Try again

Alex Romanova - Jan 6 '22 - - Dev Community

It is that time of the year again, time to do the thing again cause you fucked up the first time! Theoretically this should have been posted before new years, but it is what it is. I did do the work described in the post back then. I just didn't do the post itself.

I learned. I shouldn't pick such an unknown task. Do something simpler, more familiar and with more support available. I started searching again.

What I found

  • Seata Java, Go.
    Large project. Many issues. Contributing guide. HOWEVER!
    Man I hate java. And even though I love Go, I don't want to step on the same rake. Pass.

  • Factorio Lab Typescript.
    Medium-small project. About Factorio. Cool game. I know TypeScript. HOWEVER!
    I found it hard to select a good issue to work on. The project doesn't seem as active and there isn't that many issues to select from. The issues themselves are somewhat vague.. Maybe I'm just being picky, but I passed on this one.

  • AppSmith Typescript, Java.
    Large project. Many issues. Lots of choice. I was going to choose this project as my main source of issues. HOWEVER
    I didn't. I couldn't find a good issue again. Perhaps if I didn't find something better I'd come back to this and find one for me after all. Spoiler: that didn't happen.

  • OnyxBay DreamMaker.
    What the fuck is Dream maker??? In russian. So it's unique, who else but me can solve this? More likely to recieve help on this because of russian. Less likely to because ???dReAmMaKer???. Found even some issues which require artwork. I can do that. HOWEVER
    Really, so Go wasn't enough of an unknown language, you decide to dig up this specific unknown language with which you for sure won't get any help? Yea, ok ok, got it, pass...

  • Pajbot Python.
    Meduim-small project. I don't mind Python. I don't know Python. But I know many can help me with it. And it's not that hard. I kind of know Twitch structure. Theoretically if I could find an easy issue, that should be enough effort to use a new language and make something work... And there was such an issue.

    I know exactly what the person means. I know chat commands. I know there are already commands implemented in the project I can look at as a reference. That's it. That's my issue.

    I'M ON IT.

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