[Part 1] A proactive approach to handling application errors

Wednesday Solutions - Oct 5 '21 - - Dev Community

NOTE: You will need slack access for this tutorial.

This is Part-1 of a 3 part series on how to proactively handle errors in your application across the stack.

As engineers, we toil all day, write tests, test our APIs manually, work through various scenarios and user flows before we raise a PR to get our code merged in. Peer Pull Request reviews - one of the best forms of collaboration, act as an extra set of eyes that help identify missing conventions and use cases. This helps build a more stable product. All these things are done to reduce the risk of failure. However, as all of you know, and have very well experienced, there will be unanticipated issues in production. Could be related to a third-party service malfunctioning, or a system failure. Yes, AWS goes down too!

One out of two things can happen in this case.

  • A disgruntled customer can inform you about inconsistencies or failures in your system.
  • Or, we could put processes in place that proactively alert us if there are issues and we can tackle them head-on.

Let's say that you do get informed proactively. You need to now search through hundreds of GBs of data in the application logs to be able to root cause and fix the issues.

In this tutorial, I will take you through how to integrate slack alerts for failures in your application. We will also go over how to associate an ID for each incoming request to the server. We will use the requestID in the slack alerts for easy debugging.

This tutorial assumes that you have a good understanding of

In case you are not familiar with the above please take some time to go through the documentation

In this tutorial, you will

  • Create a logger middleware that associates a request ID with each incoming request
  • Create a slack webhook
  • Create a slack service that will send messages to different channels for dev and production.

Starter Project

Please clone the following repository: https://github.com/wednesday-solutions/node-express-slack-alert

Create a logger middleware

We will now add a middleware that will be run for each incoming request. This middleware will generate a UUID and associate it with all logs.

Step 1

Add the following dependencies

  • winston
  • cls-rtracer
yarn add cls-rtracer winston
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Step 2

Register the middleware in the server/index.js

import rTracer from 'cls-rtracer';
export const init = () => {
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This ensures that for ever request we are getting a new request-id

Step 3

Log the request-id in the health-check API

 export const init = () => {
  app.use('/', (req, res) => {
    const message = 'Service up and running!';
    console.log(rTracer.id(), message);

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Run the application using the following command

yarn start:local
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The application starts running on port 9000. Go to http://localhost:9000 in the browser to hit the health-check API.


Refresh the page a few times and watch the logs.

For each request you have a new request-id now.

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As a final check lets now add multiple console logs and ensure that the request-id for a single request is constant.

Add this snippet

 export const init = () => {
  app.use('/', (req, res) => {
    const message = 'Service up and running!';
    console.log(rTracer.id(), message);
    console.log(rTracer.id(), Date());

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This will console log the request-id and the time when the log was printed.


Step 4

Create a logger function that combines winston and cls-rtacer

In the utils/index.js

import { createLogger, format, transports } from 'winston';
import rTracer from 'cls-rtracer';

const { combine, timestamp, printf } = format;

export const logger = () => {
  const rTracerFormat = printf(info => {
    const rid = rTracer.id();
    return rid ? `${info.timestamp} [request-id:${rid}]: ${info.message}` : `${info.timestamp}: ${info.message}`;
  return createLogger({
    format: combine(timestamp(), rTracerFormat),
    transports: [new transports.Console()]
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Logger will remove the need to invoke rTracer.id manually. Whenever logger.info is invoked the message is prefixed with the timestamp and the request-id

Let's use logger in the health check API

import { isTestEnv, logger, unless } from '@utils';

export const init = () => {
  app.use('/', (req, res) => {
    const message = 'Service up and running!';

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Now run the app using the following command

 yarn start:local
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Hit the health check API and let the magic unfurl!


We now have a framework that allows us to attribute logs to a particular request.

The slack alerts sent in case of failures will contain the request-id in question. This will help filter through the logs and only retrieve relevant information.

Create a slack webhook

Step 1

Install the slack-notify dependency

yarn add slack-notify
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Step 2

We will now create an incoming webhook

Go to https://<your-domain-name>.slack.com/apps/manage/custom-integrations

Click on Incoming WebHooks


Click on Add to Slack


Choose or create a new channel


I typically create 2 channels. One for non-production errors and one for production errors.

  • node-express-slack-alerts-dev
  • node-express-slack-alerts-production

You can change the name, and icon if you like.

I now have 2 integrations and I will integrate them into my app. We will add them to the .env.development and .env files


Step 3

Create a slack service

Create a file for the slack service using the following command

mkdir server/services
vi server/services/slack.js
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Copy the following snippet in the slack.js

import slackNotify from 'slack-notify';
import rTracer from 'cls-rtracer';

let slack;
function getSlackInstance() {
  if (!slack) {
    slack = slackNotify(process.env.SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL);
  return slack;
export async function sendMessage(text) {
  // 1
  if (['production', 'development', 
         'qa'].includes(process.env.ENVIRONMENT_NAME)) {
      text: JSON.stringify(text),
      username: 'node-express-alerts'
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  1. Change the if condition in order to test the integration locally.
 if (true || 
       ['production', 'development', 
          'qa'].includes(process.env.ENVIRONMENT_NAME)) {
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Now import sendMessage in the server/index and invoke it when the health-check api is invoked as follows

import { sendMessage } from './services/slack';

export const init = () => {
  app.use('/', (req, res) => {
    const message = 'Service up and running!';
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Hit the health check API and you should start seeing slack alerts!


Send the request-id as part of slack alerts

Copy the following snippet

export async function sendMessage(text) {
  if (['production', 'development', 'qa'].includes(process.env.ENVIRONMENT_NAME)) {
      text: JSON.stringify({ requestId: rTracer.id(), error: text, env: process.env.ENVIRONMENT_NAME }),
      username: 'node-express-alerts'
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Make the change to the if condition so that you can test out your integration locally.

Hit the health-check API

Where to go from here

You now have the ability to proactively handle errors on the backend. Use the sendMessage function to capture and report errors to slack. Pull only the relevant logs using the request-id as a filter.

I hope you enjoyed reading this article as much as I enjoyed writing it. If this peaked your interest stay tuned for the next article in the series where I will take you through how to proactively report frontend errors using Sentry.

If you have any questions or comments, please join the forum discussion below.

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