Let's Build Web Components! Part 5: LitElement

Benny Powers ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ฑ๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ฆ - Oct 22 '18 - - Dev Community

Component-based UI is all the rage these days. Did you know that the web has its own native component module that doesn't require the use of any libraries? True story! You can write, publish, and reuse single-file components that will work in any* good browser and in any framework (if that's your bag).

In our last post, we learned about the Polymer library and its unique approach to data-binding and app composition.

Today we'll implement <lit-lazy-image> using the LitElement base class. Compared to Polymer, LitElement takes a fundamentally different approach to templating, one which is much more congruent to the reactive style of programming which has become so widespread in front-end in the last few years. With one-way data flow, a declarative syntax for binding data and event listeners, and a standards-based approach to efficient DOM updates, LitElements are performant and a pleasure to write.

But before we dive in, let's take a minute to explore the lit-html library, which is the foundation of LitElement


lit-html is a new library (currently in pre-release) by Justin Fagnani, an engineer at Google. You use it to write dynamic and expressive DOM templates in JavaScript. If you've worked with React's JSX, you've doubtless written and composed similar templates. Unlike JSX, lit-html leverages the browser's built-in HTML parser, and standards like the <template> element and tagged template literals to efficiently update the DOM without any "Virtual DOM" overhead.

Functional UI

the equation "UI = f(data)" with a subtle translucent Greek capital lambda in the background

With lit-html templates, we're entering the world of functional programming in JavaScript. We'll be using terms like 'pure' and 'impure' functions a lot in this article, so for an introduction or refresher on functional concepts, check out Brian Lonsdorf's canonical Mostly Adequate Guide to Functional Programming, but for our purposes we'll be interested in a few basic concepts:

  • Pure Functions: Functions that take an input and return an output without referencing or affecting any other data.
  • Impure Functions: Functions that produce side effects.
  • Side Effects: Anything that happens asides from immediately computing some result from some input, e.g. writing to the console.log or the document, or accessing global variables.

So when we say "UI as a function of data", we mean that without having to use anything other than our data, we can compute a piece of UI.

import { html, render } from 'lit-html';

/* lit-html: UI as a pure function of data */
const view = ({ content, title }) =>

/* Compose templates from other templates */
const title = 'View as a Pure Function of Data';
const content = html`
  <p>Composable templates are flexible and powerful. They let you define
  complex views from simple building blocks.</p>
  <p>Using composition, you can hide implementation details of your
  app. This makes your work easier to test, reason about, and debug.</p>`;

/* Everything up to now has been pure. By calling `render`,
 * we pull the trigger on the impure part of our app and
 * actually write our view to the screen. */
render(view({ content, title }), document.body);
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The html function (template literal tags are just functions) returns a special type called a TemplateResult, which knows about its static parts and its dynamic parts (or interpolated expressions i.e. the changing ${someExpression} parts) in its template literals. The render function takes a TemplateResult along with a containing node to dynamically update the DOM. By storing the locations in DOM that might react to changing values of expressions in templates, lit-html can efficiently update those parts of the DOM each render call, without having to re-render the whole tree.

This is similar enough in practice to React's JSX, but let's take a step back to appreciate the differences, so we can make more informed choices. Here is a non-exhaustive list of all the web standards mentioned or alluded to In the previous paragraph:

Since lit-html rests exclusively on standards, it runs directly in the browser. It doesn't require any build step, compilation, transforms, or anything like that. In fact I've factored many apps with lit-html using nothing but .js files - just hit save and refresh!

So, the lit-html library's raison d'รชtre is to use established, browser-native web standards to let developers write dynamic and expressive HTML-in-JS while handling efficient DOM updates behind the scenes.

For the scoop on that, let's hear it right from the horse' mouth:

Data Binding

In lit-html templates, you can insert JavaScript expressions in place of any node, or as the value of any attribute. Let's imagine a hypothetical product page where we want to fetch a collection of product objects from our API, then output an HTML template for each.

