Control Flow: if, else, switch statements

Romulo Gatto - Feb 7 - - Dev Community

Control Flow: if, else, switch statements

In GoLang, controlling the flow of your code is crucial for writing efficient and well-structured programs. The control flow refers to how the program executes different sections of code based on certain conditions or user input.

In this guide, we will explore three essential control flow statements in GoLang: if, else, and switch. Understanding how to use these statements effectively will give you the power to make decisions within your program and ensure that it behaves as expected under different scenarios.

The if Statement

The if statement allows you to execute a block of code only if a specific condition is met. It follows the following syntax:

if condition {
    // Code block executed when the condition is true
} else {
    // Code block executed when the condition is false
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Here's an example:

age := 25

if age >= 18 {
    fmt.Println("You are eligible to vote!")
} else {
    fmt.Println("Sorry, you can't vote yet.")
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In this example, the program checks whether the variable 'age' meets the condition (greater than or equal to 18). If it does evaluate true, it prints "You are eligible to vote!". Otherwise, it prints "Sorry, you can't vote yet."

The else Statement

The else statement works in conjunction with an if statement. It provides an alternative code block that is executed when the initial condition evaluates false.

Consider this example:

num := 10

if num%2 == 0 {
    fmt.Println("The number is even.")
} else {
    fmt.Println("The number is odd.")
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In this case, if 'num' divided by 2 has a remainder of zero (i.e., an even number), then "The number is even" is printed. Otherwise, "The number is odd" will be printed.

The switch Statement

The switch statement is useful when you have multiple conditions to evaluate. It provides an efficient way to choose one block of code from several alternatives based on the value of a given expression.

Here's the general syntax for a switch statement:

switch expression {
case value1:
    // Code block executed if the expression matches value1
case value2:
    // Code block executed if the expression matches value2
    // Code block executed if none of the values match the expression
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Let's see it in action:

day := "Wednesday"

switch day {
case "Monday":
    fmt.Println("Time to start a new week!")
case "Friday":
    fmt.Println("Weekend is just around the corner!")
    fmt.Println("It's an ordinary day.")
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In this example, based on the value assigned to 'day', our program will execute corresponding blocks of code. If 'day' matches with any case (e.g., Monday or Friday), it will print a specific message. Otherwise, it will print "It's an ordinary day."


By mastering control flow statements like if, else, and switch, you can make your GoLang programs more intelligent and flexible. These statements allow you to control which parts of your code are executed based on certain conditions or user input.

Remember that good programming practices encourage clear and concise use of these statements, ensuring that your code remains readable and maintainable in the long run. Happy coding!

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