Find Information Faster in SharePoint Online: Ditch Filtering, Embrace Search!

Jaime López - Apr 2 - - Dev Community

Struggling to find what you need in SharePoint Online lists and libraries? You're not alone. While you can group, filter, and sort by metadata, there's a hidden gem – search!

Big nose and glasses using a magnifier glass by Marten Newhall on Unsplash

Search is often overlooked, but it can be much faster and more powerful. This article will show you why search should be your go-to method for finding information and documents in SharePoint Online, saving you valuable time.


Stuck clicking around endlessly? There's a shortcut! Forget messing with fancy filters, sorting through tons of folders, or grouping that might not work. Search is your fast track to finding stuff. With just one click, you can potentially find exactly what you need in your SharePoint Online lists and libraries. Save yourself precious time (and maybe some frustration!) with the lightning speed of search.

More Efficient

Working smarter, not harder – that's what search does for you in SharePoint Online. Filters make you pick things from a list beforehand. Search, on the other hand, is your personal data buddy. Use plain words to look for stuff in your lists and libraries. Need a sales report from last quarter by a specific person? Just type it in – search gets it! This saves you time figuring out the right filter settings and means you won't miss something because you picked the wrong option.

Search suggestions on Microsoft Lists

More Precise

Using filters in SharePoint Online lists and libraries can feel like searching for a specific file in a messy drawer. You might get close, but miss the important thing. Search is your laser pointer tool. Use simple words and search tricks to find exactly what you need, even in giant lists and libraries in your SharePoint Online. Plus, search highlights your words in the results, making them easy to spot. Stop digging through irrelevant stuff – search gives you what you need right away, helping you find that exact file in seconds.


Imagine a filter like a spotlight. It shines brightly on one thing at a time – just one column in your SharePoint Online list or library. But what if the information you need isn't right in that beam of light? Search acts like a whole room full of lights. It sees everything – all the columns, file names, and even the stuff written inside your documents. Need a report with a specific word mentioned anywhere, not just the title? Search can find it! Because search looks everywhere, you're less likely to miss something important. It's like looking in every corner at once, saving you time and headaches!

Search keywords in Microsoft Lists


Feeling stuck in just one list or library? Search breaks those walls. Unlike filters, sorting, and grouping, search lets you explore way more in SharePoint Online. You can search your whole SharePoint site or even your entire company's SharePoint stuff. Find hidden information you never knew existed, which helps people work together better and understand your data across your entire SharePoint Online environment. Search is the key to unlocking the full potential of your stuff in SharePoint Online.


In the past, I spent ages setting up filters in SharePoint Online, only to miss the file I needed because of one wrong click. It was a huge waste of time! Then, I found out how amazing search is. Now, I just type a quick search and find exactly what I'm looking for, even in giant lists. It's like magic! Search saves me tons of time and keeps me from getting frustrated with filters. So, if you use SharePoint Online, forget the filters and try search instead. You'll be glad you did!


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