A Guide for .NET Developers to Choose the Best Web Technology

Chelsea Devereaux - Dec 6 '23 - - Dev Community

Nowadays, Web Applications (commonly referred to as Web apps) are trending due to their wide range of features and benefits over desktop and native applications. In this blog, we will discuss the advantages of Web apps, reasons for migrating from desktop apps to Web apps, and compare different Web technologies.

Key Features and Benefits of Web Apps

Below are the key features of Web apps: 

  1. Platform Independence: Web apps can be accessed from any device (mobile, desktop, or tablet) regardless of its operating system (Windows, Linux, or macOS) using the respective browser. This broadens the user base, as there's no need for device-specific installations. Nevertheless, if administrators wish to restrict access, they can do so through various means, such as IP address restrictions or location-based limits. 
  2. Scalability: Web apps can be easily scaled to accommodate both small and large user bases by adding servers or leveraging cloud services. 
  3. Remote Access & Centralized Updates: Users only need a device and a reliable internet connection to access web apps, making them especially useful in remote work scenarios. Moreover, updates are centralized on the server, eliminating the need for individual system updates. 
  4. Integration and APIs: Web apps can integrate easily with other web services and APIs, which is essential for modern applications that need to interact with various online services, databases, or third-party tools. 
  5. Modern User Experience: Web apps offer the ability to design interactive, responsive, and visually captivating user interfaces. They also support the inclusion of features like animations and interactive elements. 
  6. Cost Efficiency: Hosting web apps on cloud platforms can be cost-effective as payment is only for the resources used. 

Why Migrate to the Web

The decision to migrate largely depends on specific project requirements and goals. Many companies and development teams are migrating to the Web for the features listed above. Considering the benefits of Web apps over desktop applications, if one is contemplating converting existing Windows applications to Web apps, it's essential to be aware of the following key steps in the conversion process: 

  1. Database Setup: If the desktop application uses a local database, it needs to transition to a web-based database for online access. 
  2. Hosting: This involves making the web application's files available online by storing them on a web server. 
  3. Security: Includes user authentication and data encryption, as all the files and data are available online.  
  4. Rewriting the code: We will need to rewrite the code of our desktop application. It means deciding how it works on a desktop and how it can run in a web browser. We may use web development technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, in addition to various .NET technologies.

Next, we will discuss the pros and cons of commonly used Web Technologies.  


ASP.NET MVC is a way to build websites that's like organizing a party. Imagine we are hosting a party and want everything to be perfect. MVC helps us do that with our website.  

  • Model: This is like backstage, where we prepare everything. It's where we handle our data and the logic behind our website. We get our party supplies ready here. 
  • View: These are the guests at our party. They see what's happening and enjoy the party. Views handle showing our website to the users.  
  • Controller: Think of this as the party planner. They take requests from the guests (View) and tell the backstage crew (Model) what to do. It manages the flow of our website.  

With ASP.NET MVC, we can keep everything organized and make sure our website (or party) runs smoothly. It separates various parts of our website, making it easier to manage, just like we wouldn't want our guests in the kitchen or our party planner on the dance floor. 

ASP.NET MVC is a powerful framework for building web applications. It also offers structuring, reusability, and testability. However, it comes with a learning curve with some complexity. It is more suitable for medium to large projects where the benefits of its architecture can be fully used. Here are the pros and cons of using ASP.NET MVC. 

Pros (Advantages) 

  1. Structure: ASP.NET MVC implements a clear separation of concerns. It divides our web application into three main parts: Model, View, and Controller. This makes our code organized and easier to manage. 
  2. Security: ASP.NET MVC includes built-in security features. It’s easier to protect our application against common web vulnerabilities. 
  3. Reusability: We can reuse code components easily. For example, we can use the same controller logic for different views. It reduces code duplication. 
  4. Flexibility: We have more control over HTML and JavaScript. We can use any front-end technology we prefer (like Angular or React) along with ASP.NET MVC. 
  5. Testability: ASP.NET MVC is designed with testing in mind. We can easily write unit tests for our controllers and models. It helps to ensure our application works correctly. 
  6. Community and Support: ASP.NET MVC has a large and active community. We can find plenty of resources, tutorials, and third-party libraries to help with development. 

