Managing POSIX ACL Permissions in JuiceFS

DASWU - Jun 7 - - Dev Community

Access Control Lists (ACLs) are a mechanism for implementing finer-grained permissions control in Unix-like systems, such as Linux, macOS, and FreeBSD. They extend the traditional Unix permissions model and provide a more flexible and detailed way to manage permissions.
In the traditional Unix permissions model, the permissions for a file or directory are categorized into three types:

  • Owner permissions
  • Group permissions
  • Others permissions

This model is simple and easy to understand but can be limiting in scenarios that require more granular control. For example, if you want to allow a specific user to access a file without making them a part of the file's group, the traditional Unix permissions model falls short.

This is where POSIX ACLs come into play. With POSIX ACLs, you can assign individual permissions to each user or group, rather than just the file's owner, group, or others.

This article guides on managing POSIX ACLs in JuiceFS for detailed file permissions. It covers enabling ACLs, setting and checking permissions, and ensuring ACLs are preserved during file operations.

Requirements for using ACLs in JuiceFS

JuiceFS Enterprise Edition always supports ACLs, while JuiceFS Community Edition supports POSIX ACLs starting from version 1.2. This guide focuses on the community edition.

  • Before enabling ACLs in JuiceFS Community Edition, keep the following points in mind:
  • ACLs are associated with the file system and cannot be disabled once enabled.

To enable ACLs on a file system, you need to upgrade all clients to version 1.2 or later to avoid interference with permissions settings by older clients.

Prepare the file system

Confirm the client version

Check the client version.

$ juicefs version
juicefs version 1.2.0-beta1+2024-04-18.041e931
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As of the publication of this article, the latest client version is JuiceFS v1.2.0-beta2. You can find the precompiled version for your CPU architecture on Github Releases or follow our document to compile the client manually.

The ACL feature has no requirements on the metadata engine and can be used on any JuiceFS file system, whether created with the new client or an older one. As long as you use the new client version, you can enable ACLs in an existing file system.

Create your file system

If you don’t have a file system, refer to the document to create your file system.

Enable ACLs for the new file system

To enable ACLs when creating a file system, use the version 1.2 or later client with the --enable-acl option:

juicefs format --enable-acl \
--bucket xxx
--access-key xxx
--secret-key xxx
redis:// myjfs
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Enable ACLs for the file system

Use the client of version 1.2 or later to enable ACLs for the existing file system with the config command:

juicefs config --enable-acl redis://
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Check if a file system has ACLs enabled

You need to use the client of version 1.2 or later to check if a file system has ACLs enabled, as older clients cannot output ACL-related information. For example:

$ juicefs status redis://

  "Setting": {
    "Name": "myjfs",
    "UUID": "fdc09170-3e1b-43be-bc64-c30e6031a7b9",
    "Storage": "minio",
    "Bucket": "",
    "AccessKey": "herald",
    "SecretKey": "removed",
    "BlockSize": 4096,
    "Compression": "none",
    "EncryptAlgo": "aes256gcm-rsa",
    "KeyEncrypted": true,
    "TrashDays": 1,
    "MetaVersion": 1,
    "MinClientVersion": "1.1.0-A",
    "DirStats": true,
    "EnableACL": false
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Check if a file system has ACLs enabled

You need to use the client of version 1.2 or later to check if a file system has ACLs enabled, as older clients cannot output ACL-related information. For example:

$ juicefs status redis://

  "Setting": {
    "Name": "myjfs",
    "UUID": "fdc09170-3e1b-43be-bc64-c30e6031a7b9",
    "Storage": "minio",
    "Bucket": "",
    "AccessKey": "herald",
    "SecretKey": "removed",
    "BlockSize": 4096,
    "Compression": "none",
    "EncryptAlgo": "aes256gcm-rsa",
    "KeyEncrypted": true,
    "TrashDays": 1,
    "MetaVersion": 1,
    "MinClientVersion": "1.1.0-A",
    "DirStats": true,
    "EnableACL": false
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After enabling ACLs for a file system, the minimum client version recorded in the status information will also change. For example:

  "Setting": {
    "Name": "myjfs",
    "UUID": "fdc09170-3e1b-43be-bc64-c30e6031a7b9",
    "Storage": "minio",
    "Bucket": "",
    "AccessKey": "herald",
    "SecretKey": "removed",
    "BlockSize": 4096,
    "Compression": "none",
    "EncryptAlgo": "aes256gcm-rsa",
    "KeyEncrypted": true,
    "TrashDays": 1,
    "MetaVersion": 1,
    "MinClientVersion": "1.2.0-A",
    "DirStats": true,
    "EnableACL": true

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Tools for managing ACLs

In Linux, the primary tools for managing and configuring ACLs are:

  • getfacl: Gets the ACL information of a file or directory
  • setfacl: Sets the ACL of a file or directory.

Some Linux distributions do not install these tools by default. To install them:

  • For Debian and Ubuntu systems, you can run the sudo apt-get install acl command.
  • For Red Hat, Almalinux, and Rocky Linux, you can use the sudo dnf install acl command.

