Top 5 DevOps Tools Every Developer Should Know

Suryalok Mishra - Jan 19 - - Dev Community


DevOps is a software development methodology that aims to bridge the gap between development and operations, by promoting collaboration, automation, and continuous delivery. DevOps enables faster, more reliable, and more efficient software delivery, by integrating various tools and practices throughout the software lifecycle.

However, choosing the right DevOps tools can be a daunting task, as there are hundreds of options available in the market, each with its features, benefits, and drawbacks. To help you navigate this complex landscape, we have compiled a list of the top 5 DevOps tools that every developer should know, based on their popularity, functionality, and compatibility. These tools are:

  • Docker
  • Jenkins
  • Git
  • Kubernetes
  • Ansible

This article will explain what each of these tools does, how they work, and why they are essential for DevOps. We will also provide some examples and tips on how to use them effectively.


Docker is a tool that enables developers to create, deploy, and run applications using containers. Containers are lightweight, isolated, and portable environments that contain everything an application needs to run, such as code, libraries, dependencies, and configuration. Containers allow developers to package and ship applications consistently and reliably, regardless of the underlying infrastructure.

Docker consists of three main components: Docker Engine, Docker Hub, and Docker Compose. Docker Engine is the core technology that creates and runs containers. Docker Hub is a cloud-based repository that stores and distributes container images. Docker Compose is a tool that simplifies the creation and management of multi-container applications.

Docker is essential for DevOps because it enables developers to:

  • Develop and test applications faster and easier, by eliminating the need to install and configure dependencies, and by ensuring consistent environments across different machines and platforms.
  • Deploy and scale applications more efficiently and securely, by reducing the size and complexity of deployments, and by enabling seamless integration with other DevOps tools and services, such as Jenkins, Kubernetes, and Ansible.
  • Collaborate and share applications more effectively, by using a common language and format for containers, and by leveraging the vast community and resources of Docker Hub.

Some examples and tips on how to use Docker are:

  • To create a container from an image, use the command docker run -it image_name.
  • To list all the running containers, use the command docker ps.
  • To stop a container, use the command docker stop container_id.
  • To build an image from a Dockerfile, use the command docker build -t image_name ..
  • To push an image to Docker Hub, use the command docker push image_name.
  • To pull an image from Docker Hub, use the command docker pull image_name.
  • To create and run a multi-container application, use a YAML file that defines the services, networks, and volumes, and use the command docker-compose-up. ## Jenkins

Jenkins is a tool that enables developers to automate various tasks related to software development, such as building, testing, deploying, and monitoring. Jenkins is an open-source, cross-platform, and extensible tool that supports various plugins and integrations with other DevOps tools and services.

Jenkins consists of two main components: Jenkins Master and Jenkins Agents. Jenkins Master is the central server that manages and coordinates the automation process. Jenkins Agents are the nodes that execute the tasks assigned by the Jenkins Master. Jenkins Master and Jenkins Agents communicate through a distributed system.

Jenkins is essential for DevOps because it enables developers to:

  • Implement continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD), by automating the process of building, testing, and deploying code changes to various environments, such as development, staging, and production.
  • Improve the quality and reliability of software, by detecting and resolving bugs and errors early and frequently, and by providing feedback and reports on the performance and status of software.
  • Increase the productivity and efficiency of software development, by reducing the manual and repetitive tasks, and by enabling parallel and concurrent execution of tasks.

Some examples and tips on how to use Jenkins are:

  • To install Jenkins, download the latest version from the official website, and follow the instructions for your operating system.
  • To create a new job, go to the Jenkins dashboard, and click on “New Item”. Choose a name and a type for your job, and click on “OK”.
  • To configure your job, go to the job page, and click on “Configure”. You can specify various settings, such as the source code repository, the build triggers, the build steps, the post-build actions, and more.
  • To run your job, go to the job page, and click “Build Now”. You can also schedule your job to run periodically or trigger it with other events, such as a code change or a webhook.
  • To view the results of your job, go to the job page, and click on the build number. You can see the console output, the test results, the artifacts, and more.


Git is a tool that enables developers to manage and track the changes in their source code. Git is a distributed version control system, which means that each developer has a local copy of the entire repository, and can work independently and offline. Git also supports branching and merging, which allow developers to create and combine different versions of their code.

Git consists of three main components: the working directory, the staging area, and the repository. The working directory is where the developer edits and modifies the files. The staging area is where the developer selects and prepares the files for the next commit. The repository is where the developer stores and records the history of the changes.

Git is essential for DevOps because it enables developers to:

  • Collaborate and coordinate their work with other developers, by using a remote repository, such as GitHub or Bitbucket, and by using commands such as git clone, git pull, and git push.
  • Review and improve their code quality, by using tools such as code reviews, pull requests, and code analysis, and by using commands such as git diff, git log, and git blame.
  • Recover and revert their code changes, by using tools such as backups, snapshots, and undo, and by using commands such as git checkout, git reset, and git revert.

Some examples and tips on how to use Git are:

  • To initialize a new repository, use the command git init.
  • To add a file to the staging area, use the command git add file_name.
  • To commit the changes to the repository, use the command git commit -m "message".
  • To create a new branch, use the command git branch branch_name.
  • To switch to a different branch, use the command git checkout branch_name.
  • To merge two branches, use the command git merge branch_name.
  • To clone a remote repository, use the command git clone url.
  • To pull the changes from the remote repository, use the command git pull.
  • To push the changes to the remote repository, use the command git push.


Kubernetes is a tool that enables developers to deploy and manage containerized applications at scale. Kubernetes is an open-source, cross-platform, and extensible tool that supports a wide range of features and functionalities, such as service discovery, load balancing, storage orchestration, self-healing, horizontal scaling, and more.

Kubernetes consists of two main components: the master node and the worker nodes. The master node is the central control plane that manages and coordinates the cluster. The worker nodes are the machines that run the containers. The master node and the worker nodes communicate through a network.

Kubernetes is essential for DevOps because it enables developers to:

  • Deploy and run applications more efficiently and securely, by using containers, which are lightweight, isolated, and portable environments that contain everything an application needs to run, such as code, libraries, dependencies, and configuration.
  • Manage and scale applications more easily and dynamically, by using pods, which are groups of containers that share resources and can be replicated and distributed across the cluster, and by using services, which are abstractions that provide access and load balancing to the pods.
  • Integrate and automate applications more seamlessly and reliably, by using tools and services that are compatible and interoperable with Kubernetes, such as Docker, Jenkins, Ansible, and more.

Some examples and tips on how to use Kubernetes are:

  • To install Kubernetes, download the latest version from the official website, and follow the instructions for your operating system.
  • To create a cluster, use the command kubectl create cluster cluster_name.
  • To join a node to the cluster, use the command kubectl join node_name.
  • To create a pod, use a YAML file that defines the pod’s specifications, such as the name, the image, the ports, and more, and use the command kubectl create -f pod.yaml.
  • To list all the pods, use the command kubectl get pods.
  • To delete a pod, use the command kubectl delete pod pod_name.
  • To create a service, use a YAML file that defines the service’s specifications, such as the name, the type, the selector, and more, and use the command kubectl create -f service.yaml.
  • To list all the services, use the command kubectl get services.
  • To delete a service, use the command kubectl delete service service_name.


Ansible is a tool that enables developers to automate various tasks related to software development, such as configuration management, deployment, orchestration, and testing. Ansible is an open-source, cross-platform, and agentless tool that uses a simple and declarative language

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