Getting Started with Test Driven Development (TDD)

Nzioki Dennis - Jul 17 '23 - - Dev Community

Test-Driven Development (TDD) is a software development approach that centers around creating unit test cases before the actual code implementation. TDD adopts an iterative and agile development methodology that prioritizes incremental progress and continuous improvement.Let us now delve into Test-Driven Development and explore the step-by-step process that drives this iterative development approach.

TDD vs Traditional testing

Traditional testing methods and TDD (Test-Driven Development) have different processes and end goals. The following are some major variations between TDD and traditional testing:
Approach - TDD is an agile development paradigm that places an emphasis on writing tests before writing code. Traditional testing, on the other hand, happens after the code has been written.
Testing Scope - While traditional testing involves testing the system as a whole, including integration, functional, and acceptability testing, TDD focuses on testing small code units at a time.
Early Defect Detection - TDD seeks to find errors as early as possible in the development cycle. Traditional testing usually takes place after the code has been put into use, which could lead to errors being found later.
Design and Refactoring - While traditional testing may not explicitly emphasize refactoring, TDD encourages constant software refactoring.
Developmental feedback - TDD offers quick input throughout the development cycle. Tests that fail reveal when the code's functionality is not what is wanted, enabling developers to make the necessary changes immediately. Once the code has been implemented and tested separately, traditional testing may offer input later.

Fundamentals of TDD

Red-Green-Refactor Cycle:

TDD cycle

At the heart of TDD lies the Red-Green-Refactor cycle. This cycle consists of the following steps:

Red: A failing test is initially written to capture the desired behavior or functionality. This test should not pass initially, as it represents the expected behavior that still needs to exist in the code (this is why it fails).

Green: The next step is to write the minimum code required to pass the failing test. The focus is on achieving a green test result, indicating that the code behaves as expected.

Refactor: Once the test passes, the code can be refactored to improve its design, readability, and maintainability. This step ensures that the code remains clean and optimized without altering its functionality.

The Red-Green-Refactor cycle is repeated continuously throughout the development process, guiding the incremental growth and refinement of the codebase. The illustration below shows a high-level TDD approach to development:

High level TDD

Test-First Approach:

Tests are developed before the implementation code in the "test-first" methodology used in TDD. This procedure serves as a specification for the code and aids in the clarification of the desired behavior. TDD offers a clear roadmap for development by outlining the expected results in advance, reducing uncertainty, and sharpening focus.

Iterative Development:

This is achieved by breaking down development into small, manageable parts rather than attempting to simultaneously design and implement the entire system. Developers may produce incremental value and act rapidly in response to shifting requirements or feedback by concentrating on certain features or functions.

Test Coverage:

You can complete a 100% coverage test in TDD. In contrast to conventional testing, every single line of code is examined. High test coverage, which aims to test the most significant feasible portion of the program, is emphasized by TDD. TDD helps to assure resilient code quality and lowers the chance of defects or regressions by defining tests for specific features, edge cases, and potential failure scenarios.

TDD process

This process involves the following steps; writing a failing test, implementing minimum viable code, and lastly. The development process is driven by this iterative cycle, ensuring that the codebase stays dependable, maintainable, and in line with the planned functionality.

Writing a Failing Test (Red)

When the TDD approach is taken, every feature in the software is added in terms of test cases. A test is developed for every updated or new function in this case. Developers must have a deep understanding of requirements and specifications to write an accurate test case that describes the desired behavior or functionality of the code. Since the appropriate code to satisfy the test criteria has yet to be implemented, the test is specifically designed to fail. By writing the test first, developers gain clarity on the expected outcome and can focus on solving specific problems.
Effective test case writing is crucial for development to go in the proper path. Test cases should include a range of situations and edge cases and be brief, isolated, and independent. In addition to serving as documentation, well-written tests provide a safety net when extending or changing the software.

Implementing the Minimum Viable Code

The next step is to create the code required to pass the test after the failed test has been set up. Here, simplicity and meeting the urgent need are more important than putting in place a complex solution. This phase advises programmers to refrain from over-engineering or hasty optimization.

Rerun the code

Restart at step 2 if any test fails. Otherwise, keep going. If all tests pass, the code complies with test requirements and does not impair any current functionalities. To ensure that all tests pass, the code must be updated if any test fails.

Refactoring the Code

When the test succeeds, the code is refactored to enhance design, readability, and maintainability. Eliminating redundancy, enhancing naming conventions, and implementing best practices are all aspects of refactoring, which entails reorganizing the code without altering its exterior functionality. The TDD approach relies heavily on refactoring since it keeps the code organized, maintainable, and flexible. Developers lower technical debt and raise the overall quality of the software by regularly improving the codebase. Tests are a safety net during refactoring, ensuring that the code changes introduce no regressions or unforeseen side effects.
This iterative cycle of the TDD approach allows developers to gradually add the needed functionality while maintaining a wide range of tests. Following this procedure enables developers to have faith in the accuracy and dependability of their codebase, facilitating quicker feedback loops and advancing best practices for software development.

