Weekly 0017

Emanuele Bartolesi - Jun 20 '22 - - Dev Community


I woke early to be more productive today and as a starter I have created a small utility to take screenshot on Windows.
I will add a lot of features on this small open source project.
I like the tool called “snipping tool” on Windows, but I would like to add some features to add a background, text and other stuff on screenshots.


This is the repository: https://github.com/kasuken/Snappetty
Feel free to collaborate on the project opening issues or create pull requests.

After that I came back to work on Red Origin again after a break.
I have synched all the environment in our Azure Subscription. After that my colleagues will help me to create the infrastructure as code to simplify the deploy to the customers.

In the afternoon I helped another startup that is in our startup accelerator. I explained to them how to use Azure for a web application with auto scale and stuff around it.
They seem to be happy after our call. I will come back to them in few weeks. 🙂

In the afternoon I published a blog post with a review of a book about Microsoft 365.
You can find my review here: https://dev.to/kasuken/i-just-finished-reading-microsoft-365-fundamental-guide-and-this-is-my-review-723


Mood: 🙂


Started the morning early even I was tired.
I spent a lot of time to writing a new blog post for Auth0.
It will be the first part of a series about Auth0 and ASP.NET Core MVC 6.

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I scheduled the first post for tomorrow afternoon.

In the morning I also did a call about Oscar to define the roadmap for the next months.
In the afternoon I prepared the slides for my first call with PnP team.

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I will have the call on Thursday afternoon but tomorrow I will not have time to work on it. This is why I decided to work on it today.
I think this evening I have to work on Security Toolbox because I am running late today.

After dinner I worked for 2 hours on Security Toolbox. I have closed some tasks about the reporting part and I released the first version of the reporting system.
I think it’s ok for an update but not for a production release. Tomorrow morning I will have an alignment call with my teammate and let’s see what he will say about it.

Mood: 🤔


I worked for a lot of hours on the demo for my session of the afternoon.
It’s about “Create a meeting app for Teams” for an event in Italy.
The repo is here: https://github.com/SWONE-CHCoreTeam/Agendly.
Next steps: create a good readme and promote the project internally in my company.

In the morning I did a call with my teammate about SecurityToolbox. It was good and I received feedbacks about it.
I have to publish on Azure again in the “Production” environment. I think I will do it tomorrow.
The next week with the montly meeting and I think we will present the project to everyone.

In the afternoon I did my speech at BeConnectedDay. I did it remotely because I didn’t go to Bologna (italy) for many reason.


After that I took some time for me because I was exhausted.

Mood: 🥱


I started the morning with a good notification from dev.to.
I got a new badge for my community activities and growing.

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I think I have to write an article about my monitor setup at home.

In the morning I released a new version of SecurityToolbox: https://github.com/SWONE-CHCoreTeam/SecurityToolbox
I have to deploy the Azure Function to the production environment but I will do it tomorrow.
I don’t have time right now.
By the way, it can import policies and export a report for the existing ones.
The main flow is working.
The next thing is: implement some new cool features.

In the afternoon I did my first PnP call and I did a demo about GitHub Codespaces and SPFx. Great experience!

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I hope the attendees enjoyed the demo.

I cancelled my LinkedIn call today because I am too tired to work another hour. I rescheduled it for tomorrow at 3:30pm.

I also received from my colleague a new request for a new Azure Function development with some Graph API inside.
I will work on it tomorrow morning, I think.

Mood: 🚀


I started the morning to work on the last two requests from the customer. Basically it’s an Azure Functions to interact with some events on Azure AD App Registrations and security.
I cannot share too much here, for NDA reasons (at the moment).
Nothing too complicated but we need to test them in the next days.

In the afternoon I did a call with my LinkedIn Coach (I am writing a post about my journey as LinkedIn Instructor but before I have to share it with my LinkedIn Content Manager).
It went very well. I found a good strategy for writing easily and we decided out roadmap to release the course in October.

Let’s see if I can run at this pace.

Mood: 🤔

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