We can interpolate attribute values with any data we want:

const star = value => html`
  <meter class="star-rating"
      min="0" max="5"
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We can declaratively define event listeners by passing in a function with a special @event-type binding syntax. We'll imagine an example that uses some analytics function (presumably imported from elsewhere) to report when our product images load on screen.

const lazyThumbnail = ({ id, alt, thumbnail }) => html`
      @loaded-changed="${event => analytics('thumbnail-viewed', { event, id })}"
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For more control over the listener behaviour, we could pass in a special listener descriptor object. This is also more memory-efficient since it doesn't create a new lambda (i.e. anonymous arrow function) for each render:

const listener = {
  handleEvent: event =>
    analytics('thumbnail-viewed', {
      event, id: event.target.dataset.productId
  passive: true,
  once: true,

const lazyThumbnail = ({ id }) => html`
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Naturally, you could just define the lambda outside your templates as well, you don't need to build a special listener descriptor.

If we wanted to bind to an element's DOM properties instead of it's HTML attributes, we can use the .property binding syntax.

html`<img .src="${srcProperty}"/>`;
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Note that unlike expensive attribute updates which are guarded to only run when the value actually changes, property assignments happen on each render, whether or not the value has changed. So be careful of calling setters with side effects.

We can also un/set boolean attributes with the special ?attribute syntax:

const stockBadge = ({ inventory }) => html`
  <aside class="badge" ?hidden="${inventory > 0}">
    Out of stock!
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In that way, we created a stockBadge template which displays an 'Out of Stock!' message when the inventory is low, a lazyThumbnail badge which lazy-loads the product image and notifies our analytics service when it appears on screen, and a star template which displays a special star-rating via the <meter> built-in element.

Now we can compose our product template together:

const product = ({ id, rating, thumbnail, alt, url, inventory }) => html`
  <article class="product" data-product-id="${id}">
    ${stockBadge({ inventory })}
    ${lazyThumbnail({ id, alt, thumbnail })}
    <a class="btn-link" href="${url}">Read More</a>
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With all that in place, generating an entire page's worth of TemplateResults would be straightforward:

const productPage = products => products.map(product);
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Then, in the impure part of our app, we'd brave the elements to fetch and render our data.

const handleAsJson = response => response.json();

const renderToProductContainer = templateResult =>
  render(templateResult, document.getElementById('products'))

fetch('/api/products?page=1')     // Fetch the array of products
  .then(handleAsJson)             // Parse the response as JSON
  .then(productPage)              // Map `product` over the array,
                                  // converting it to an array of TemplateResults.
  .then(renderToProductContainer) // Render the templates to the DOM.
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lit-html comes with a variety of template helper functions called directives. They are meant to be called inside of a template definition. They interact with the internal lit-html APIs that compute TemplateResults, usually to improve rendering performance.

import { repeat } from 'lit-html/directives/repeat.js';
import { ifDefined } from 'lit-html/directives/if-defined.js';

const getId = ({ id }) => id;

const stooges = [
  { id: 1, name: 'Larry', img: 'images/larry.jpg' },
  { id: 2, name: 'Curly' },
  { id: 3, name: 'Moe', img: 'image/moe.jpg' }

const stoogeTpl = ({ id, name, img }) => html`
  <li data-stooge="${id}">
    <img src="${ifDefined(img)}"/>

const stoogesTpl = html`<ul>${repeat(stooges, getId, stoogeTpl)}</ul>`;
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The repeat directive is used like Array#map to generate a list of templates from an Array. As of this writing it appears that for most use cases Array#map is just as if not more performant than repeat. But for cases where you will be changing the order of a large list of items that have their own IDs, repeat is where it's at.

ifDefined is used to check if a value is defined before outputting the associated DOM. It's useful when you only want to apply an attribute in the case that your value exists, like we've done with <img src> above.

The until directive can be used to wait on a promise, showing some default content in the mean time.

  this.userPromise.then(user => user.name),
  'Loading User...'
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The when directive functions just like the ternary (x ? y : z) expression, but it's lazy. You pass an expression, and two functions that return TemplateResults for the truthy and falsy cases of some expression, they will only be evaluated as needed.

const postTpl = ({ title, summary }) => html`

const userPostsTpl = ({ name, posts = [] }) => html`
  <h1>${name}'s Posts</h1>

const loggedOutTpl = () => html`
  <h1>Log in to see your posts</h1>
  <mwc-button @click="${login}">Login</mwc-button>`

const userPageTpl = (user = { loggedIn: false }) => html`
    ${when(user.loggedIn, () => userPostsTpl(user), loggedOutTpl)}
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The guard directive prevents a re-render until an expression's identity changes (meaning, if you change the expression from one primitive to another or from one object reference to another, even if the object's contents are equivalent)

