MQTT Mobile App to Pulsar via MQTT

Timothy Spann. 🇺🇦 - Mar 16 '22 - - Dev Community


MQTT Phone App to Pulsar via MQTT is a cool app you can use to send your location over HTTP or MQTT. We will use MQTT, which is actually MoP (MQTT on Pulsar) to my Pulsar cluster.

For a no code ingest of Location Data

So the cool thing is, all you have to do is point to the cluster via the MQTT Port and the app will send location data to a topic. Now that it is in Apache Pulsar, I can query it with Pulsar SQL (Trino/Presto SQL). Or I can build an Apache Spark app for ETL. I can also write continuous SQL in Apache Flink for real-time streaming analytics on that location stream.


Maps of Travel

Map 2

Configure MQTT Settings


MQTT Settings


root@pulsar1:/opt/demo/apache-pulsar-2.9.1# bin/pulsar-client consume "persistent://public/default/owntracks%2Fuser%2FB692CBD1-57AF-47EE-BD04-5CB3CBC20755" -s "owntrax" -n 0
2022-03-09T19:02:43,397-0500 [pulsar-client-io-1-1] INFO  org.apache.pulsar.client.impl.ConnectionPool - [[id: 0xe2958283, L:/ - R:localhost/]] Connected to server
2022-03-09T19:02:43,574-0500 [pulsar-client-io-1-1] INFO  org.apache.pulsar.client.impl.ConsumerStatsRecorderImpl - Starting Pulsar consumer status recorder with config: {"topicNames":["persistent://public/default/owntracks%2Fuser%2FB692CBD1-57AF-47EE-BD04-5CB3CBC20755"],"topicsPattern":null,"subscriptionName":"owntrax","subscriptionType":"Exclusive","subscriptionMode":"Durable","receiverQueueSize":1000,"acknowledgementsGroupTimeMicros":100000,"negativeAckRedeliveryDelayMicros":60000000,"maxTotalReceiverQueueSizeAcrossPartitions":50000,"consumerName":null,"ackTimeoutMillis":0,"tickDurationMillis":1000,"priorityLevel":0,"maxPendingChunkedMessage":10,"autoAckOldestChunkedMessageOnQueueFull":false,"expireTimeOfIncompleteChunkedMessageMillis":60000,"cryptoFailureAction":"FAIL","properties":{},"readCompacted":false,"subscriptionInitialPosition":"Latest","patternAutoDiscoveryPeriod":60,"regexSubscriptionMode":"PersistentOnly","deadLetterPolicy":null,"retryEnable":false,"autoUpdatePartitions":true,"autoUpdatePartitionsIntervalSeconds":60,"replicateSubscriptionState":false,"resetIncludeHead":false,"keySharedPolicy":null,"batchIndexAckEnabled":false,"ackReceiptEnabled":false,"poolMessages":true,"maxPendingChuckedMessage":10}
2022-03-09T19:02:43,605-0500 [pulsar-client-io-1-1] INFO  org.apache.pulsar.client.impl.ConsumerStatsRecorderImpl - Pulsar client config: {"serviceUrl":"pulsar://localhost:6650/","authPluginClassName":null,"authParams":null,"authParamMap":null,"operationTimeoutMs":30000,"lookupTimeoutMs":30000,"statsIntervalSeconds":60,"numIoThreads":1,"numListenerThreads":1,"connectionsPerBroker":1,"useTcpNoDelay":true,"useTls":false,"tlsTrustCertsFilePath":"","tlsAllowInsecureConnection":false,"tlsHostnameVerificationEnable":false,"concurrentLookupRequest":5000,"maxLookupRequest":50000,"maxLookupRedirects":20,"maxNumberOfRejectedRequestPerConnection":50,"keepAliveIntervalSeconds":30,"connectionTimeoutMs":10000,"requestTimeoutMs":60000,"initialBackoffIntervalNanos":100000000,"maxBackoffIntervalNanos":60000000000,"enableBusyWait":false,"listenerName":null,"useKeyStoreTls":false,"sslProvider":null,"tlsTrustStoreType":"JKS","tlsTrustStorePath":"","tlsTrustStorePassword":"","tlsCiphers":[],"tlsProtocols":[],"memoryLimitBytes":0,"proxyServiceUrl":null,"proxyProtocol":null,"enableTransaction":false,"socks5ProxyAddress":null,"socks5ProxyUsername":null,"socks5ProxyPassword":null}
