Instant Metho Curry

Jon Randy 🎖️ - Oct 27 '21 - - Dev Community

Today on 'Cooking with Metho', we'll be making a nice curry.


  • 1 x metho - available in your local NPM
  • 1 x Function prototype
  • 1 x curry function (generic is fine)
  • 1 x function of your choosing
  • A pinch of JS knowledge


  • Add the metho to the bowl:
import * as Metho from "metho"
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  • To make the 'curried' sauce, combine the curry function and the Function prototype, using Metho to bind them together:
const target = Function.prototype

function curry(func) {
  return function curried(...args) {
    if (args.length >= func.length) {
      return func.apply(this, args)
    } else {
      return function(...args2) {
        return curried.apply(this, args.concat(args2))

const curried = Metho.add(
  function() {
    return curry(this)
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  • Add sauce to your chosen function for a delicious combination!
function myAdd(a, b) {
  return a + b

// without 'curried' sauce - kinda bland
console.log(myAdd(2, 3))   // 5

// with sauce - tasty!
const add2 = myAdd[curried](2)
console.log(add2(3))   // 5

// versatile! map it with an array
console.log([2, 4, 6].map(myAdd[curried](11)))   // [13, 15, 17]
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Alternative Method

The main ingredients are also available pre-mixed as metho-function - also available in all good NPMs. Simply import the curried sauce straight from the packet, and continue as before:

import { curried } from 'metho-function'
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That's all!

If you like this recipe or have any ideas on how to improve it, please drop me a line here or at the Metho cookery school.

GitHub logo jonrandy / metho

A new method for methods

GitHub logo jonrandy / metho-function

Function prototype extensions

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