Bash/Powershell Cheatsheet (

Alex Merced - Oct 18 '23 - - Dev Community


Typical Terminal Operations: Bash vs. PowerShell

Operation Bash Command PowerShell Command
File Operations
Create a Directory mkdir directory_name New-Item -Type Directory directory_name
Create a File touch file.txt New-Item -Type File file.txt
List Files and Directories ls or ls -l Get-ChildItem or dir
Remove a File rm file.txt Remove-Item file.txt
Remove a Directory rm -r directory_name Remove-Item -Recurse directory_name
Change Directory cd path/to/directory Set-Location path\to\directory
Current Directory pwd Get-Location
Text Processing
Display File Contents cat file.txt Get-Content file.txt
Search for Text grep pattern file.txt Select-String pattern file.txt
System Information
System Info uname -a Get-ComputerInfo
Process Management
List Running Processes ps Get-Process
Kill a Process kill PID Stop-Process -Id PID
Environment Variables
Display Variable Value echo $VAR_NAME echo $env:VAR_NAME
Set Variable VAR_NAME=value $env:VAR_NAME = value
Script Execution
Execute Script ./ .\script.ps1
Run as Administrator (sudo) sudo command Start-Process powershell -ArgumentList "command" -Verb RunAs
File Permissions
Change File Permissions chmod 755 file.txt Set-ItemProperty file.txt -Name IsReadOnly $false
List File Permissions ls -l file.txt Get-Acl file.txt
File Manipulation
Copy File cp source.txt dest.txt Copy-Item source.txt dest.txt
Move File mv source.txt dest.txt Move-Item source.txt dest.txt
Rename File mv oldname.txt newname.txt Rename-Item oldname.txt newname.txt
File Compression
Create Zip Archive zip -r folder/ Compress-Archive -Path folder -DestinationPath
Extract Zip Archive unzip Expand-Archive -Path -DestinationPath folder
Text Editing
Create/Edit Text File nano file.txt notepad file.txt
Check Network Connection ping Test-Connection
User Management
Create User useradd username New-LocalUser -Name username
Delete User userdel username Remove-LocalUser -Name username
Package Management
Update Package Database sudo apt-get update Update-Package
Install Package sudo apt-get install pkg Install-Package pkg
Remove Package sudo apt-get remove pkg Uninstall-Package pkg
System Services
Start Service sudo systemctl start service Start-Service service
Stop Service sudo systemctl stop service Stop-Service service
Environment Setup
Set Environment Variable export VAR_NAME=value $env:VAR_NAME = "value"
SSH to Remote Host ssh user@hostname Enter-PSSession -ComputerName hostname -Credential user
File Search
Find Files by Name find /path -name "pattern" Get-ChildItem -Path /path -Filter pattern
Find Files by Type find /path -type f Get-ChildItem -Path /path -File
Find Directories find /path -type d Get-ChildItem -Path /path -Directory
File Permissions
Change Ownership chown user:group file Set-Acl file -Owner user
File Comparison
Compare Two Files diff file1.txt file2.txt Compare-Object -ReferenceObject (Get-Content file1.txt) -DifferenceObject (Get-Content file2.txt)
Text Manipulation
Count Lines in a File wc -l file.txt `Get-Content file.txt
File Permissions
Change File Permissions {% raw %}chmod 644 file.txt `Set-Acl file.txt -AclObject (Get-Acl file.txt) -PermissionSet "Read"
File Size
Get File Size stat -c %s file.txt (Get-Item file.txt).Length
Time and Date
Display Current Date date Get-Date
Package Management
List Installed Packages dpkg -l Get-Package
System Information
List System Information lscpu Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_ComputerSystem
Network Configuration
Show Network Interfaces ifconfig Get-NetAdapter
Service Management
List Running Services systemctl list-units --type=service Get-Service
User Management
Change User Password passwd username Set-LocalUser -Name username -Password (ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText "newpassword" -Force)
File Archiving
Create Tar Archive tar -cvf archive.tar folder/ Compress-Archive -Path folder -DestinationPath archive.tar
Extract Tar Archive tar -xvf archive.tar Expand-Archive -Path archive.tar -DestinationPath folder
Clipboard Operations
Copy to Clipboard `echo "text" xclip -sel clip`
Paste from Clipboard xclip -o -sel clip Get-Clipboard
File Permissions
Check File Permissions ls -l file.txt Get-Acl file.txt
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