Developing Android Apps from 0 to 1

happyer - Mar 8 - - Dev Community

1. Preface

Android development is an ever-evolving field. With the proliferation of smartphones, the demand for Android apps continues to grow. This article aims to provide a guide for developing Android apps from 0 to 1.

2. Setting Up the Development Environment

Before you start developing, you need to prepare your development environment.

  1. Install Java Development Kit (JDK): Android apps are written in Java or Kotlin, so you need to install the JDK.
  2. Download and install Android Studio: Android Studio is the official recommended development environment, offering a range of features such as code editing, debugging, and performance tools.
  3. Set up the Android Emulator: Configure the emulator in Android Studio so you can test your app without an actual device.

3. Creating Your First Project

Open Android Studio and select “Start a new Android Studio project”. You can choose a template to start with, such as “Empty Activity”.

  1. Configure the project: Enter your app name, company domain, and project location.
  2. Select devices: Choose the types of devices and API levels you want to support.
  3. Add Activity: Select “Empty Activity” as a starting point.
  4. Name Activity: Name your Activity and layout file.

4. Familiarize Yourself with the Project Structure

An Android project has a specific file structure:

  • app/src/main/java/: Contains all Java or Kotlin source code files.
  • app/src/main/res/: Contains all resource files, such as layouts (XML), strings, images, etc.
  • app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml: Describes the app's fundamental characteristics and each component.

5. Designing the Interface

Android layouts are defined through XML files located in the app/src/main/res/layout/ directory. By default, you will have an activity_main.xml file. Open it, and you will see a design view and a code view, which you can toggle between.

5.1. Using ConstraintLayout

ConstraintLayout is a flexible layout manager that allows you to position and size views with constraints. In activity_main.xml, you can design the UI by dragging components or editing the XML code.

<androidx.constraintlayout.widget.ConstraintLayout xmlns:android=""

    <!-- Add your UI components here -->

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5.2. Adding UI Components

You can add components like TextViews, Buttons, ImageViews, etc. For example, to add a button:

    android:text="Click Me"
    app:layout_constraintTop_toTopOf="parent" />
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5.3. Using Resource Files

To support internationalization and ease of management, you should use resource files to define strings, colors, dimensions, etc. For example, define a string in res/values/strings.xml:

    <string name="button_label">Click Me</string>
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Then reference it in the layout file:

    <!-- Other constraints omitted -->
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6. Handling User Interactions

In the or MainActivity.kt file, you can handle interactions with UI components. For example, set up a button click event:

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        Button button = findViewById(;
        button.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
            public void onClick(View v) {
                // Handle the click event here
                Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "Button clicked!", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
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7. Running and Testing

Test your app on an emulator or real device.

  1. Build the project: Click the “Run” button to build and run your app.
  2. Debug the app: Use Logcat and the debugger to find and fix issues.
  3. Optimize performance: Use the Profiler tools to analyze app performance and make optimizations.

8. Android UI Layout Methods

In Android development, UI layout refers to how user interface elements such as text, buttons, images, etc., are arranged and organized on the screen. Android offers various layout methods to create complex and flexible user interfaces. Here are some commonly used layout methods:

8.1. LinearLayout (Linear Layout)

LinearLayout is a simple layout that arranges child views in a vertical or horizontal line. You can set the orientation with the android:orientation attribute.


    <!-- Child views will be arranged vertically -->
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8.2. RelativeLayout (Relative Layout)

RelativeLayout allows child views to be positioned relative to each other or to the parent layout. You can use various attributes like android:layout_above, android:layout_toRightOf, etc., to specify the positional relationships.


    <!-- Child views will be positioned relative to other views or the parent layout -->
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8.3. FrameLayout (Frame Layout)

FrameLayout is a simple container for a single child view. It is often used for overlaying multiple elements, with child views stacking on top of each other according to the Z-order.


    <!-- Child views will be stacked on top of each other -->
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8.4. ConstraintLayout (Constraint Layout)

ConstraintLayout is a flexible layout manager that allows you to position and size views based on constraints. It is a powerful way to layout, supporting complex UI designs while improving layout performance.


