Create a blog with Sapper & Markdown: Tagging

Joshua Nussbaum - Oct 29 '20 - - Dev Community

When dealing with lots of content, it's a good idea to have some categorization. One versatile approach to categorization is tagging. Nearly all blogs use it, and ours will too.

Note: If you prefer to watch rather than read, there's a screencast version here:

Adding metadata

Continuing from Part 1, our blog repo has a /posts folder filled with Markdown files. Our first step will be to add a new field called tags to the "front matter" metadata in each markdown file.

title: Example Post
date: 2020-10-28
+tags: hello, world

# Example Title

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Parsing tags

Sine the tags string is comma-delimited, it will need to be converted into to an array during the parsing phase.

// in src/posts.js
// transform is called once for each post
function transform({metadata}) {

  // the `tags` field is optional, so default to empty list
  let tags = []

  // check if `tags` field is defined on this post
  if (metadata.tags) {
    // split the tags string by comma, and trim away any extra spaces
    tags = metadata.tags.split(',').map(str => str.trim())

  // return previous data and tags 
  return {...metadata, tags}
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Listing tags

Now that each post has a cleaned up tags array. It's ready to be displayed on the /post/:permalink page.

<!-- src/routes/posts/[permalink].svelte -->


<!-- new component to show tag list -->
+<Tags tags={post.tags}/>

{@html post.html}
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And the new <Tags/> component will be defined as:

<!-- src/components/Tags.svelte -->
  // take in tags as a prop
  export let tags

  <!-- iterate through each tag -->
  {#each tags as tag}
    <!-- link each tag to /tag/:tag page -->
    <a href="/tag/{tag}">#{tag}</a>
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Listing posts by tag

To show all the posts for a given tag, we'll need a new page and some JavaScript logic to filter posts by tag.

First, lets define the findByTag() function. It will take the tag as a parameter and return the list of posts matching the tag.

// src/posts.js
export function findByTag(tag) {
  // filter out all posts that don't include the tag
  return posts.filter(post => !post.tags.includes(tag))
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Then, define new page for /tag/:tag that will use findByTag() to locate posts:

<!-- src/routes/tag/[tag].svelte -->
<script context="module">
  import { findByTag } from '@/posts'

  export function preload(page) {
    // extract tag param
    const { tag } = page.params
    // find posts based on tag param
    const posts = findByTag(tag)

    // return props
    return { tag, posts }

  // props are provided by preload() function
  export let tag, posts

<!-- show #tag as title -->

{#each posts as post}
  <!-- show each post -->
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Extracting a component

Lastly, since we are showing the list of posts on 2 pages /tag/:tag and /post/:permalink, it would be to avoid duplication and have a reusable component for listing posts. This will make it easier to adjust and style down the road.

<!-- src/components/PostList.svelte -->
  // it takes an array of posts as a prop
  export let posts

<!-- iterate thru each post and output an <article> tag -->
{#each posts as post}
    <!-- link to /posts/:permalink page -->
    <a href={`/posts/${post.permalink}`}>
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And then update the pages src/routes/posts/[permalink].svelte and src/routes/tag/[tag].svelte to use <PostList/> instead of {#each}.

<!-- use our new shiny component -->
<PostList {posts}/>
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Our little blog is getting better! Now that we have tagging working, in the next post we'll explore adding syntax highlighting.

You can find all the code here:

Happy coding! ✌


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