What Is a Mobile App Development - Guide for Business Owners Interested in Building a Mobile App

Duomly - Mar 2 '22 - - Dev Community

This article was originally published at: https://www.blog.duomly.com/what-is-mobile-app-development/

Business owners interested in creating a mobile app may be wondering, "What is a mobile app development ?" 

Mobile apps are software programs that allow users to run specific tasks on their smartphone or tablet using an interface. What can your business do with this type of technology? 

Let's explore the possibilities…

What is mobile app development?

Mobile app development is how a business creates a mobile app for its customers or employees. This guide will teach business owners everything they need to know about mobile app development, from designing and planning to market and launching the finished product.

Apps allow businesses to do various tasks, from processing payments to providing customer service. In addition, companies can also use apps to increase brand awareness and promote their products or services.

If you're interested in learning more about mobile app development, keep reading. In this guide, we'll discuss the following topics:

  • What is a mobile app?
  • The different types of mobile apps
  • How to design your mobile app
  • How to plan your mobile app

What are the different types of mobile apps.

Mobile apps can come in different shapes and sizes. In fact, there are a wide variety of mobile apps for all types of businesses. 

Let's take a look at some common examples:

  • Businesses use mobile apps to process payments or track customer data, such as order history or shipping information. 

  • Mobile applications that provide news, sports scores, weather forecasts, and other information are also popular with many customers. 

  • If your business already has a website, you may want to create a mobile version of it so customers can access the site from their smartphones or tablets. This type of app is often called a "PWA" app

  • You can also create mobile apps to promote your business. Examples of marketing-related apps include coupons, giveaways, and sweepstakes.

  • Organizations can also use mobile apps to assist their mission. For example, community organizations can use apps to connect with members, share important information, and raise money for charity.

  • Social apps allow users to connect with friends. If your business is looking to increase brand awareness, consider creating social apps that are free to download.

  • Finally, many businesses are using mobile apps to provide location-specific services. Think about an app that offers shopping deals or coupons at nearby restaurants or merchants.

What are the most popular technologies used to build mobile apps?

Flutter and React Native are two of the most popular mobile app development frameworks.

Let's take a look at the pros and cons of each:

Flutter Pros: 

  • Flutter is very fast, making it a good choice for apps that require high performance. 

  • Flutter uses a hot reloading feature, allowing developers to make changes to their code and see the results immediately. 

Flutter Cons: 

  • Flutter is still relatively new, so there may not be as many developers familiar with it as with other frameworks. 

React Native Pros:

  • React Native is popular with developers, so you're likely to find more experienced developers with this knowledge than you would with Flutter. 

  • React Native allows for a more seamless transition from web to mobile apps. 

React Native Cons: 

  • Because React Native is so popular, there is also demand for developers with this knowledge, leading to higher fees when hiring new employees or consultants. 

  • Multiple technologies allow businesses to build mobile apps. If your business is looking to increase brand awareness or process payments, consider using apps built on one of these two frameworks.

More about these two technologies you can read in the article: 
Flutter vs. React Native Comparison.

How does a mobile app work?

A user can access a mobile app using an Android or iOS device. Once the user downloads the app to their smartphone, they will use that interface to interact with it. Just like websites, there are both native apps and PWAs. A native app is built for one operating system type, so its interface looks different across devices. On the other hand, PWA apps are web-based, so they'll look similar on any device.

The advantage of having a separate native app is that you have more control over how it's displayed to users. However, building separate native apps takes more time and resources than creating just one PWA version that works across multiple operating systems.

What steps should be taken to build an effective and efficient mobile application for your company's needs, including design, coding, testing, and marketing?


1. Evaluate your business needs and define the purpose of your mobile app

This is arguably one of the most critical steps to take when building a mobile app, as it will determine how you design, code, and market it. 

For example, if you're looking for a way to provide location-specific services. Such as searching nearby restaurants, then you'll need to make sure your mobile app has GPS capabilities built-in.