Benefits and limitations of using TDD


  • TDD increases productivity by requiring you to consider use cases when writing tests.

  • The overall implementation will be shorter and less glitchy even after considering the amount of code based on implementing unit tests.

  • Debugging gets simpler.

  • The code created will be modularized, adaptable, and extensible if standard TDD procedures are followed.
    On each incremental update, automatic regression detection is performed.

  • Automated tests cover a lot of ground. These automated tests often cover every code path because no more code is written than is required to pass the failing tests.

  • Unit tests have more accessible documentation because they self-document and are simpler to read and comprehend. Always describe the source code and produced code in detail.


  • Learning Curve and Skill Acquisition: Adopting TDD necessitates a mindset change and a learning curve for developers who have yet to become familiar with the methodology. Becoming proficient in test writing, test coverage, and refactoring may take some practice.

  • Initial Time Investment: The TDD process demands more time and effort than conventional development methods.

  • Comprehensive Test Coverage: High test coverage, particularly in complex systems, can be difficult.

  • Test Design and Implementation Balance: It can take a lot of work to create both efficient and sufficiently comprehensive tests to cover the needed functionality.

TDD tools and frameworks

Developers can use multiple tools and frameworks to write, execute, and manage tests effectively. These tools make automating and including tests in the development process more accessible. Let's examine some well-known examples.

Unit Testing Frameworks:
JUnit (Java): JUnit is a widely used unit testing framework for Java. It provides annotations, assertions, and test runners to facilitate the writing and execution of unit tests.
NUnit (C#): NUnit is a unit testing framework for .NET applications. It offers rich features, such as test fixtures, assertions, and test runners.
pytest (Python): pytest is a flexible and powerful testing framework for Python. It supports the creation of concise and expressive test cases and provides features like fixtures, parameterization, and test discovery.

Mocking Frameworks:
Mockito (Java): Mockito is a popular mocking framework for Java. It allows developers to create mock objects to isolate dependencies and simulate behaviors for testing.
Moq (C#): Moq is a mocking framework for .NET projects. It enables the creation of mock objects and the definition of expectations and behaviors during testing.
unit test.mock (Python): The unit test. mock module in Python's standard library provides mocking capabilities for testing. It allows developers to replace objects with mock versions to control their behavior during tests.

Code Coverage Tools:
JaCoCo (Java): JaCoCo is a widely used code coverage tool for Java. It measures code coverage by analyzing the executed portions of the code and provides detailed reports.
dotCover (C#): dotCover is a code coverage tool from JetBrains for .NET applications. It tracks code coverage during test execution and offers comprehensive reports. (Python): is a code coverage tool for Python. It monitors code execution and provides insights into which tests cover parts of the code.

Test Automation Frameworks:
Selenium: Selenium is a popular test automation framework for web applications. It allows developers to write automated tests that simulate user interactions and verify the functionality of web interfaces.
Cypress: Cypress is a JavaScript-based end-to-end testing framework. It provides a robust API for writing and running tests that interact with web applications.

Continuous Integration (CI) Tools:
Jenkins: Jenkins is a widely used open-source CI/CD tool that integrates with version control systems and supports test automation. It can be configured to execute tests automatically upon code changes.
Travis CI: Travis CI is a cloud-based CI/CD platform that supports various programming languages and integrates seamlessly with popular version control systems. It enables the execution of tests as part of the CI pipeline.

Best Practices for Successful Test-Driven Development

Here are some best practices to consider when practicing TDD:

  • Focus on a single element while writing tests, give them descriptive names, and maintain test independence.

  • Adhere to the Red-Green-Refactor Cycle.

  • Aim for thorough coverage and consider code coverage metrics to maintain high test coverage.

  • Continuous Code Refactoring: Review and restructure the codebase frequently to enhance its layout, readability, and maintainability.

  • Utilize Test Duplicates and Mocking: Use test duplicators and select suitable mocking frameworks.

  • Integrate tests into the development workflow by automating test execution to ensure they are carried out consistently and frequently.

  • Encourage Knowledge Sharing and Collaboration: Encourage team members to collaborate and communicate openly.

  • Start with Small, Incremental Changes - Start with Small Units of Work - Pay attention to Small Units of Functionality to Promote Faster Feedback and Reduce the Risk of Introducing Errors.

In conclusion,

Test-Driven Development (TDD) is a powerful approach that enables developers to build reliable software through an iterative process of writing tests before code implementation. By following the Red-Green-Refactor cycle, developers can achieve improved code quality, faster feedback loops, and easier maintenance.
We urge software engineers, project managers, and developers to explore and implement test-driven development in their teams. They can start down a path toward creating more dependable, maintainable, and high-quality software by utilizing the principles, strategies, and tools covered in this paper.
Remember that test-driven development is a continual process of growth and progress. Software development will be successful and have an impact if TDD is adopted as a mentality and discipline.

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