How to Write BLoC Tests to Improve Code Quality

Nithin - Jul 28 - - Dev Community

In the world of Flutter development, testing is paramount to ensuring robust and maintainable applications. Among the various testing strategies, BLoC (Business Logic Component) testing stands out for its ability to convert events into states, whether synchronously or asynchronously. Writing BLoC tests can significantly enhance code quality, uncover hidden issues, and ensure that your state management logic is sound. In this article, we'll explore how to write effective BLoC tests using the bloc_test library and provide practical pseudocode examples.

What is the BLoC Pattern?

The BLoC pattern is a state management solution that separates business logic from UI components. It uses streams to handle the flow of data, allowing events to trigger state changes in a predictable and testable way. The BLoC pattern is widely adopted in Flutter applications for its scalability and maintainability.

Why Write BLoC Tests?

Improving Code Quality

The primary goal of BLoC testing is to improve code quality. By thoroughly testing all events and state transitions, you can:

  1. Uncover Hidden Events: Identify events that aren’t triggered from the UI.
  2. Avoid Spaghetti Code: Prevent complex and tangled state transitions.
  3. Simplify State Management: Ensure that most events only emit one or two states (usually loading and success/failure).
  4. Adhere to SOLID Principles: Identify and remove unnecessary data and business logic from repository methods.

Getting Started with BLoC Testing

1. Set Up Your Test Environment

Add the bloc_test library to your pubspec.yaml:

  bloc_test: ^8.0.0
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2. Create Test Repositories

Implement two versions of your abstract repository class: one for success and one for failure. Use real JSON samples from the API or create samples using AI tools like Gemini or Copilot.

class SuccessTestRepository extends AbstractRepository {
  Future<Response> fetchData() async {
    return Response(successJson);

class FailureTestRepository extends AbstractRepository {
  Future<Response> fetchData() async {
    throw Exception('Failed to fetch data');
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3. Set Up BLoC Instances

Create instances of your BLoC in the main testing function, one with the success repository and one with the failure repository.

void main() {
  group('BLoC Tests', () {
    late MyBloc successBloc;
    late MyBloc failureBloc;

    setUp(() {
      successBloc = MyBloc(SuccessTestRepository());
      failureBloc = MyBloc(FailureTestRepository());

    tearDown(() {

    // Add tests here
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4. Write Tests Using blocTest

For each event, write a test that describes the expected behavior. Use the blocTest function to test the BLoC instance, adding events and asserting the resulting states.

blocTest<MyBloc, MyState>(
  'emits [Loading, Success] for FetchDataEvent - success',
  build: () => successBloc,
  act: (bloc) => bloc.add(FetchDataEvent()),
  expect: () => [
    isA<SuccessState>().having((state) =>, 'data list not empty', true),

blocTest<MyBloc, MyState>(
  'emits [Loading, Failure] for FetchDataEvent - failure',
  build: () => failureBloc,
  act: (bloc) => bloc.add(FetchDataEvent()),
  expect: () => [
    isA<FailureState>().having((state) => state.error, 'error', isNotEmpty),
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5. Handle Edge Scenarios

For edge scenarios where certain states depend on previous events, add the list of events in the act method. Use the skip method to isolate the test.

blocTest<MyBloc, MyState>(
  'emits [Loading, Success] after pre-event',
  build: () => successBloc,
  act: (bloc) {
    bloc.add(PreEvent()); // previous event
    bloc.add(FetchDataEvent()); // the dependant event
  skip: 2, // skip states produced by one or more preceding events
  expect: () => [
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6. Document Edge Case Tests

Make sure to document edge case tests with comments and keep them simple. This practice helps in understanding the context and reasoning behind certain tests, especially when dealing with complex scenarios.

7. Run Tests with Coverage

Ensure comprehensive test coverage by running tests with coverage reporting. Use the following command to generate coverage reports:

flutter test --coverage
genhtml coverage/ -o coverage/html
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Using isA and having Matchers

The isA and having functions are powerful tools in Dart's testing framework, allowing for granular and precise state validation. Using these matchers, you can ensure that the emitted states not only belong to a certain type but also contain specific values or properties.


Consider a BLoC that fetches user data. You want to test that the SuccessState contains the correct user data.

blocTest<MyBloc, MyState>(
  'emits [Loading, Success] with correct user data',
  build: () => successBloc,
  act: (bloc) => bloc.add(FetchUserEvent()),
  expect: () => [
    isA<SuccessState>().having((state) =>, 'id', equals(1))
                        .having((state) =>, 'name', equals('John Doe')),
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In this example, isA<SuccessState>() verifies the state type, while having checks the specific properties of the state.

Benefits of Nested Matchers

  • Precision: Ensure that the state not only matches a type but also contains expected values.
  • Readability: Provide clear, readable assertions about the expected state.
  • Debugging: Easier to debug when tests fail, as the error messages specify which part of the state did not meet the expectations.

Best Practices for BLoC Testing

  • Write Descriptive Test Names: Ensure that your test names clearly describe the scenario being tested.
  • Test One Thing at a Time: Focus on testing a single event or state transition in each test.
  • Keep Tests Independent: Ensure that tests do not depend on the outcome of other tests.
  • Use Realistic Data: Use real API data or realistic mock data to make your tests more robust.
  • Review and Refactor: Regularly review and refactor your tests to improve readability and maintainability.

Community Resources


Writing BLoC tests is a rewarding endeavor that significantly improves code quality. By converting events into states and testing these transitions, you can uncover hidden issues, simplify state management, and adhere to best practices. With tools like the bloc_test library and matchers like isA and having, writing these tests becomes a structured and systematic process. Happy testing!

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