Why I Stopped Writing :after and You Should Too

Shimin Zhang - Apr 1 '22 - - Dev Community

The other day, I tried to add an underline style to an element on hover and it was not working. I did not realize I was styling a pseudo-element created by :after. I preferred the single-colon variation of :after. It's as valid as ::after, life is short, and I am a lazy developer. My :after:hover didn't work and I got frustrated.

Troubleshooting the issue got me thinking, can I combine other pseudo-elements like ::first-letter and ::first-line? And if not, why? And why are both :after and ::after legal anyway?

In this post, I will briefly go over the history of CSS pseudo-element and pseudo-class selectors, how they differ, how to combine them in everyday usage, and why I am an ::after only guy now.

Why is :after Valid CSS?

First, let's go over some CSS history. I first learned CSS in the early 2010s, when CSS 2.1 was 'The Standard' and single-colons roamed the land. While CSS 1 specified pseudo-class selectors like :link and :visited, it is CSS 2 that introduced pseudo-elements like :before and :after.

Back then, there was less emphasis on a pseudo-element vs pseudo-class differentiation – they both used the single-colon syntax. This is also when I made the mistake of conflating the two into a single pseudo-selector concept in my mind.

The two-colon syntax for pseudo-elements was introduced in CSS Selector 3. Due to the web's compatibility tenet,  pseudo-element selectors from CSS 2.1 – including :after, :before, :first-line and :first-letter– are still valid today. However, new pseudo-elements like ::selection do not have a corresponding single-colon version – see for yourself by selecting each line in the below example:

Difference Between Pseudo-Class and Pseudo-Element

Pseudo-Class and Pseudo-Elements are both CSS selectors that have access to information outside of what the HTML DOM provides – hence the 'pseudo' prefix. Take the :hover selector, it needs to know the user's current cursor location.

While pseudo-elements act on a DOM-like object, they create a pure CSS construct and do not actually affect the DOM. They also have an additional colon to denote this difference. The fact that ::after element is not an actual DOM node has accessibility implications, their content does not exist for screen readers and should be decorative only.

Readers thinking 'what about :disabled and :nth-child()?' – you got me. The previous two paragraphs aren't strictly true, some pseudo-class selectors are more 'tricks' or 'shortcuts' – I wish W3C would create a new name for those to make the distinction clear-cut.

To repeat, the conceptual difference between the two is that pseudo-class selectors act on an existing DOM element using some outside information while pseudo-element creates a new, 'not actually there' element for the render engine only. The :visited pseudo-selector can only be used to select to existing anchor elements. While selectors like ::first-line create elements that otherwise cannot exist with the given DOM structure – hence the name.

Here's an example, the ::first-line pseudo-element is created by splitting the second <span> element into two in order to change the color of its first word only.

How to Combine Pseudo-Class with Pseudo-Elements

What does knowing the difference between pseudo-classes and pseudo-elements tell us about their usage?

For one, pseudo-class selectors act on elements and can be chained just like any actual .class selectors. :visited:hover is as valid as .visited.hover.

On the other hand, pseudo-element selectors cannot be used interchangeably from an element selector. You cannot chain them. Pseudo-elements are not actual elements – they cannot be a selector's target. p::first-line::first-letter is not valid because ::first-line is not a real DOM element. Only use pseudo-elements at the end of a selector line.

As with all things CSS, the above is not an iron-clad rule. ::prefix and ::postfix of ::first-letter are currently in the editor's draft as modifications on the pseudo-element, and may eventually be officially included. However, these pseudo-element stacks should be treated as the exception and not the rule.

The same logic applies when combining pseudo-class and pseudo-element selectors. Pseudo-class results in DOM elements, so pseudo-elements can be added – why p:hover:after is valid CSS. Switch the order, and we are applying pseudo-class to a non-existing element – why p:after:hover is invalid.

Here are some rules to remember next time you find yourself using the pseudo-selectors:

Rule 1: Pseudo-classes can be used like actual .class selectors and used freely. p:hover.class works.

Rule 2: Pseudo-elements should always be at the very end of your selector, they cannot be chained because they do not select real DOM elements.

Rule 3: Do not use the single-colon variation of pseudo-elements – even if it's easier – it's too easy to slip up when they share the same syntax. Plus, you now have to remember that :after works but not :selection.

Before I go, here's a Code Pen with some pseudo-class and pseudo-element examples. Use it to test your knowledge. Read the CSS for each div and see if its behavior matches your expectation!

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