10 Common Mistakes in Developing Video Conferencing Apps for Developers

Digital Samba - Apr 4 - - Dev Community

Developing a smooth-running video conferencing app is fraught with challenges, often leading to user dissatisfaction if not handled correctly. Developers frequently encounter hurdles ranging from subpar audio quality to intricate user interfaces, diminishing the user experience. This article delves into ten common pitfalls encountered in creating video conferencing tools and offers strategies to circumvent these issues, aiming for a flawless execution of your video conferencing application. Let’s delve into these challenges.

Common pitfalls in developing video conferencing apps

Inadequate network adaptation

Visualise a scenario where you are presenting a significant proposal in a crucial meeting, and suddenly, your video feed stutters and pixelates, leaving your voice distorted. Such network inadequacies can be detrimental, highlighting the importance of robust network optimisation in video conferencing applications.

Given the unpredictable nature of home Wi-Fi and mobile data, which can suffer from congestion or distance-related weakening, your application must be resilient and adaptable.


  • Adaptive bitrate streaming: Your application should dynamically adjust the video quality based on the available network speed, similar to a vehicle changing gears based on the road’s gradient. This balances video quality and continuous playback, preventing freezing or buffering issues.
  • Forward error correction (FEC): Incorporate FEC to counteract the loss of data packets during transmission. This method sends extra data to fill in the gaps when some packets go missing, maintaining the integrity of the video stream.
  • Jitter buffer management: Jitter, or the variability in packet arrival times, can disrupt smooth communication. Implementing a jitter buffer temporarily stores arriving packets to compensate for any delay, thus smoothing out the playback.
  • Network diagnostics tool: Enhance user experience by integrating a feature that diagnoses network speed and quality within the app. This will provide users with a clear understanding of their network capabilities and whether they’re affecting call quality rather than leaving them to blame the app for quality issues.

Compromised security in video conferencing apps

Robust security measures are non-negotiable in the realm of video conferencing. An application lacking stringent security protocols is a disaster waiting to happen, risking unauthorized access to confidential interactions, be they corporate discussions or personal dialogues. The aftermath of a security breach is devastating, leading to a loss of user trust that is exceedingly difficult to regain.

Imagine conducting confidential therapy sessions or discussing sensitive business strategies online. If these conversations are not adequately protected, they could have significant ethical and legal repercussions, not to mention potential exposure of sensitive information to adversaries.


  • Implement end-to-end encryption (E2EE): Secure your app's data like valuable assets in an impenetrable safe. Only the sender and recipient possess the key to unlock this safe, rendering intercepted data useless to hackers. Utilising established encryption protocols is crucial; attempting to create a new form of encryption is ill-advised.
  • Enhanced access controls: Sole reliance on passwords is obsolete. Augment security with two-factor authentication, combining a password with a verification code sent to the user's phone, to fortify defences. Also, it empowers meeting hosts with adjustable security settings, allowing them to tailor the level of access control based on the meeting's confidentiality.
  • Continuous security monitoring: Cyber threats evolve rapidly, necessitating constant vigilance and regular updates to your application to address new vulnerabilities. Establishing a bug bounty program encourages ethical hackers to report vulnerabilities, enabling you to rectify potential security flaws proactively rather than reactively.

Overlooking user experience (UX) in video conferencing apps

Even a video conferencing app boasting groundbreaking features and robust security can fail if its user interface is cumbersome. The focus should be on creating a user-friendly experience that avoids user frustration rather than just aesthetic appeal. Users who struggle with basic functionalities like unmuting, screen sharing, or navigating the app are more likely to switch to more user-friendly alternatives.


  • Prioritise intuitive design: Essential functions such as call joining, microphone muting/unmuting, video toggling, screen sharing, and call exiting should be prominently displayed with clear, universally recognisable icons. To ensure intuitive user interaction, use widely understood symbols (like play, pause, and microphone icons).
  • Ensure accessibility: Consider your user base's diverse needs, including those of individuals with visual, auditory, or motor impairments. Implement features like real-time captions, high-contrast colour schemes for better visibility, and comprehensive keyboard navigation to ensure your app is accessible to everyone.
  • Conduct user testing: Engage participants outside of your development team to perform common operations within your app. Monitor their ability to naturally interact with the interface, access settings, and solve typical problems. Use these insights to refine the user interface, ensuring that the app is intuitive and efficient prior to its public release.