    <!-- Child views are positioned with constraints -->
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8.5. GridLayout (Grid Layout)

GridLayout is a layout that places child views in a configurable grid. You can specify rows and columns and how views are distributed in the grid cells.


    <!-- Child views will be arranged in a grid -->
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8.6. TableLayout (Table Layout)

TableLayout is similar to an HTML table, suitable for data that needs to be arranged in rows and columns. It is not as flexible as GridLayout but still useful in certain scenarios.


    <!-- Child views will be arranged in rows and columns like a table -->
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8.7. CoordinatorLayout (Coordinator Layout)

CoordinatorLayout is a super-powered frame layout that is used to coordinate animations and transitions between child views. It is often used with AppBarLayout, CollapsingToolbarLayout, etc., to achieve complex interactions and animation effects.


    <!-- Child views can have complex interactions and animations -->
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8.8. ScrollView / HorizontalScrollView

ScrollView and HorizontalScrollView are containers for creating scrollable views. ScrollView allows for vertical scrolling, while HorizontalScrollView allows for horizontal scrolling.


    <!-- Child views can scroll vertically -->
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8.9. ViewPager

ViewPager is a layout that allows users to swipe left and right to switch between pages. It is often used with TabLayout to provide sliding pages with tabs.


    <!-- Child views can swipe left and right to switch -->
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9. Android Development: Open Source Technologies, Fundamental Components, and New Technologies

The Android development community is a vibrant ecosystem with a plethora of open-source technologies and tools that help developers improve efficiency, enhance app quality, and keep up with the latest technology trends. Here is an introduction to some important open-source technologies, fundamental components, and new technologies.

9.1. Open Source Technologies

  1. Retrofit: A type-safe HTTP client for Android and Java that makes it easy to send network requests and receive responses.
  2. Glide: A powerful image loading library optimized for Android that can load and cache images.
  3. Room: The official persistence library that provides an abstraction layer for smooth access to SQLite databases.
  4. Dagger/Hilt: Dependency injection frameworks that help developers manage dependencies, with Hilt being a more simplified version based on Dagger.
  5. RxJava/RxAndroid: Provides methods for writing asynchronous and event-based programs by using observable sequences to orchestrate asynchronous and event-based programs.
  6. LiveData & ViewModel: Officially recommended components for building reactive UIs that are lifecycle-aware and maintain data state.

9.2. Fundamental Components

  1. Activity: A single screen in an app that contains the interface with which users can interact.
  2. Service: Used for performing long-running operations in the background without a user interface.
  3. Broadcast Receiver: Allows your app to receive broadcast messages from other apps or the system.
  4. Content Provider: Manages shared app data, allowing other apps to query or modify the data.

9.3. New Technologies

  1. Jetpack Compose: A modern toolkit for building native Android UIs. Compose uses composable functions to define UI, simplifying and accelerating the UI development process.
  2. Kotlin Coroutines: Provides a concise way to manage background tasks in Android apps, making asynchronous programming simpler.
  3. MotionLayout: A layout type that extends the capabilities of ConstraintLayout, offering more complex animations and transition effects.
  4. Android KTX: A set of Kotlin extensions designed to make Kotlin code more concise and idiomatic.
  5. Data Binding & View Binding: Allows you to directly bind UI components in XML layout files, reducing boilerplate code.
  6. WorkManager: Used for managing background jobs in Android, allowing you to schedule deferrable, asynchronous tasks that are guaranteed to run even if the app exits or the device restarts.

10. A Quick Look at Android Development Trends in 2024

With continuous technological advancements, the field of Android development has welcomed a series of innovations and changes. In 2024, developers will leverage some of the latest technologies and trends to build more efficient, dynamic, and personalized applications. Here are some modern Android development trends to watch.

