirects.

3. Set Up Automatic Redirects:
To automatically create redirects when a URL changes, go to Stores > Configuration > Catalog > Search Engine Optimization and set "Create Permanent Redirect for URLs if URL Key Changed" to "Yes." This helps prevent 404 errors when URLs are updated

4. Redirect Chains:
Avoid redirect chains (multiple redirects in sequence), as they can slow down your site and confuse search engines. Ensure redirects point directly to the final destination URL.​

Implementing SEO-friendly URL structures in your Magento store is important for improving your website rankings and providing a better user experience. By creating clean and descriptive URLs, avoiding common mistakes, and handling redirects correctly, you can enhance your site's SEO performance and drive more organic traffic to your store. Stay vigilant and regularly review your URL practices to ensure they remain optimal and up-to-date.

For expert assistance, hire Magento developers. They can help you optimize your store effectively.

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