EV Test Drive Project

AricayaJohn - Apr 27 - - Dev Community

Electric Car Website Project

Step 1 : Coming up with an idea


  • As someone interested in new technology and cars, I want to have the users to get information about the Electric vehicles and their qualities that they need
  • I want this site to give accessibility to get them book a test drive when the customer's see the car that they want.
  • Since in today's world there is a pletora of option to choose from. I want to give users the option to randomly get a car that they can test drive.


  • Have a webrowser installed.
  • Have a code editor installed.
  • Have json-server installed in the code editor.

Installation Instructions

  1. Fork and clone.https://github.com/AricayaJohn/EVTestDrive-Project
  2. Run json-server --watch db.json in code Editor.
  3. Open index.html in the browser.

Step 2: Features

- I want to have a title in the header.
To do this, in the HTML add h1 tag in the body of the file.

<h1 id = "header">Electric Car Test Drive</h1>
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- I want to have a random button generator.
To do this, we add a button tag with an id attribute in html.

 <button id = "randomBtn">Random EV</button>
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-I want a list of cars with its information inside a card structure that can also take a user information so that they can book the test drive. (DOMContentLoaded)
To do this we will create a div element with id attribute and a class attribute that will allow us to edit, style and manipulate the data in html.

  <div id ="ev-collection" class = "card-containter"></div>
    <!--This where we will fetch data from db.json then create a card in js-->
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Step 3 : Come up with an MVP

  • I want a list of cars inside a card structure. (DOMContentLoaded) To do this, we are going to fetch the data using DOMCOntentLoaded event listener and use a function to call and create the cards from our the data in our json file.
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => {
    createRandomBtn(); // call the function for random button 
//This is to get data from db.json
function fetchGetEVData() {
    .then(resp => resp.json())
    .then(data => {
      console.log("Data fetched successfully:", data); // Log fetched data json objects to console
            data.forEach(EV => showCars(EV));
        //if promise failed to load data from json file
        //then it will show error 
        .catch(error => {
          console.error('Error fetching the json data', error)
  //Create a card
function showCars(EV) {
  //Fetch data for ev-collection HTML and create structure to cards
    const evCollection = document.getElementById("ev-collection");
        const div = document.createElement("div")
  //Create images variable to add to div 
    const img = document.createElement("img")
        img.src = EV.ImageLink

 //Create h2 variable to give title for card
    const h2 = document.createElement("h2")
    h2.textContent = EV.Company

 //Create p document for model, price, and range
    const p = document.createElement("p")
        p.textContent = EV.Model

 //Create p for price 
    const price = document.createElement("p")
        price.textContent = EV.Price  

 //create p for range
    const range = document.createElement("p")
        range.textContent = EV.Range
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  • I want to take user information into a form so that they can book the test drive In our index.js, below of our previous syntax we will create a form variable that will contain alabel and input for name, email, and date of testdrive and a submit button for the form
 //Create a form for user's info name, email, the day to test drive, and submit button
    const form = document.createElement("form")
 //Create a label for name
        const userName = document.createElement("Label")
            userName.textContent = "Name: ";
            const userInput = document.createElement("input")
            userName.type = "text"
            userInput.name = "name";
  //Create a label for email          
        const userEmail = document.createElement("label")
            userEmail.textContent = "Email: ";
            const inputEmail = document.createElement("input")
            inputEmail.type = "email";
            userEmail.name = "email";
 //Create a email label and input
        const dateLabel = document.createElement("label")
        dateLabel.textContent = "Schedule Test Drive: "
        const dateInput = document.createElement("input")
        dateInput.type = "date";
        dateInput.name = "date";
 //Create a submit button to submit form 
        const submitBtn = document.createElement("input")
        submitBtn.type = "submit"
        submitBtn.value = "submit"
 //Handling submit function eventListener
            function handleSubmit(event) {
                const name = userInput.value;
                const email = inputEmail.value;
                const date = dateInput.value;
                if (!name || !email || !date) {
                    alert("Please complete all fields before submitting the form.");

                alert("Your Test Drive reservaton has been completed");
    form.addEventListener("submit", handleSubmit)
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Then we will append this functions, attributes and elements to the Dom so that we could see it on our website.

//Going to append the form to the card DOM
//Create a break to have another input bellow
//Going to append the email form to the card DOM    
//Going to create a break to put date label and input bellow
//Going to append date label and input to the DOM
//Adding a break to put submit button bellow 
//Appending submit button to form 

//Connect the data to html div to be able to send to the DOM       
div.append (img, h2, p, price, range, form)
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*- I want to have a random button generator that would pick a random car for the user. *

To do this, we are getting the randomBtn tag in our HTML and adding a function to it so that it would display a random EV card.

function createRandomBtn() {
    const randomBtn = document.getElementById("randomBtn");

    randomBtn.addEventListener("click", () => {
      const cards = document.querySelectorAll(".card");
      const randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * cards.length);

      cards.forEach((card, index) => {
        if (index === randomIndex) {
          card.style.display = "block"; // Show the selected card
        } else {
          card.style.display = "none"; // Hide the other cards
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**- I want an alert to show up when form is submitted or is incomplete. **
To do this, we add a function and event listener bellow our submit button that we created.

 //handling submit
            function handleSubmit(event) {
                const name = userInput.value;
                const email = inputEmail.value;
                const date = dateInput.value;
                if (!name || !email || !date) {
                    alert("Please complete all fields before submitting the form.");

                alert("Your Test Drive reservaton has been completed");
    form.addEventListener("submit", handleSubmit)
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Step 4 : Stretch goals

  • I want to have a drop down button that filters down to the car model
  • I want user can like/favorite the vehicle (click)
  • Add form for user to submit a test drive request to their email at certain date
. . .
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