Python for nodejs developers

Rubin - Aug 22 '23 - - Dev Community

A cheatsheet on python and nodejs equivalents for developers who use both or are planning a switch from one to another.
This covers the basics

Topic Node.js (JavaScript) Python
Boolean true, false True, False
Number Numbers (integers, floats) Numbers (int, float, complex)
String 'Single' and "Double" quotes 'Single' and "Double" quotes
Array Array literals, array methods List type, list methods
Object {} Object literals Dictionary type
Function function keyword, arrow functions def keyword, lambda functions
Type Check typeof operator isinstance() function
Interpolation ${variable} syntax f-strings (f"{variable}")
If/Else if (condition) {} else {} if condition: ... else: ...
Ternary condition ? true : false true_value if condition else false_value
For Loop for (init; condition; iteration) {} for variable in iterable: ...
While Loop while (condition) {} while condition: ...
Switch switch (expression) { case x: ... } switch case x: ...
Array Slicing array.slice(start, end) list[start:end]
Copying Array [...array], array.slice() list.copy()
Appending array.push(element) list.append(element)
Prepending array.unshift(element) list.insert(0, element)
Uint8 Arrays Binary data handling, streams Used for similar purposes
Array Iteration forEach, for...of loop for item in list: ...
Looping loop for key in dictionary: ...
Mapping map() function
Filtering array.filter(callback) filter() function
Reducing array.reduce(callback) reduce() function
Sorting array.sort(callback) sorted() function
Buffers Binary data handling, streams Used for similar purposes
Allocate Buffer Buffer.alloc(size) bytearray(size)
Endianness Native support Struct module for explicit endianness
Hex .toString(16) conversion hex() function
Compare .equals() method == or cmp() functions
Equals Buffer.equals() Direct equality check with ==
Maps Key-value pairs handling Used for similar purposes
Map Iteration map.forEach, for...of loop for key, value in map.items(): ...
Objects JavaScript objects, key-value pairs Python dictionaries
Default Values Default function parameters Default function arguments
Destructuring Destructuring assignment syntax Destructuring assignment syntax
Spread Operator Spread array elements Spread iterable elements
Rest Operator Collect function arguments Collect function arguments
Swapping [a, b] = [b, a] a, b = b, a
Classes ES6 class syntax class keyword
Constructors constructor() method init() method
Instantiation new ClassName() ClassName()
"this" Refers to current object Refers to instance within class
Files fs module for file operations Built-in file functions
Creating Files fs.writeFileSync(path, data) open(path, mode)
Opening Files fs.openSync(path, mode) open(path, mode)
Writing to Files fs.writeFileSync(path, data) write() method
Reading from Files fs.readFileSync(path, encoding) read() method
Closing Files Automatically closed after operations close() method
Deleting Files fs.unlinkSync(path) remove() method
File Descriptors Not commonly used Utilized for low-level I/O operations
JSON Built-in JSON object Built-in json module
Parsing JSON JSON.parse(jsonString) json.loads(jsonString)
Stringifying JSON JSON.stringify(jsonObject) json.dumps(jsonObject)
Asynchronous Programming Utilizes async/await syntax Utilizes async/await syntax
Errors Utilizes built-in Error object Utilizes built-in Exception classes
Try/Catch try { ... } catch (error) { ... } try: ... except Exception as error: ...
Exceptions throw new Error('Message') raise Exception('Message')
Regular Expressions Utilizes built-in RegExp object Utilizes built-in re module
Matching regexObj.test(string) or string.match(regex) re.match(regex, string)
Searching, string)
Replacing string.replace(regex, replacement) re.sub(regex, replacement, string)
Splitting string.split(regex) re.split(regex, string)
Extracting Groups Capturing groups using parentheses Capturing groups using parentheses
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