The classMap and styleMap directives help you set classes and styles on your components in a more efficient manner

// Because of lit-html internals, this is inefficient.
const userTpl = ({ token, name }) =>
  html`<div class="user ${ token ? 'loggedIn' : '' }">${name}</div>`;

// Using `classMap` instead keeps your templates efficient.
const userTpl = ({ token, name }) =>
  html`<div class="${classMap({ loggedIn: token, user: true })}">${name}</div>`;
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The directives APIs are some of the last to be finalized before ye olde big 1.0 launch, so stay up to date by checking the README and the documentation


You can and should use lit-html on its own in your projects. But we're here to talk web components. It just so happens to be that the LitElement base class is the official custom element class for working with lit-html.

If lit-html is about computing UI with pure functions, then LitElement is about hitching that mechanism to a very object-oriented customElement class. When you extend from it and provide a render() method that returns a TemplateResult, LitElement takes care of batching DOM updates for you.

import { LitElement, html } from 'lit-element';

const superlativeTpl = superlative =>
  html`<li>So <em>${superlative}</em>!!</li>`

class SoLit extends LitElement {
  static get properties() {
    return {
      title: { type: String },
      superlatives: { type: {
        fromAttribute: attr => attr.split(','),
        toAttribute: xs => xs.join(),
      } },

  render() {
    return html`
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With this brief introduction to the new hotness that lit-html and LitElement bring, we're ready to start our refactor of <lazy-image>.


Just like last week, our first step will be to import our dependencies and rename the component.

import { LitElement, html } from 'lit-element';

const isIntersecting = ({isIntersecting}) => isIntersecting;

const tagName = 'lit-lazy-image';

class LitLazyImage extends LitElement {/*..*/}

customElements.define(tagName, LitLazyImage);
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Next we'll define our render method, using <polymer-lazy-image>'s as a template (pun!), but replacing the static binding expression strings with JS expressions, and adjusting the binding syntax. All of the styles will stay the same as the ones we used for <polymer-lazy-image>.

render() {
  return html`

    <div id="placeholder" aria-hidden="${String(!!this.intersecting)}">
      <slot name="placeholder"></slot>

    <img id="image"
        .src="${this.intersecting ? this.src : undefined}"
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*Note* that we could have used `ifDefined` here, but for such a simple component, with such a simple usage, I think the performance gains of using directives would be outweighed by the cost of loading more JS.

Since we can interpolate actual JavaScript expressions, we don't need any of the computed binding methods from our polymer-based implementation. We likewise don't need the property getters and setters from the vanilla version, since LitElement has its own mechanism for managing properties and attributes. We'll discuss LitElement's properties system in more depth later on.. For now, it's enough to define our observed attributes in a static getter:

static get properties() {
  return {
    alt: { type: String },
    intersecting: { type: Boolean },
    src: { type: String },
    loaded: {
      type: Boolean,
      reflect: true,
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And really, that's basically it. One small change I made was to explicitly fire a loaded-changed event when the image loads up, to maintain compatibility with Polymer-style templating systems:

onLoad(event) {
  this.loaded = true;
  // Dispatch an event that supports Polymer two-way binding.
    new CustomEvent('loaded-changed', {
      bubbles: true,
      composed: true,
      detail: {
        value: true,
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And I took the opportunity to refactor initIntersectionObserver to handle its own feature detection:

initIntersectionObserver() {
  // if IntersectionObserver is unavailable,
  // simply load the image.
  if (!('IntersectionObserver' in window)) {
    return this.intersecting = true;
  // ...
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But the truth is that thanks to lit-html, we've deleted a lot more than we've added here.

