String Comparison in C# .NET: Using == and Equals()

waelhabbal - Jul 14 '23 - - Dev Community

In C#, a string is a sequence of characters that represents text. It is a reference type that is implemented as a class in the .NET Framework. Strings are immutable, which means that once they are created, their value cannot be changed.

The C# compiler optimizes the memory usage of strings using a technique called string interning. String interning is the process of storing only one copy of each unique string in memory, and reusing that copy wherever the same string is used again. This helps to reduce memory usage and improve performance.

== and Equals in C# .NET

In C# .NET, "==" and "Equals" are used to compare two values for equality. However, they work differently depending on the type of the values being compared.

The "==" operator is used to compare the values of two variables or expressions for equality. When comparing value types such as integers, doubles, or booleans, the "==" operator compares the actual values of the variables or expressions. When comparing reference types, the "==" operator compares the references to the instances, rather than the content of the instances themselves.

On the other hand, the "Equals" method is used to compare the content of two instances for equality. By default, the "Equals" method compares the references of two instances, just like the "==" operator. However, many classes override the "Equals" method to compare the content of their instances instead of comparing the references.

What is string interning:

String interning is a technique used by the .NET Framework to optimize memory usage when working with strings.

When a string is created in .NET, it is stored in memory as a reference type, which means that a new instance is created to hold the string's value. Since strings are immutable, once a string is created, its value cannot be changed. This means that if the same string value is used multiple times throughout a program, multiple instances will be created to hold the same value.

To avoid this duplication of strings, the .NET Framework uses a process called string interning. String interning is the process of storing only one copy of each unique string in memory, and reusing that copy wherever the same string is used again.

When a string is interned, a single instance of the string is created in memory, and any subsequent references to that same string value will refer to the existing instance. This helps to reduce memory usage and improve performance, particularly in programs that use many identical strings.

In C#, string interning is performed automatically by the compiler for string literals (i.e. strings defined directly in the code), but it can also be done manually using the String.Intern method.

Comparing Strings in C# Using == and Equals

When comparing strings in C#, there are a few important things to keep in mind:

  1. == operator: The == operator compares the value of two strings to see if they are equal. When comparing strings using the == operator, the C# compiler will use string interning to optimize memory usage. This means that if two string literals have the same value, they will be interned and compared by reference equality.

  2. Equals method: The Equals method is used to compare the value of two strings. When comparing strings using the Equals method, the C# compiler compares the content of the strings, regardless of whether they are interned or not.

  3. Reference equality: When comparing strings by reference equality using the ReferenceEquals method, the C# compiler compares the memory location of the two strings to see if they refer to the same object in memory.

Here's an example of how string interning and string comparison works in C#:

string keepCoding1 = "keep coding";
string keepCoding2 = "keep coding";
string keepCoding = "keep " + "coding";
string keepCodingModified = "keep ";
keepCodingModified += "coding";//note: keepCodingModified is not a string literal, so it is not interned.

Console.WriteLine($"keepCoding1 == keepCoding2 ({keepCoding1 == keepCoding2})");
Console.WriteLine($"keepCoding1 == keepCoding ({keepCoding1 == keepCoding})");
Console.WriteLine($"keepCoding1 == keepCodingModified ({keepCoding1 == keepCodingModified})");

Console.WriteLine($"keepCoding1.Equal(keepCoding2) ({keepCoding1.Equals(keepCoding2)})");
Console.WriteLine($"keepCoding1.Equal(keepCoding) ({keepCoding1.Equals(keepCoding)})");
Console.WriteLine($"keepCoding1.Equal(keepCodingModified) ({keepCoding1.Equals(keepCodingModified)} )");

Console.WriteLine($"ReferenceEquals(keepCoding1, keepCoding2) ({ReferenceEquals(keepCoding1, keepCoding2)} )");
Console.WriteLine($"ReferenceEquals(keepCoding1, keepCoding) ({ReferenceEquals(keepCoding1, keepCoding)} )");
Console.WriteLine($"ReferenceEquals(keepCoding1, keepCodingModified) ({ReferenceEquals(keepCoding1, keepCodingModified)} )");

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Conclusion: In C# .NET, string comparison can be done using the "==" operator and the "Equals" method. The "==" operator compares the value of two strings by using string interning to optimize memory usage, while the "Equals" method compares the content of two strings regardless of whether they are interned or not. When comparing strings using reference equality, the C# compiler compares the memory location of the two strings to see if they refer to the same object in memory. Understanding these differences is important when working with strings in C# to ensure correct and efficient code.

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