Incompatibility in video conferencing software

Envision your firm adopting a sophisticated video conferencing tool, and you're in charge of its deployment. Soon, issues arise: Steve from Sales faces intermittent webcam functionality, Mary from Finance, using an older iPad, encounters frequent crashes, and a remote developer using Linux struggles with the non-functional screen sharing feature. Such compatibility issues can significantly disrupt productivity and transform efficient workflows into ongoing technical support dilemmas.

Given the broad spectrum of devices and operating systems your users employ—from the latest smartphones to aged laptops—ensuring universal compatibility is crucial. Overlooking this aspect doesn't merely negatively affect a handful of users; it compromises the experience for many, leading to frustration and inefficiency.


  • Adopt a cross-platform approach: Develop with a broad perspective, not just for your preferred environment. Even if macOS is your go-to, remember that user preferences vary widely. Utilize frameworks like React Native or Flutter, which allow you to simultaneously cater to Android, iOS, Windows, and web users, enhancing uniformity and integration across different platforms.
  • Comprehensive browser testing: Browsers have unique ways of processing video and executing JavaScript, which can lead to discrepancies in your app's functionality. To identify and rectify any inconsistencies, it’s crucial to conduct thorough testing across major browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Safari, including their mobile versions.
  • Set realistic legacy support boundaries: Striving for backward compatibility can hinder progress, yet it’s vital to establish and communicate clear support parameters. Determine the lowest supported versions for Android, iOS, and Windows, and convey these specifications clearly to preempt user dissatisfaction and support issues.
  • Implement graceful fallback mechanisms: Not all features will work flawlessly on every device or browser. Instead of letting the app crash, create alternative solutions. For example, if screen sharing proves problematic on less capable devices, offer the option to share static screen captures. Or, allow users on underpowered hardware to switch to audio-only mode to maintain participation without compromising the call quality.

Enhancing with advanced features

A basic video conferencing app might meet fundamental needs but often lacks the flair to excite and retain users. In a field crowded with contenders, extra, innovative features elevate an app from good to exceptional, making it a preferred choice for users who might champion it within their networks and organisations.


  • Virtual backgrounds and filters: To address privacy concerns and add a dash of fun, implement virtual backgrounds that allow users to either blur their surroundings or replace them with picturesque scenes or playful filters. This feature not only enhances privacy but also injects a sense of enjoyment into the calls, particularly for less formal interactions.
  • Sophisticated noise suppression: In today’s dynamic environments, background noise can often interrupt calls. Advanced noise reduction technology helps filter out non-vocal sounds, thereby clarifying the speaker's voice. This improvement ensures participants can conduct conversations without finding a perfectly quiet setting.
  • Embedded collaboration tools: Your app should facilitate real-time collaboration beyond simple screen sharing through features like shared whiteboards, document editing, and note-taking. Enabling participants to interact with shared content directly within the call enhances productivity and engagement, negating the need to switch between different applications.
  • Automated summaries and actionable insights: Leveraging AI to provide transcriptions of meetings not only creates a valuable reference tool but also identifies key points and actionable items from discussions. This capability saves users time and effort in sifting through recordings, thereby enhancing the value of your application.
  • Seamless integration with other apps: Ensure your video conferencing app seamlessly integrates with commonly used tools like contact lists, file-sharing services, and calendar applications. This connectivity turns your app into a versatile hub that seamlessly fits into users’ existing workflows, thereby encouraging adoption and regular use.

Incorporating these ‘beyond the basics’ features can significantly enrich the user experience, fostering satisfaction and genuine enthusiasm for your video conferencing app.

Overlooking scalability

Creating a video conferencing application that operates flawlessly during small group chats is one thing, but developing a platform capable of supporting extensive business meetings with hundreds or even thousands of users simultaneously is a completely different ballgame. Imagine your application gaining popularity, only to falter under pressure when several large corporations initiate internal conferences concurrently. Proactively planning for scalable growth is essential to prevent such bottlenecks.