Here's our completed component, Check out the diff, down to 140 LOC from <polymer-lazy-image>'s 160 and <lazy-image>'s 195:

import { LitElement, html } from 'lit-element';

const isIntersecting = ({isIntersecting}) => isIntersecting;

const tagName = 'lit-lazy-image';

class LitLazyImage extends LitElement {
  render() {
    return html`
        :host {
          position: relative;

        #placeholder ::slotted(*) {
          position: absolute;
          top: 0;
          left: 0;
            var(--lazy-image-fade-duration, 0.3s)
            var(--lazy-image-fade-easing, ease);
          object-fit: var(--lazy-image-fit, contain);
          width: var(--lazy-image-width, 100%);
          height: var(--lazy-image-height, 100%);

        #placeholder ::slotted(*),
        :host([loaded]) #image {
          opacity: 1;

        :host([loaded]) #placeholder ::slotted(*) {
          opacity: 0;

      <div id="placeholder" aria-hidden="${String(!!this.intersecting)}">
        <slot name="placeholder"></slot>

      <img id="image"
        .src="${this.intersecting ? this.src : undefined}"

  static get properties() {
    return {
       * Image alt-text.
       * @type {String}
      alt: { type: String },

       * Whether the element is on screen.
       * @type {Boolean}
      intersecting: { type: Boolean },

       * Image URI.
       * @type {String}
      src: { type: String },

       * Whether the image has loaded.
       * @type {Boolean}
      loaded: {
        type: Boolean,
        reflect: true,

  constructor() {
    this.observerCallback = this.observerCallback.bind(this);
    this.intersecting = false;
    this.loading = false;

  connectedCallback() {
    // Remove the wrapping `<lazy-image>` element from the a11y tree.
    this.setAttribute('role', 'presentation');
    // if IntersectionObserver is available, initialize it.

  disconnectedCallback() {

   * Sets the `intersecting` property when the element is on screen.
   * @param  {[IntersectionObserverEntry]} entries
   * @protected
  observerCallback(entries) {
    if (entries.some(isIntersecting)) this.intersecting = true;

   * Sets the `loaded` property when the image is finished loading.
   * @protected
  onLoad(event) {
    this.loaded = true;
    // Dispatch an event that supports Polymer two-way binding.
    const bubbles = true;
    const composed = true;
    const detail = { value: true };
    this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('loaded-changed', { bubbles, composed, detail }));

   * Initializes the IntersectionObserver when the element instantiates.
   * @protected
  initIntersectionObserver() {
    // if IntersectionObserver is unavailable, simply load the image.
    if (!('IntersectionObserver' in window)) return this.intersecting = true;
    // Short-circuit if observer has already initialized.
    if (this.observer) return;
    // Start loading the image 10px before it appears on screen
    const rootMargin = '10px';
    this.observer = new IntersectionObserver(this.observerCallback, { rootMargin });

   * Disconnects and unloads the IntersectionObserver.
   * @protected
  disconnectObserver() {
    this.observer = null;
    delete this.observer;

customElements.define(tagName, LitLazyImage);
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There's much more to learn about LitElement than our simple lazy-loading example demonstrates. Let's dive in to the API and see what we can see.

Attributes and Properties

LitElement comes with the ability to define property and attribute descriptors. These are similar to the ones we used with PolymerElement last week, but LitElement's are at once more powerful and more flexible.

Any property defined in the static properties getter will be added to the list of observedAttributes (for more on that, see our piece on vanilla web components). For simple cases, you can just pass the type constructor of the property.

 * When the `simple` attribute is set,
 * it will also set the `simple` property
simple: { type: String },
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Reflecting Properties to Attributes

If you'd like to reflect changes to the property as an attribute, flag the reflect boolean in the property descriptor.

 * Just like `simple`, but it will also set the `reflecting`
 * attribute when the `reflecting` property is set.
reflecting: {
  type: Number, // defaults to `String`
  reflect: true,
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You can also set the attribute descriptor to specify which attribute to synchronize with.

 * Like `string` and `reflect`, but this time syncs to the
 * `special-attribute` attribute. If `attribute` is not specified,
 * it will sync with the lowercase property name
 * i.e. `definedattr`
definedAttr: {
  type: String,
  attribute: 'special-attribute', // defaults to `true`
  reflect: true,
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The attribute descriptor can be either false, in which case the attribute won't be observed (but setting the DOM property will still run LitElement effects); true, in which case the ascii lowercased property name will be observed; or a string, in which case that specific string will be observed for that property.

Controlling Serialization

Serialization means converting data like numbers, arrays, or objects, to a format that can reliably be sent one piece at a time, like a string. It happens to be that all HTML attribute values are strings, so when we talk about serialization w.r.t. DOM properties, we're talking stringification.

