Running python django site

ILshat Khamitov - Jul 1 '19 - - Dev Community

Installing python and all the required libraries

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install postgresql postgresql-contrib -y
sudo apt-get install python-pip python-dev build-essential -y
sudo apt-get install libpq-dev -y
sudo pip install --upgrade pip
sudo pip install --upgrade virtualenv
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Creating a project

mkdir mysite && cd mysite
virtualenv venv
source venv / bin / activate
pip install django-toolbelt startproject mysite.
echo "web: gunicorn mysite.wsgi"> Procfile
pip freeze> requirements.txt
echo "venv"> .gitignore
git init
git add.
git commit -m "First Commit for Mysite"
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Launch site

virtualenv venv
source venv / bin / activate
export $ (cat .env)
pip install -r requirements.txt
python collectstatic --noinput
gunicorn project.wsgi -b
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Working with the migrations in Django

python migrate
python makemigrations
python makemigrations --empty yourappname
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Working with a list of required packages

pip freeze> requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements.txt
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Creating an application startapp myapp app / myapp
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