Variables and Data Types in Go

Romulo Gatto - Jan 31 - - Dev Community

Variables and Data Types in Go

In any programming language, variables play a crucial role as they are used to store data that can be modified or accessed throughout the program. Similarly, Go has its own set of rules and conventions for declaring and using variables. In this guide, we will explore the basics of variable declaration and cover the various data types available in Go.

Variable Declaration

To declare a variable in Go, you need to specify its name followed by the type it holds. The basic syntax for variable declaration is as follows:

var variableName dataType
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For example, if you want to declare an integer variable called "age", you would write:

var age int
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You can also initialize a variable during declaration using the following syntax:

var variableName dataType = value
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For instance, to declare and initialize an integer variable called "count" with a value of 10:

var count int = 10
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Go also allows shorthand notation for declaring variables without specifying their types explicitly. This type of inference is possible when you initialize them during declaration. Here's an example:

variableName := value 
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The type of the variable is automatically inferred from the assigned value.

Basic Data Types

Go provides several built-in data types for storing different kinds of values. Let's take a closer look at some commonly used ones.

Integer Types

Integers represent whole numbers without fractional or decimal parts. In Go, there are multiple integer types based on their size: int8, int16, int32, int64 (signed), uint8, uint16, uint32, oruint64 (unsigned). The most commonly used integer type is simply int.

Floating-Point Types

Floating-point numbers consist of both whole numbers and fractional parts. Go supports two floating-point types: float32 and float64. The primary difference is that float32 occupies 4 bytes, while float64 requires 8 bytes of memory.

Boolean Type

Boolean variables can only have one of two values: true or false. In Go, the boolean type is denoted by the keyword "bool".

var isActive bool = true
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String Type

Strings represent a sequence of characters enclosed in double-quotes. They are widely used for storing text-based data. In Go, you can declare a string variable as follows:

var message string = "Hello, World!"
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In this guide, we covered the basics of variable declaration and explored some commonly used data types in Go. Remember to choose meaningful names for your variables to make your code more readable and maintainable. By understanding these fundamental concepts, you will be ready to dive deeper into writing efficient Go programs. Happy coding!

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