If you want to control how that process works in your element, you can specify in the type descriptor a function to handle serialization (defaults to the String constructor). For fine-grained control over the process, set type to an object with functions at the properties fromAttribute and toAttribute.

<super-serializer serialized="a|b|c|d"></super-serializer>

<script type="module">
  import { LitElement } from 'lit-element';

  class extends LitElement {
    static get properties() {
      return {
        serialized: {
          type: {
            fromAttribute: x => x.split('|')
            toAttribute: xs => xs.join('|')

  customElements.define('super-serializer', SuperSerializer);

  const el = document.querySelector('super-serializer');

  (async () => {
    console.log(el.serialized); // ["a", "b", "c", "d"]

    el.serialized = [1, 2, 3, 4];

    await el.updateComplete;

    console.log(el.serialized); // [1, 2, 3, 4]
    console.log(el.getAttribute('serialized')) // "1|2|3|4"
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Determining when a Property Has Changed

You can control how your element will react to property changes by setting the hasChanged property of a property descriptor to a predicate function (meaning, a function that returns a Boolean). This will be pretty useful when your property is a reference type like Object or Array.

The signature of the hasChanged function is (newVal, oldVal) -> Boolean, so you could do something like:

const userType = {
  fromAttribute: id => getUserSync(users, id),
  toAttribute: ({ id }) => id,

const userHasChanged = (
  { id, avatar, name } = {},
  { id: oldId, avatar: oldAvatar, name: oldName } = {}
) => (
  id !== oldId ||
  avatar !== oldAvatar ||
  name !== oldName

static get properties() {
  return {
    user: {
      type: userType,
      hasChanged: userHasChanged,
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You'd use hasChanged for fine-grained control over the element's lifecycle on a per-property basis. There are also a number of methods that you can implement in your element to affect how the lifecycle turns.

LitElement Lifecycle

In addition to the standard custom element lifecycle callbacks, LitElement provides a number of specific methods which help you control how and when your element renders.


To control whether or not your element re-renders, implement the shouldUpdate function which takes a Map of changed properties, which refers to the old values.

shouldUpdate(changedProperties) {
  return !changedProperties.has('dataOnlyProp') || changed;
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By default, shouldUpdate returns true.


We've already seen the render method, which determines the element's template. render is called by the update method, which, like shouldUpdate, takes a Map of changed properties. You might use update to perform side-effects not related to the DOM. Don't manipulate properties here, since setting them won't trigger another update.

update(changedProperties) {
  // Don't forget this or your element won't render!
  if (changedProperties.get('loggedIn') && !this.loginReported) {
    Analytics.report('Logged In', this.user.id)
    this.loginReported = true;
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firstUpdated and updated

But if you want to perform side effects related to the DOM, like getting a reference to a shadow-child or setting a light-child attribute, you should use either firstUpdated or updated:

 * firstUpdated runs once after the element renders for
 * the first time. It's ideal for capturing references to
 * shadow children, etc.
 * @param  {Map<string, any>} changedProperties
firstUpdated(changedProperties) {
  // Capture references to shadow children.
  this.player = this.shadowRoot.querySelector('video');
  // Setting observed properties here will trigger an update.
  this.loaded = true;

 * Updated runs every time the element renders, so it's well-
 * suited for managing light DOM children, or anything else that you
 * don't directly control in your template.
 * @param  {Map<string, any>} changedProperties
updated(changedProperties) {
  this.children.forEach(child => setAttribute('updated', new Date()))
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Setting observed properties in either firstUpdated or updated will trigger a re-render.


The requestUpdate method which will explicitly cause the element to update and re-render. You can call this method in one of two ways. Calling without arguments will simply re-render the element. This is useful when for example you want to set some element state based on something other than properties, like light DOM children.