10.1. Kotlin 2.0 and the K2 Compiler

Kotlin has become the preferred language for Android development, and the release of Kotlin 2.0 further solidifies this position. Kotlin 2.0 brings more language features and improvements, enhancing development efficiency and performance. The K2 compiler, part of Kotlin 2.0, offers faster compilation speeds and better performance optimizations.

10.2. Jetpack Compose

Jetpack Compose is Google's modern UI toolkit that uses a declarative programming model to simplify the construction of UIs. Compose is tightly integrated with Kotlin, making it simpler and more intuitive to create dynamic and reactive user interfaces. Its live preview feature and performance improvements provide great convenience to developers.

10.3. Android Jetpack

Android Jetpack is a collection of libraries and tools designed to help developers build better apps. It includes components like ViewModel, Room, DataStore, WorkManager, etc., supporting modern app architecture and development practices. Jetpack components are continuously updated to meet developers' needs.

10.4. Material You

Material You is Google's personalized design system that allows users to adjust the look and feel of apps according to their preferences. Material You emphasizes personalization and adaptability, providing users with a richer and more personalized experience.

10.5. Splash Screens API

The Splash screens API is a new API for managing app launch screens. This API allows developers to better control the launch process, enhancing the app startup experience.

10.6. Dependency Injection

Dependency injection frameworks like Hilt, Dagger, Koin, etc., play an important role in Android development. They improve code testability and maintainability and simplify dependency management.

10.7. Modularization

Modularization is the practice of breaking an app into independent modules or components, improving code reusability and maintainability. Modular design allows development teams to collaborate better and achieve a more efficient development process.

10.8. Networking and Serialization

Excellent networking libraries like OkHttp, Retrofit, and Ktor, as well as serialization libraries like Moshi, Kotlin Serialization, etc., are crucial for handling network requests and data serialization. These libraries simplify network communication and data handling.

10.9. Image Loading and Reactive Programming

Image loading libraries like Coil, Glide, etc., and reactive programming tools like coroutines and RxJava are very important for improving app performance and user experience. They help developers achieve fast, smooth image loading and efficient asynchronous code writing.

10.10. Local Storage

Local storage solutions like DataStore, EncryptedSharedPreferences, etc., provide more secure and reliable data storage methods. Compared to traditional SharedPreferences, they offer more features and improvements.

10.11. Testing and UI Testing

Testing frameworks like JUnit 5, Mockk, Espresso, etc., are crucial for ensuring app quality. Screenshot testing tools like Paparazzi, Roborazzi, etc., help identify visual regression issues early in the development process.

10.12. R8 Optimization and Play Feature Delivery

R8 is a Java bytecode optimizer used to optimize app size and performance. Play Feature Delivery leverages advanced features of app bundles, allowing conditional or on-demand delivery of certain app features.

10.13. Adaptive Layouts and Localization

With the growth in the use of different form factors of mobile devices, adaptive layouts and localization are becoming increasingly important. They help developers create apps that adapt to different screen sizes and meet the needs of users in different regions.

10.14. AI and Kotlin Multiplatform

Artificial intelligence technologies like Gemini and Palm 2, as well as Kotlin multiplatform development, are changing the landscape of Android app development. They offer a range of advantages, driving efficiency, user experience, and innovation in apps.

By deeply understanding and flexibly applying the above technologies and trends, developers can better build modern, efficient Android apps, enhance user experiences, and meet the ever-changing market demands. As technology continues to evolve, Android developers in 2024 will continue to achieve success and breakthroughs on the path of innovation.

11. Developing a Android App from Scratch with Codia AI Code

To integrate Codia AI into your Figma to Android development process, follow these instructions:
Open the link: Codia AI Figma to code: HTML, CSS, React, Vue, iOS, Android, Flutter, ReactNative, Tailwind, Web, App

Open the link

  • Install the Codia AI Plugin: Search for and install the Codia AI Figma to Flutter plugin from the Figma plugin store.
  • Prepare Your Figma Design: Arrange your Figma design with clearly named layers and components to ensure the best code generation results.
  • Convert with Codia AI: Select your design or component in Figma and use Codia AI to instantly

install plugin

generate Android code.

Android code

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