  • Leverage established cloud solutions: Constructing a robust server infrastructure to manage significant spikes in video and audio streaming traffic with minimal latency is a daunting task. Utilize established cloud services like Amazon Web Services or Microsoft Azure, which offer scalable solutions to dynamically manage demand, often with cost-effective, usage-based pricing models.
  • Implement load balancing: Analogous to distributing customers across multiple cashiers during peak retail periods, your application should efficiently distribute traffic across several servers to prevent overloading any single one, ensuring a smooth operation.
  • Anticipate traffic peaks: Be aware that user engagement will likely fluctuate, with peaks during specific hours. Plan accordingly for these surges, perhaps scheduling non-critical tasks like uploads for quieter periods to alleviate network strain during peak times.

Audio quality underestimation

Clear audio quality is paramount in video conferencing, often more critical than video resolution. Poor microphone performance, echo, or insufficient noise cancellation can severely degrade the communication experience.


  • Facilitate user setup: Incorporate an audio check feature to help users optimize their microphone settings before joining a meeting, and recommend using headphones to minimize echo from room speakers.
  • Incorporate advanced audio processing: Utilize technologies like echo cancellation and volume normalization to ensure clear audio, minimizing disruptions during conversations.
  • Advise on compatible hardware: If possible, recommend microphones or headsets known to work well with your application, enhancing the overall audio quality of the calls.

Power consumption neglect

For mobile users or those without constant power access, a video conferencing app's high power consumption can be a significant inconvenience.


  • Utilise efficient codecs: Choose video and audio codecs that balance quality and data usage optimally to minimize device computational load.
  • Awareness of app state: Develop your app to intelligently pause or reduce resource-intensive tasks when it's running in the background or not actively used to conserve battery life.
  • Monitor battery usage: Integrate battery monitoring to adjust the app’s functionality, like lowering video resolution, to extend device usage time without compromising essential features.

Ignoring regulatory compliance

Neglecting the legal requirements related to data privacy and user protection can have serious consequences, particularly for apps used across different regions or industries.


  • Understand legal requirements: Thoroughly research the data protection laws relevant to your app’s user base, possibly consulting with legal experts to ensure compliance with regulations like GDPR or HIPAA.
  • Provide clear user options: Offer transparent choices regarding data recording and usage and ensure users can easily manage their privacy and data settings within the app.
  • Stay updated on legal changes: Laws and regulations evolve, so continually adapt your app to meet the latest data protection standards, ensuring ongoing compliance and user trust.

Lacking the "delight factor"

Beyond basic functionality, incorporating elements that exceed user expectations can foster loyalty and enthusiasm for your application.


  • Innovative features: To add a professional touch, consider integrating intelligent features that enhance the user experience, like AI-enhanced lighting adjustments or automatic framing during video calls.
  • Attention to detail: Small, engaging design elements, such as satisfying feedback for interactions or charming animations, can significantly enhance the user experience, making your app more memorable and enjoyable to use.

Build reliable, enterprise-grade video conferencing apps with the Digital Samba SDK/API

Develop a high-calibre video conferencing application effortlessly with Digital Samba's SDK/API, designed to navigate common development hazards while delivering an exceptional user experience.

  • Network excellence: Digital Samba's SDK ensures uninterrupted clarity in communication, even on unreliable networks. Adaptive bitrate technology, integrated error correction, and jitter buffering strategies ensure consistent quality. In-built network diagnostics empower users to identify and rectify connection issues swiftly.
  • Stringent security measures: Guarantee the privacy and security of your video conferences with Digital Samba's advanced security protocols, including end-to-end encryption and detailed access controls. Adherence to major security regulations is simplified, providing a secure environment for all participants.
  • Streamlined user experience: Utilize Digital Samba's user-friendly interface components to create applications that are intuitive and accessible. The SDK's design tools and accessibility options ensure a smooth experience for every user, regardless of their technical ability.
  • Comprehensive compatibility: Digital Samba supports multiple platforms, enabling seamless app development and ensuring user accessibility across various devices and browsers. The SDK balances forward-thinking features and broad usability, establishing a solid foundation for user engagement.

Leverage the power of Digital Samba's SDK/API to craft a video conferencing application that excels in functionality, security, and user satisfaction. Begin your journey with Digital Samba and transform your digital communication landscape.

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