Use ACLs to manage file permissions in JuiceFS

POSIX file permissions

In Linux systems, permissions for files or directories are managed by users or groups.
For example, when you use the ls -l command to list the information of files in a directory, the first field of each record is a 10-character string like -rw-r--r--. This represents the permissions of the user, group, and others for that file:

  • The 1st character represents the file type:

    • - for a regular file
    • d for a directory
    • l for a symbolic link
    • s for a socket
  • The 2nd to 4th characters represent the owner's permissions:

    • r for reads
    • w for writes
    • x for execution
    • If a permission is not granted, it’s represented by -
  • The 5th to 7th characters represent the group's permissions:

    • r for reads
    • w for writes
    • x for execution
    • If a permission is not granted, it’s represented by -
  • The 8th to 10th characters represent the permissions for others:

    • r for reads
    • w for writes
    • x for execution
    • If a permission is not granted, it’s represented by -

For example, -rw-r--r-- indicates:

  • This is a regular file.
  • The owner has read and write permissions.
  • The group and others have read-only permissions.

Image description

In the permissions information shown above, the owner is herald and the group is admin. If you want to grant read and write permissions for the file to a user named tom, there are a few options:

  • Setting tom as the owner of the file, but this would remove ownership from herald.
  • Adding tom to the admin group and granting write permissions to the entire group. But this would break the read-only restriction for the admin group, giving all members read and write access.
  • Assigning read and write permissions to others. But this would widen the permissions too much.

Clearly, the standard Linux permission model cannot implement fine-grained file permission control, while ACLs can easily fulfill this requirement.

Use ACLs to assign permissions

To set ACL permissions for files and directories, you can use the tools getfacl and setfacl:

  • getfacl lists the ACL information.
  • setfacl sets ACL permissions.

Set ACL permissions for files

Using the file as an example, first, check its ACL settings:

Image description

The output shows the file's ACL information:

  • The first three lines are the file name, owner, and group.
  • The next three lines show the current permissions settings, which match those listed by the ls -l command. This means that without ACL settings, the displayed information is the default POSIX permissions.

Now, use setfacl to grant read and write permissions to a user named tom, who is not in the admin group. The syntax for setting ACL permissions for a user is setfacl -m u:username:permissions filename_or_directoryname.

Image description

As shown in the figure:

  1. The id command confirms that the user is not in the admin user group.
  2. setfacl grants the user rw read-write permissions.
  3. After setting the permissions, getfacl lists the file's ACL settings.

After setting, the output shows two new lines:

  • user:tom:rw-: The newly added ACL entry, indicating that user tom has read and write permissions for the file.
  • mask::rw-: It is the permission mask automatically added by the ACL to the file. It sets the maximum effective permissions for ACL entries in the group class.

Now, user tom has edit permissions for the file and can verify this by using sudo -u tom nano to modify and save the file.

In my system, there is a user named jerry in the admin group. As the figure below shows, when attempting to edit the file as jerry, it shows that it does not have write permissions:

Image description

This indicates that the ACL settings did not affect the default file permissions.
Similarly, you can assign read and write permissions to a specific user group using the syntax setfacl -m g:user-group:permissions filename_or_directoryname.

Image description

As shown in the image, the www-data user group was granted read and write permissions for the file. This means that all users in this group now have read and write access to the file. However, the default POSIX permissions for the admin user group remain read-only. This allows for flexible permission definitions for any number of users or groups based on specific needs.

Set ACL permissions for a directory

Setting ACL permissions for a directory is similar to setting them for a file. Use getfacl to retrieve the ACL information for the directory, and setfacl to set the ACL permissions.
As the figure below shows, I extracted files at the JuiceFS mount point and created a new directory. By using getfacl, I retrieved the ACL information for this directory and used setfacl to grant user tom read, write, and execute (rwx) permissions for the directory.

Image description

From the figure, you can see that directories by default include execute (x) permissions; without these, you cannot enter the directory. Following this logic, you can set ACL permissions based on directory access, such as restricting the www-data group from accessing the directory using sudo setfact -m g:www-data:wr- directory.

Image description

Similarly, you can assign access permissions for any user or group to a directory. To apply the ACL rules to all files and directories, use the -R option. For example, setfacl -R -m u:tom:wrx your-directory.

Set default ACL permissions for a directory

You might notice that setting ACL permissions on a directory only affects the directory itself. For example, granting tom rwx permissions to the directory does not provide write access to the files within. This is because ACL settings do not propagate by default.

To propagate ACL permissions to newly created files in a directory, use default permissions by adding the -d option when setting them.

Image description

After setting default permissions, the directory's ACL information will include default definitions. Any new files added to this directory will automatically inherit these default ACL permissions. In the example above, tom will have full read, write, and execute permissions for any new files or directories created within.

Note that the default ACL permissions do not affect existing files in the directory. To apply the ACL rules to existing files, use the -R option. For example, setfacl -R -m u:tom:wrx your-directory.

Remove ACL permissions

To remove ACL rules defined on a file or directory, use the -x option, as shown in the figure below:

Image description

In addition, to recursively remove all ACL settings from all files in a directory, use setfacl -R -b your-directory.


Preserving ACL permissions during copying

Tools like cp and rsync do not preserve ACL settings by default. To retain ACL permissions during file or directory operations, ensure you understand the relevant options for these tools. For example:

# cp uses -a or --archive 
cp -a source file destination
# rsync uses -X or --acl
rsync -avX source file destination
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This article introduced the basic usage of POSIX ACL from the perspective of the JuiceFS file system, highlighting the differences from default POSIX permissions and considerations in daily use. It provides detailed examples of using getfacl and setfacl commands for setting file, directory, and default ACL permissions.

I hope this information is helpful to JuiceFS users. If you have any feedback or suggestions, you can join JuiceFS discussions on GitHub and our community on Slack.

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