Tuning InnoDB for efficient compression

Shiv Iyer - Jan 7 - - Dev Community

Tuning InnoDB for efficient compression in MySQL involves configuring table storage to optimize disk space usage while maintaining good performance. InnoDB supports table compression which can be particularly beneficial for large tables. Here’s a guide on how to tune InnoDB for efficient compression:

1. Choose the Right Tables for Compression

  • Data Characteristics: Ideal candidates for compression are tables with a high volume of repetitive data, or those that are infrequently written to but often read.
  • Test and Evaluate: Before implementing compression widely, test it on specific tables to evaluate the performance impact and space savings.

2. Enable InnoDB File-Per-Table Mode

  • InnoDB's file-per-table mode is required to use table compression. Enable it by setting the innodb_file_per_table option.
  SET GLOBAL innodb_file_per_table=ON;
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3. Specify Compression at Table Creation or Alteration

  • Create Compressed Tables: Use the ROW_FORMAT=COMPRESSED and KEY_BLOCK_SIZE options when creating a new table.
  CREATE TABLE mytable (
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  • Modify Existing Tables: Alter existing tables to enable compression.
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4. Choose an Appropriate Key Block Size

  • Key Block Size: The KEY_BLOCK_SIZE value can be 1, 2, 4, 8, or 16 (kilobytes). Smaller sizes generally result in better compression but might increase CPU usage due to more frequent compress/decompress operations.

5. Monitor Compression Efficiency

  • Compression Ratio: Monitor the compression ratio and performance impact. Use the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.INNODB_CMP and INNODB_CMP_RESET tables to track compression operations and their effectiveness.

6. Adjust InnoDB Buffer Pool Size

  • Buffer Pool: Ensure innodb_buffer_pool_size is sufficiently large to hold the working set of your compressed tables, as compression and decompression operations occur in the buffer pool.

7. Consider Using Barracuda File Format

  • File Format: Use the Barracuda file format which supports advanced compression features. This can be set using innodb_file_format=Barracuda.

8. Handle Write Amplification

  • Write Amplification: Compressed tables can suffer from write amplification. Monitor write I/O activity and adjust your configuration if necessary.

9. Optimize Queries and Indexes

  • Query Optimization: As always, ensure that queries and indexes are optimized for your workload. Inefficient queries can negate the benefits of compression.

10. Regularly Monitor and Tune

  • Ongoing Monitoring: Continuously monitor the performance and disk space usage of your compressed tables.
  • Tune as Needed: Be prepared to adjust compression settings based on the evolving data patterns and application requirements.


Implementing compression in InnoDB requires careful consideration of the tables to be compressed, appropriate configuration of compression settings, and ongoing monitoring to ensure that the benefits of reduced disk space usage do not adversely affect database performance. Regular tuning and adjustments may be necessary to maintain an optimal balance between disk space efficiency and query performance.

Read more: https://minervadb.xyz/hierarchical-data-retrieval-in-innodb-implementing-recursive-self-joins-with-ctes/

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