// Get a DOM reference to your element
const myLitEl = document.querySelector('my-lit-element');

// When the element's light DOM mutates, call `requestUpdate`
const onMutation = ([{target}]) => target.requestUpdate();

const observer = new MutationObserver(onMutation);

observer.observe(myLitEl, {
  attributes: false,
  childList: true,
  subtree: true,
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When you call requestUpdate with a specific property and value, LitElement will run the side effects configured for that property, for example reflecting its attribute. You should do this if you've implemented setters for your properties.

set customProp(value) {
  // Do your thing, we try not to judge - honest!
  // Make sure LitElement has its house in order.
  this.requestUpdate('customProp', this.customProp)
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The updateComplete property (NOTE: Not a method!!) is a promise that resolves when rendering is finished. You'll notice we've used it in some of our earlier examples. Wait for this promise when you want to access the updated DOM.

class MouseMachine extends LitElement {
  static get properties() {
    return {
      meaning: {
        type: String,
        attribute: 'life-the-universe-and-everything',

customElements.define('mouse-machine', MouseMachine);

const mm = document.createElement('mouse-machine');


(async () => {
  mm.meaning = 42;

  await mm.updateComplete;

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Factoring Apps with LitElement

Unlike Polymer elements, with their two-way-binding templates, lit elements are particularly well suited to the types of one-way data flows popularized by the React/Redux pattern and others. You can create or import class mixins which connect your elements to your central store and update their props. In fact, I've released a set of base classes which extend from LitElement that connect your components to an Apollo GraphQL client cache. Check it out:

GitHub logo apollo-elements / apollo-elements

๐Ÿš€๐ŸŒ› Use the Launch Platform ๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€๐Ÿš€๐Ÿ‘จโ€๐Ÿš€

Apollo Elements

๐Ÿš€ Apollo Elements ๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€๐Ÿš€

๐ŸŒ‘ Custom elements meet Apollo GraphQL ๐ŸŒœ

๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€๐Ÿš€ It's one small step for a dev, one giant leap for the web platform! ๐Ÿ‘จโ€๐Ÿš€

Made with open-wc Contributions Welcome ISC License Maintainability Test Coverage Release

Apollo Elements offers packages based on a variety of underlying web component authoring libraries. You can pick the one that suits your project in order to keep your app sizes small.

npm init @apollo-elements
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๐Ÿค– Demos

๐Ÿ—บ Guides and Docs

If you just want to see the API Docs, check them out for all our packages at apolloelements.dev

Use in any


he PWA Starter Kit is a fully-realised example of an app factored with LitElement and Redux.

GitHub logo Polymer / pwa-starter-kit

Starter templates for building full-featured Progressive Web Apps from web components.

Built with pwaโ€“starterโ€“kit Build status

Status: No longer under development

This project is no longer under development.

If you're interested in continuing to use PWA Starter Kit, feel free to fork and modify it as you like.

If you want to start a new application project using LitElement, the open-wc application scaffold generator is one good starting point.

PWA Starter Kit

This sample app is a starting point for building PWAs. Out of the box, the template gives you the following features:

  • all the PWA goodness (manifest, service worker)
  • a responsive layout
  • application theming
  • example of using Redux for state management
  • offline UI
  • simple routing solution
  • fast time-to-interactive and first-paint through the PRPL pattern
  • easy deployment to prpl-server or static hosting
  • unit and integrating testing starting points
  • documentation about other advanced patterns.

๐Ÿ“– Head over to the documentation site for more details or check out how to get started!

pwa-starter-kit screenshot


  • Setup Safari testing onโ€ฆ

But since lit-elements are just DOM, you can set their properties with vanilla JavaScript, which means that you can use any state management solution that speaks JavaScript, pre-made or bespoke.

A future post will go more into detail about options for factoring web-component-based apps, so stay tuned!


Pros Cons
Functional UI with lit-html and LitElement Coming from Polymer's two-way binding, it's a change in paradigm.
Based in web standards, no need for babel, typescript, or long toolchains. The one non-standard usage is bare specifiers, requiring either a bundler or a server-side transform.
Aligns well with patterns and syntax familiar to many popular libraries Although the community is vocal and growing, it's not yet as large and popular as other libraries (at least, not until you get involved, dear reader)

LitElement is set to be the go-to custom element base class for most projects, but it's far from the only game in town. Join us next week to look at Gluon, a slimmed-down and simple custom elements framework that gives you key features without the bloat.

See you then ๐Ÿ˜Š

Would you like a one-on-one mentoring session on any of the topics covered here? Contact me on Codementor


Thanks again are due to @ruphin for sharing his insights into lit-html and the web components standards, and to Amit Merin and morbidick in the Polymer community slack for their proofreading.


Check out the next article in the series

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Terabox Video Player