Cons (Disadvantages): 

  1. Learning Curve: ASP.NET MVC might be challenging for beginners, especially if they are newbies to web development. It requires learning architectural patterns. 
  2. Development Time: While ASP.NET MVC promotes code organization, it may take a bit longer to set up compared to simpler frameworks. However, this first investment often pays off later.  
  3. Complexity: For quite simple web applications, ASP.NET MVC might be overkill. It is better suited for larger, more complex projects.  
  4. Performance Overhead: ASP.NET MVC can introduce some performance overhead compared to lightweight frameworks, as it offers a lot of features, some of which we may not need.  
  5. Server-Side Rendering: If we need to build a single-page application (SPA) with a heavy focus on client-side rendering, there might be better choices than this because it is more oriented towards server-side rendering. 


ASP.NET Core MVC is a technology that helps with creating web applications. It is a framework that lets us build websites where people can interact with our content or services. It organizes our code neatly and makes handling actions like user input and displaying information on web pages easy. It's like the backbone of our website, keeping everything organized and working smoothly. This offers cross-platform compatibility, performance, and modularity, but it comes with a learning curve and may not have as mature an ecosystem as some other frameworks. The choice of framework should depend on our specific project requirements and our team's familiarity with the technology. 

Pros (Advantages): 

  1. Cross-Platform Compatibility: ASP.NET Core MVC can run on different operating systems like Windows, Linux, and macOS. This means we are not limited to a single platform.  
  2. Performance: ASP.NET Core MVC is designed for high performance. It is faster and uses fewer resources compared to older versions of ASP.NET. 
  3. Modular and Lightweight: We can select the components of our need, making them more lightweight and efficient for our specific project requirements.  
  4. Integrated with Modern Web Technologies: It integrates well with modern web technologies like Angular, React, and Blazor, allowing us to build single-page applications easily. 
  5. Dependency Injection: ASP.NET Core has built-in support for dependency injection, which makes our code more testable and maintainable.  
  6. Razor Pages: It offers a simplified syntax called Razor for creating views, which can make the development process more straightforward.  
  7. Built-in Security: ASP.NET Core supplies built-in security features to help protect our application against common web vulnerabilities. 
  8. Open Source: It is open source, which means it is free to use, and we can access its source code. Developers from all over the world can contribute to its improvement. 

Cons (Disadvantages): 

  1. Ecosystem Maturity: While ASP.NET Core has grown rapidly, it might not have as extensive a third-party library as some older frameworks, which could limit our choices in some cases.  
  2. Tooling: The tooling for ASP.NET Core might not be as mature as older versions of ASP.NET. However, this has been improving over time.  
  3. Migration Challenges: If we have an existing ASP.NET application, migrating it to ASP.NET Core could be a complex task. Especially if our application relies heavily on older technologies.  
  4. Limited Compatibility: Some older libraries and components built for earlier versions of ASP.NET may not be compatible with ASP.NET Core, which could require added development effort. 


Blazor is a modern web development technology that allows developers to build interactive and dynamic web applications using C# and .NET instead of traditional languages like JavaScript. It lets us create web apps with the same language we use for server-side programming, making it easier to build and maintain web applications. Blazor also enables the reuse of code between the front and back end, resulting in more efficient and consistent development. It's like having the power of C# in a web browser for creating engaging and responsive web experiences. However, it may have some drawbacks related to browser compatibility, app size, and performance in some scenarios.

Pros (Advantages): 

  1. Familiar Language: If we already know C#, it is easier to get started with Blazor because we can use the same language for both the front-end and back-end of our web application. 
  2. Reusability: We can reuse code and libraries from our .NET backend in our Blazor front-end, which can save time and reduce duplication.  
  3. Component-Based: Blazor uses a component-based architecture, making it easier to create and manage complex UI elements as reusable components.  
  4. Strongly Typed: C# is a strongly typed language, which means we catch errors at compile time rather than runtime, reducing bugs and making our code more reliable.  
  5. Integration with ASP.NET: Blazor can seamlessly integrate with ASP.NET, so we can build full-stack web applications using the same technology stack. 

