The Advanced Notification Systems of LinkedIn, Quora, and Airbnb: What notification components are being used?

Nik L. - Oct 13 '23 - - Dev Community

For experienced CTOs and seasoned developers, the design and architecture of a notification system go beyond mere user engagement; it's a complex ecosystem that demands meticulous attention and robust infrastructure. In this in-depth exploration, we'll dissect the technical intricacies of notification systems employed by tech giants like LinkedIn, Airbnb, and Quora. We'll focus on the implementation of cutting-edge notification system design and the technologies powering these companies' notification infrastructures.

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Technical Foundations

LinkedIn, Airbnb, and Quora have each developed advanced notification systems that rely on essential components to deliver a seamless user experience.

Delivery Channels & Vendor Integrations

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Central to the success of these platforms is their utilization of diverse delivery channels and comprehensive vendor integrations. These companies are tightly integrated with various vendors, including SendGrid, Twilio, and Firebase Cloud Messaging, to reach users across email, SMS, in-app notifications, push notifications, and more. This integration is achieved through complex APIs, stringent quality-of-service standards, rigorous testing, and robust fallback mechanisms, ensuring notifications reach users efficiently and reliably.

Templating Engine

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At the core of these notification systems lies a versatile templating engine that adapts and optimizes messages for different channels. For example, Quora's system tailors messages for email, in-app notifications, and push notifications, accommodating varying content and formatting requirements.

Amazon Web Services (AWS) Simple Email Service (SES) provides a reliable solution for email delivery. However, it comes with a notable limitation — it lacks a built-in templating feature for crafting dynamic and customized email content. This limitation poses a challenge when you need to create personalized email content that adapts to user preferences and maintains a consistent brand image across communication channels. For these only, you can use a third-party notification infrastructure solution that provides templating and couples them with your preferred email vendors.

User Preferences

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Airbnb empowers users to finely tailor their notification experiences through a robust user preference management system. Users have granular control over notification types, preferred communication channels, delivery frequencies, and timing. This high degree of personalization ensures users receive messages in a way that suits their individual preferences.

You can get a self-hosted preference management center from here: Give Control to Your Users with Preference Management | SuprSend without ever needing to code it.

Batching and Digests

To prevent notification fatigue, companies like Airbnb employ strategies such as batching and digesting. These companies bundle related notifications into a single message and send summarized digests at preferred times, optimizing user interaction.

Multi-Tenancy for Customers

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LinkedIn provides robust multi-tenancy support to cater to a diverse customer base. This entails data isolation, on-brand templates, customized routing, and user preferences for each tenant or customer. Airbnb takes a similar approach by allowing property owners to receive branded notifications, customize communication channels, and maintain their unique brand identities within a shared infrastructure.

Notification Analytics

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For product managers, insights into notification analytics are invaluable. Tracking delivery rates, open rates, and user engagement enables data-driven optimizations. These companies collect user actions through webhooks and conduct cross-channel analysis, ensuring notifications are effective and engaging.

The Pillars of Reliability

To maintain the reliability of their notification systems, these companies have established non-functional components.

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Scalability & Load Balancing

A notification system must handle varying levels of traffic, often peaking unexpectedly. Designing for scalability ensures the system can handle increased loads without performance degradation. Load balancing across servers and regions is vital for maintaining consistent service availability.

Fault Tolerance, Redundancy & Failure Retries

In a notification system, downtime is not an option. Engineers must architect the service with fault tolerance and redundancy mechanisms to mitigate the impact of server failures or network issues. This involves setting up state management, configuring fallback vendors, and implementing failure retry mechanisms.

High Deliverability

To ensure high deliverability, these companies introduce multiple channels, choose reliable vendors, and manage inactive channels to make certain that notifications consistently reach their intended recipients.

Low Latency

Users expect notifications to arrive promptly. Minimizing latency requires optimizing message delivery paths, reducing network round trips, and optimizing database queries. This ongoing effort maintains high performance as the system scales.

Observability & Diagnosis

Setting up monitoring is crucial for identifying and resolving issues when failures occur. Implementing detailed logging, error tracking, and performance monitoring allows for swift issue diagnosis and resolution.

Message Queue Prioritization

Not all notifications are of the same priority. For instance, authentication notifications are high priority because users expect to receive OTPs instantly to log in. Message queue prioritization helps manage different notification priorities effectively.

Making the Strategic Choice

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For CTOs and experienced developers, the decision to build an in-house notification system or leverage existing solutions is strategic.

When to Build:

  • Complexity and Customization: If your business requires intricate customization and unique communication channels, an in-house solution offers control and flexibility.
  • Notifications as a Core Product: If notifications are central to your product, building an in-house system allows for tailored solutions.
  • Resource Availability: If you have the technical expertise and resources, building an in-house notification system can be advantageous.

When to Consider Alternatives:

  • Resource Constraints: Building and maintaining a notification system can be resource-intensive. Leveraging existing notification platforms or APIs can be more efficient.
  • Time to Market: Developing a notification system from scratch can be time-consuming. If speed is essential, third-party services can accelerate your product's launch.
  • Complex Features: Established platforms offer complex features off the shelf, reducing development time and effort.
  • Focus on Core Competencies: Getting notifications right requires time and learning, diverting your focus from core competencies.

In conclusion, whether you choose to build an in-house solution or rely on third-party services, the ultimate goal remains the same: providing a seamless and meaningful user experience that fosters lasting connections. By assessing your company's unique needs, resources, and long-term objectives, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your technical aspirations. Try SuprSend!

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