5 Golden Secrets That Help Product Makers Stay Motivated

Ilona Codes - Dec 22 '19 - - Dev Community

Since I have become a product maker, my work-life routine has changed in 360-degree.

Yes, now I own 💯my time. It's flexible.

However, there is the other side of the coin.

Currently, I may stay up late nights working on a new project or spend hours thinking about what I am going to do next, for example, today or tomorrow next week, a month?

Lots of doubts. And at the same time, opportunities too.

Though difficult times and moments, success depends on training the mind to see the excitement and good in daily work.

Because focusing on the negative causes stress, anger, and worry that can wear down mentally and physically with dire consequences.

When you can predict the positive outcome, you start recognizing you have a life that you can proud of, which you have built in your head.

To help you stay motivated and boost your productivity, I want to share five practices that can bring you success:

Define Your Vision

The greatest motivation for working is the vision for the future. Vision makes one ready to face the future with confidence. It gives enthusiasm and even can make work fun.

When there is a vision of the future, the circumstances and challenges that come your way appear to be temporary.

For this reason, it's necessary to set, write down, and memorize a personal mission statement.

It should serve as a constant reminder about your purpose and goals.

Don't Be Perfect

In the beginning, aspiring entrepreneurs usually overwhelm themselves by thinking everything they do has to be perfect at first.

It doesn't. It just has to get done.

Plan your first MVP, launch it ASAP, make sure you made is what you really mean, do your best, and see the first results.

"You can get bitter or you can get busy." - Neil Patel.

Doing something is better than doing nothing at all.

Write Affirmations

Affirmations are necessary actions you are committed to taking and when.

And they should be written from the first day your vision and goals are defined. I wish, I knew and started doing that years ago.

Do affirmations work indeed?

In my opinion, I don't think they can hurt.

Language is powerful.

We speak our future.

And language is an extension of our thoughts.

Thoughts are things, just in a finite, much more subtle form of matter to be manifested at some point in the future.

However, affirmations are beneficial and have an uplifting effect on our mental and emotional state, which ripples out into our lives over time in steady improvement.

Emotions are very powerful too. If they can destroy someone, they can also build someone up.

That's why a happier, more optimistic person is more open to opportunity when it comes.

If your inner attitude is sad, depressed, or fatalistic, then you can expect it to continue to create more of the life you already experience.

In that case, you should start learning a new skill that builds your confidence up, read spiritual or inspiring books, etc. to bring better thoughts and feelings into daily life again.

Create Feedback Channels

Either for your product or your motivation receiving feedback is crucial.

It's one of the essential things that can make your product or you mentally stronger.

Because feedback channels serve to provide information, sometimes surprising confirmation about how users feel about your product, the chosen direction, how they are happy with what you have been doing, etc.

For example, it helps me a lot after launching my ever first software product FelloWage.

Now we have created a big list with features that we will implement soon for the second release.

And a list of bugs we are fixing currently.

We are thankful to all FelloWage users for their general and constructive feedback! 🙏

Surround Yourself With The People Who Help You Grow

My best sources of motivation are the passionate, hard-working people around me who dream big and indirectly push me to grow and think outside the box.

When you know that you have to keep up after them, you start to work harder and think bigger.

If these practices don't successfully help you get motivated, spend some time exploring what gets you excited most, and ready to get the work done.

Everyone has a trigger that will push them into productive mode.

It may take a little trial to find, but it is there if you take the time to look and analyze yourself deeper.

If you are up or preparing to start your entrepreneurship journey, and want to know more insights and practical advice on how we work and deliver new products, don't miss our newsletter here!

Enjoy the process, create new things, get productive, and focus on your mind, body, and soul. The balance is key to staying sane during this challenging, albeit, in the end, worth process.

Make your best life,
Ilona Codes.

Photo by Sharon McCutcheon from Pexels

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