How to debug Node JS Errors

Jayant - Aug 3 '22 - - Dev Community

🕸️Node JS

  • It is a server-side platform built using Google Chrome’s JavaScript Engine (V8 Engine)
  • It is an Open Source cross-platform runtime environment for developing server-side and networking applications.
  • Over the Past decades, it become very Popular but It fails at some points

There are 3️⃣ types of error that you can Encounter :

1) 😵Syntax Error

  • This Occurs when we make any typo in the code

    LIKE, Instead of console.log(x) you wrote consle.log(x)


    To Avoid This type of Error you can use some 😄 Good Code Editor Like ,

    • VS Code
    • Atom

    They Support all type of Programming Languages.

    You can also Download Code Linters Like ESLint . It will report syntax Errors , bad Indentations and undeclared Variables.

2) 😕Logic Error

  • It Occurs when something doesn’t work as expected .
  • This can be due to IN-Complete Logic


Go through the Logic of your code and find what could be the Problem.

U can use the console.log to find what the problem is ?

3) 🤕Run Time Error

  • It occurs when the application is executed in real-time.
  • often It’s hard to Replicate the same Error Again

It is very hard to spot the Error and sometime it takes very high time to solve the Error.


To solve this type of Error we have to use the Debuggers , to Debug the code Line-by-Line.

There are various Debuggers Out there in the Market.

  • Code Editors have their in-built Debugger
  • Using the Chrome Browser to Debug
  • ***Use a Third-Party Logging System [They are More Feature Rich ]*

1) Using Code-editor Debugger

Steps to start Debugging in the VS Code [or any other code Editor.]

  • Open the Index.js File.
  • Open the Run and Debug Panel.
  • Set the Breakpoint.
  • Open the Run and Debug Button.
  • Choose Node.js environment.

After that a Debugger Toolbar appears at the top of the window.

VS Code Debugger

  • step over: Execute the next command but stay within the current function — do not jump into any function it calls
  • step into: Execute the next command and jump into any function it calls
  • step out: Continue processing to the end of the function and return to the calling command
  • restart the application and debugger
  • stop the application and debugger

2) Using Chrome Bowser to Debug

To debug the code in the browser , while starting the server instead of node index.js type node --inspect index.js or nodemon --inspect index.js

You can also use --inspect-brk instead of --inspectto halt processing (set a breakpoint) on the first line so you can step through the code from the start.

Open the chome://inspect

Chrome Devtools

  • Click on Configure and then add the port number , where the site is Running .

After that , Right-click on the browser[make sure you are on the app tab] and click on inspect . Inspect panel will open.

Go to the Source Panel and then open the file by hitting ctrl + P and entering the filename [index.js]

Now you can use it as a debugger , click on Any line to set the Breakpoint , The Debugger will show up .

Now you can Debug Your Code.

3) Using Third-Party Logging System

Third-Party Logging System provides more features to debug and Maintain Your Code.

It is More Feature Rich and fast.

Some of the Third Party App.

ErrSole →

ERRSOLE - Fix Your Node.js Errors under 5 Minutes

Getting Starting Guide


npm install errsole
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 * Put this Errsole code snippet at the top of your app's main file
const errsole = require('errsole')
  framework: 'express',
  token: '022b2784-cdc2-4072-94ce-6bf067a1809e'
// End of Errsole code snippet
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode


 * Put this Errsole code snippet at the top of your app's main file
const errsole = require('errsole')
  framework: 'express',
  token: '022b2784-cdc2-4072-94ce-6bf067a1809e'
// End of Errsole code snippet

 * Your app code starts here
const express = require('express')
const app = express()

app.get('/', function (req, res) {
  res.send('Hello World')

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Other 3rd Part App


New Relic One


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