2022-03-09T19:02:43,627-0500 [pulsar-client-io-1-1] INFO  org.apache.pulsar.client.impl.ConnectionPool - [[id: 0x2b93a0e0, L:/ - R:localhost/]] Connected to server
2022-03-09T19:02:43,627-0500 [pulsar-client-io-1-1] INFO  org.apache.pulsar.client.impl.ClientCnx - [id: 0x2b93a0e0, L:/ - R:localhost/] Connected through proxy to target broker at
2022-03-09T19:02:43,629-0500 [pulsar-client-io-1-1] INFO  org.apache.pulsar.client.impl.ConsumerImpl - [persistent://public/default/owntracks%2Fuser%2FB692CBD1-57AF-47EE-BD04-5CB3CBC20755][owntrax] Subscribing to topic on cnx [id: 0x2b93a0e0, L:/ - R:localhost/], consumerId 0
2022-03-09T19:02:43,641-0500 [pulsar-client-io-1-1] INFO  org.apache.pulsar.client.impl.ConsumerImpl - [persistent://public/default/owntracks%2Fuser%2FB692CBD1-57AF-47EE-BD04-5CB3CBC20755][owntrax] Subscribed to topic on localhost/ -- consumer: 0
2022-03-09T19:02:45,645-0500 [pulsar-client-io-1-1] INFO  com.scurrilous.circe.checksum.Crc32cIntChecksum - SSE4.2 CRC32C provider initialized
----- got message -----
key:[null], properties:[], content:{"_type":"location","acc":5,"alt":35,"batt":92,"bs":2,"BSSID":"48:5d:36:cd:85:6a","conn":"w","lat":40.268214,"lon":-74.529126,"m":2,"p":100.879,"SSID":"FiOS-QHW9R-5G","t":"u","tid":"55","tst":1646870566,"vac":3,"vel":0}
----- got message -----
key:[null], properties:[], content:{"_type":"location","acc":5,"alt":35,"batt":92,"bs":2,"BSSID":"48:5d:36:cd:85:6a","conn":"w","lat":40.268214,"lon":-74.529126,"m":2,"p":100.879,"SSID":"FiOS-QHW9R-5G","t":"u","tid":"55","tst":1646870568,"vac":3,"vel":0}
----- got message -----
key:[null], properties:[], content:{"_type":"location","acc":5,"alt":35,"batt":92,"bs":2,"BSSID":"48:5d:36:cd:85:6a","conn":"w","lat":40.268214,"lon":-74.529126,"m":2,"p":100.879,"SSID":"FiOS-QHW9R-5G","t":"u","tid":"55","tst":1646870570,"vac":3,"vel":0}
----- got message -----
key:[null], properties:[], content:{"_type":"location","acc":5,"alt":35,"batt":92,"bs":2,"BSSID":"48:5d:36:cd:85:6a","conn":"w","lat":40.268221,"lon":-74.529105,"m":2,"p":100.879,"SSID":"FiOS-QHW9R-5G","t":"u","tid":"55","tst":1646870576,"vac":3,"vel":1}
----- got message -----
key:[null], properties:[], content:{"_type":"location","acc":6,"alt":35,"batt":92,"bs":2,"BSSID":"48:5d:36:cd:85:6a","conn":"w","created_at":1646870585,"lat":40.268193,"lon":-74.529146,"m":2,"p":100.881,"SSID":"FiOS-QHW9R-5G","t":"t","tid":"55","tst":1646870404,"vac":2,"vel":1}
2022-03-09T19:03:43,609-0500 [pulsar-timer-5-1] INFO  org.apache.pulsar.client.impl.ConsumerStatsRecorderImpl - [persistent://public/default/owntracks%2Fuser%2FB692CBD1-57AF-47EE-BD04-5CB3CBC20755] [owntrax] [eb3ed] Prefetched messages: 0 --- Consume throughput received: 0.08 msgs/s --- 0.00 Mbit/s --- Ack sent rate: 0.08 ack/s --- Failed messages: 0 --- batch messages: 0 ---Failed acks: 0
----- got message -----
key:[null], properties:[], content:{"_type":"location","acc":5,"alt":35,"batt":92,"bs":2,"BSSID":"48:5d:36:cd:85:6a","conn":"w","lat":40.268171,"lon":-74.52908,"m":2,"p":100.886,"SSID":"FiOS-QHW9R-5G","t":"u","tid":"55","tst":1646870634,"vac":3,"vel":0}
----- got message -----
key:[null], properties:[], content:{"_type":"location","acc":5,"alt":35,"batt":92,"bs":2,"BSSID":"48:5d:36:cd:85:6a","conn":"w","lat":40.268186,"lon":-74.529093,"m":2,"p":100.889,"SSID":"FiOS-QHW9R-5G","t":"u","tid":"55","tst":1646870653,"vac":3,"vel":0}

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Not Map


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Terabox Video Player