Cons (Disadvantages):

  1. Browser Compatibility: Blazor Web Assembly, a client-side version of Blazor, might not work well on older browsers or browsers with limited Web Assembly support.  
  2. Size of Web Assembly Apps: Blazor Web Assembly apps can be larger than traditional JavaScript-based web apps, which might result in slower first-load times.  
  3. Performance: Depending on the complexity of our Blazor components, there could be performance overhead compared to leaner JavaScript frameworks.  
  4. Learning Curve: If we are new to C# or .NET, there might be a learning curve when getting started with Blazor.  
  5. Limited Ecosystem: Blazor is new compared to JavaScript frameworks like React or Angular, so it has a smaller ecosystem of third-party libraries and tools. 


JavaScript is a computer language that makes websites come to life. It's like the brain behind the web pages we see. With JavaScript, we can add interactive features, like games, forms, and animations, to our websites. It's a useful tool for web developers to create exciting and dynamic online experiences. JavaScript is a powerful and versatile language for web development, but it comes with challenges related to browser compatibility, security, and performance. 

Pros (Advantages): 

  1. Versatility: JavaScript can be used for both front-end (client-side) and back-end (server-side) development, making it a full-stack language.  
  2. Interactivity: It allows us to create dynamic and interactive web pages that respond to user actions, such as button clicks and form submissions.  
  3. Wide Adoption: JavaScript is supported by all major web browsers, making it accessible to a vast audience.  
  4. Rich Ecosystem: A vast library of pre-built code (libraries and frameworks) is available, like React and Angular, which can save developers time and effort.  
  5. Fast Execution: Modern JavaScript engines are highly optimized for speed, making web applications run smoothly. 

Cons (Disadvantages): 

  1. Browser Compatibility: Despite widespread support, JavaScript may behave differently in different browsers, requiring added testing and workarounds.  
  2. Security: Since JavaScript runs on the client side, it can be vulnerable to security threats like cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks if not properly secured.  
  3. Performance: JavaScript performance can be a concern, especially for complex applications, as it is an interpreted language. However, modern JavaScript engines have improved performance significantly.  
  4. Learning Curve: For beginners, JavaScript can be challenging to learn due to its asynchronous nature and various quirks.  
  5. Dependency on Third-party Libraries: Many JavaScript projects rely on third-party libraries and frameworks, which can sometimes lead to compatibility issues and reliance on external code. 

As of now, we look over the various technology's pros and cons of widely used web technologies. We will look at the key features comparison of the technologies in the following table. 

Web Technology Comparison

 ASP.NET MVC  ASP.NET MVC CORE  Blazor  JavaScript
Technology Stack .NET Framework to build Web App with Model View Controller architecture with server-side rendering Evolution from ASP.NET MVC. Using .NET Core runtime with cross-platform & more lightweight. Web Framework by Microsoft to develop Web App using C# & .NET. Can run on both Server-side (Blazor Server) and client-side (Blazor Web Assembly) Not a framework but core technology for web development to build dynamic and interactive Web App.
Language C# code to run on Server C# code to run on a Server with modern C# features and cross-platform support Both client-side and server-side code in C# JavaScript as the primary programming language for client-side development
Architecture Traditional MVC pattern where the server generates HTML and handles user interactions Similar pattern to ASP.NET MVC. Similar pattern to ASP.NET MVC. Web Assembly can be used for client-side SPA (Single Page Application) development. Offers flexibility in terms of architecture, including traditional server-rendered web pages or building complex SPA
Performance Higher memory consumption & less efficiency due to the heavyweight nature of the System.Web.dll. High performance and scalability because of its lightweight nature and cross-platform support. Blazor Server: Superior performance but depends on a continuous connection to the server. Blazor Web Assembly: Slower to load but offers a more responsive experience after the first load. Vary widely depending on how code is written
Development Ecosystem Mature ecosystem with a wide range of libraries, tools, and community support. Mature ecosystem with a wide range of libraries, tools, and community support. Growing ecosystem, with some overlap with the ASP.NET ecosystem. Gaining popularity and support. A massive ecosystem with many libraries and frameworks like React, Angular, and Vue.js.
Learning Curve Easy for C# & .NET Developer Easy for C# & .NET Developer Easier for C# developers compared to JS. For naive need to learn Web development. Challenging to learn Complex Front-End


  • ASP.NET MVC and ASP.NET Core are like building web applications with pre-made building blocks (bricks), but the latter is more versatile and works in different environments.  
  • Blazor is like using magical paint to create web apps, and it speaks C# and .NET.  
  • JavaScript is the wizard language that makes our website come to life with interactive features.
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