2. Design and wireframe your mobile app

Once you've decided what features and functionality your mobile app should offer, start designing its layout and structure based on what makes sense for that particular task.

Keep in mind that a practical mobile experience should be intuitive; users shouldn't have trouble navigating and using the app.

3. Determine and validate which platform (iOS or Android) your mobile app will be built on for 

This decision depends on what features you want your mobile app to offer and whether or not your target audience uses iPhones or Android devices more often. 

If you're unsure, you can conduct market research to see what percentage of people in your area own an iPhone versus those with an Android device. This is an excellent way to narrow down your options before making a final decision about which platform to build on first. 

Many businesses choose to launch their mobile apps across iOS and Android platforms. Still, some decide to focus on one and link it to the other later on.

4. Build and test your mobile app

When building and testing your mobile app, it's essential to take your time to ensure that it works properly before launching it. Consider hiring an outside company or specialist to help build the mobile app for you, especially if you haven't made apps before or lack in-house technology know-how. 

This will also free up your own resources so you can focus on critical areas of business. Also, while building and testing, make sure all relevant data is backed up regularly in case something goes wrong during this process.

5. Market and launch your mobile app

Before marketing a new product or service, businesses want to ensure that what they're offering appeals to their target audience. Otherwise, they'll just have a bunch of unused inventory. 

This is where market research comes in mobile apps are far less expensive to create than they were just a few years ago. However, that doesn't mean that creating them won't cost your business any money. It's important to factor in the costs of having someone create your mobile app for you, as well as the time and resources needed to oversee this process.

How to design your mobile app

The first step in the mobile app development process is designing your app's interface. This includes choosing a color scheme, fonts, and overall look and feel.

When designing a mobile app, one of your main goals is to establish the app's purpose right from the start. The best way to do this is by having a clear path for users to follow to accomplish their tasks. 
In addition, identifying what people need from your mobile app will improve its functionality and usability. Making it easier for them to use daily rather than being something that just sits on their phone without ever being used again.

The next step is wireframing your mobile app before building it out with additional features. Wireframing helps you determine which features should be included within the mobile app. As well as how they should be arranged on each page or screen so that everything is easily accessible. 

How to plan your mobile app 

Every app goes through a planning process, even if it's only an informal discussion about what the mobile app should or should not do. 

Make sure to schedule time and resources for this process and create any related documentation like user stories and flowcharts.

What is the cost of building a mobile app

There is no set price point for building an app. These costs vary widely based on the type of mobile platform you want your business' app to run on. As well as how many features you choose to include and whether or not you need help from outside companies during the development process. 

This means that each project is unique, but you can estimate the lowest cost of building a mobile app with around $30-40k.

How long will it take to construct my mobile app?

Building a mobile app takes time, usually around a few months to a year, depending on how complex you'd like it to be. 

You'll want planning when seeking funding or deciding whether or not this investment is suitable for your business' short- and long-term goals.

What's the difference between an App and a Mobile Webpage (PWA)?

There are several differences between apps and mobile webpages, including what the user can do with them, their design, usability, and how they work in general. Apps have more features than web pages, but webpages load much faster than apps do since they have very little code running behind them.

Apps typically have built-in navigation capabilities, while mobile web pages don't. Finally, apps are generally more expensive to produce since they require developers to work on them. Still, web pages are almost free for businesses to create if they have an existing website.

Why is Mobile App Development Important? 

Mobile device use continues to increase dramatically across the globe. By 2023, predicts that there will be over 20 billion mobile-connected devices worldwide – which means an increased need for apps both from consumers and businesses. This makes developing a mobile app crucial for any company hoping to remain relevant in today's digital world.

If you're interested in developing a mobile app for your business, don't hesitate to contact us. We'll work with you to create a design and plan that meets your needs and budget, then oversee the development process to ensure everything goes smoothly.


Thank you for reading, \
Radek from Duomly

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