A prisma.schema for an advance Social Media Website

Sh Raj - Apr 9 - - Dev Community

This is a Prisma schema file that defines the data models, enums, and relationships for a social media application.

You can suggest things in Comments. ❤️

This is example Repository :- https://github.com/SH20RAJ/shadev2/

generator client {
  provider = "prisma-client-js"

datasource db {
  provider = "mysql"
  url      = env("DATABASE_URL")
enum Type {

enum Status {

enum ReactionType {

model User {
  id            Int            @id @default(autoincrement())
  username      String         @unique
  email         String         @unique
  password      String
  name          String?
  bio           String?
  avatar        String?
  coverPhoto    String?
  createdAt     DateTime       @default(now())
  updatedAt     DateTime       @updatedAt
  posts         Post[]
  likes         Like[]
  status        Status         @default(PUBLIC)
  comments      Comment[]
  followers     Follow[]       @relation("UserFollowers")
  following     Follow[]       @relation("UserFollowing")
  roles         UserRole[]
  receivedMessages Message[]   @relation("ReceiverMessages")
  sentMessages  Message[]     @relation("SenderMessages")
  pollResponses PollResponse[]


model Post {
  id            Int            @id @default(autoincrement())
  content       String
  image         String?
  contentURL    String?
  type          Type?          @default(TEXT)
  createdAt     DateTime       @default(now())
  updatedAt     DateTime       @updatedAt
  author        User           @relation(fields: [authorId], references: [id])
  authorId      Int
  status        Status         @default(PUBLIC)
  likes         Like[]
  comments      Comment[]
  tags          Tag[]    
  pollOptions PollOption[]


model Like {
  id            Int            @id @default(autoincrement())
  user          User           @relation(fields: [userId], references: [id])
  userId        Int
  post          Post           @relation(fields: [postId], references: [id])
  postId        Int
  reaction      ReactionType   @default(LIKE)
  createdAt     DateTime       @default(now())

model Comment {
  id            Int            @id @default(autoincrement())
  content       String
  user          User           @relation(fields: [userId], references: [id])
  userId        Int
  post          Post           @relation(fields: [postId], references: [id])
  postId        Int
  createdAt     DateTime       @default(now())
  updatedAt     DateTime       @updatedAt
  media         String?        

model Tag {
  id        Int      @id @default(autoincrement())
  name      String   @unique
  createdAt DateTime @default(now())
  updatedAt DateTime @updatedAt
  posts     Post[]  

model Follow {
  id            Int            @id @default(autoincrement())
  follower      User           @relation("UserFollowers", fields: [followerId], references: [id])
  followerId    Int
  following     User           @relation("UserFollowing", fields: [followingId], references: [id])
  followingId   Int
  createdAt     DateTime       @default(now())
  @@unique([followerId, followingId])

model UserRole {
  id            Int            @id @default(autoincrement())
  userId        Int
  role          Role
  user          User           @relation(fields: [userId], references: [id])
  createdAt     DateTime       @default(now())

enum Role {

model Message {
  id            Int            @id @default(autoincrement())
  content       String
  senderId      Int
  receiverId    Int
  sender        User           @relation("SenderMessages", fields: [senderId], references: [id])
  receiver      User           @relation("ReceiverMessages", fields: [receiverId], references: [id])
  createdAt     DateTime       @default(now())
  updatedAt     DateTime       @updatedAt

model PollOption {
  id        Int      @id @default(autoincrement())
  postId    Int
  post      Post     @relation(fields: [postId], references: [id])
  option    String
  responses PollResponse[]
  createdAt DateTime @default(now())
  updatedAt DateTime @updatedAt

model PollResponse {
  id          Int      @id @default(autoincrement())
  pollOptionId Int
  pollOption  PollOption @relation(fields: [pollOptionId], references: [id])
  userId      Int
  user        User     @relation(fields: [userId], references: [id])
  createdAt   DateTime @default(now())
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Here's a brief overview of the models and relationships:

  • User: Represents a user of the social media app. A user has a unique username and email, and can have a password, name, bio, avatar, and cover photo. A user can create posts, like posts, comment on posts, follow other users, and send and receive messages. A user can have multiple roles, such as admin, moderator, or user.
  • Post: Represents a post made by a user. A post can be of different types, such as video, text, image, audio, poll, or game. A post has a content, image, content URL, type, created at, updated at, author, status, likes, comments, tags, and poll options.
  • Like: Represents a user's like on a post. A like has a user, post, reaction, and created at.
  • Comment: Represents a user's comment on a post. A comment has a content, user, post, created at, updated at, and media.
  • Tag: Represents a tag that can be associated with a post. A tag has a name and created at.
  • Follow: Represents a user's follow relationship with another user. A follow has a follower, following, and created at.
  • UserRole: Represents a user's role in the social media app. A user role has a user, role, and created at.
  • Message: Represents a message sent between two users. A message has a content, sender, receiver, created at, and updated at.
  • PollOption: Represents an option in a poll created by a user. A poll option has a post, option, created at, updated at, and responses.
  • PollResponse: Represents a user's response to a poll option. A poll response has a poll option, user, and created at.

The schema also includes several enums for different types and statuses, such as Type, Status, and ReactionType. These enums are used to define the possible values for different fields in the models.

The schema uses the prisma-client-js provider for the generator client, and the mysql provider for the datasource db. The database connection URL is set using the DATABASE_URL environment variable.

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