Gatsby starters: 30 free Gatsby templates for blazingly fast website building

Momcilo - Apr 3 - - Dev Community

Gatsby starters or pre-built Gatsby templates help you kickstart your Gatsby projects with a predefined structure, configuration, and some initial content. These starters can save you time and effort by providing a foundation for various websites or applications. You can customize and extend them to fit your specific needs.

Why Gatsby starters

Gatsby is a React-based, GraphQL-powered static site generator. With Gatsby starters, you can quickly build websites that use only static files for fast page loads, service workers, code splitting, server-side rendering, intelligent image loading, asset optimization, and data prefetching.

So, if you're looking to build Gatsby websites, here are 30 awesome Gatsby templates (by categories) to initiate a new Gatsby project.

Get started with Gatsby starters

To start Gatsby starters you need a set of tools installed at the working station:

  • Node.js (version 18 or newer)
  • npm (npm command line interface to add packages to your project)
  • Gatsby CLI - the Gatsby console

    npm install -g gatsby-cli (code line)

  • GIT - to clone some starters

To follow the step-by-step process there is an official Installation Guide.

Gatsby starters: Gatsby Blog templates

The toolset is ready, so the only thing left to do is to choose the starter kit. Let’s start with the Blog starters showcase:

Gatsby Advanced Starter

Image description

This Gatsby starter doesn’t have any UI limitations and only offers basic components for SEO/Links/Infinite Scrolling while creating a comfortable development environment to get started.

Starter with advanced blog features such as:

  • Tags
  • Categories
  • Google Analytics
  • Offline support
  • Web App Manifest
  • SEO

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GitHub source

GitHub ⭐: 1.6k

Gatsby DevBlog

Image description

Fully customizable Gatsby blog template that comes with syntax highlighting and built-in server-side rendering.


  • Fully responsive
  • Minimalistic
  • Customizable via a config.js file
  • Server-side rendering


GitHub source

GitHub ⭐: 433

Apple Gatsby starter

Image description

Gatsby blog starter kit with responsive design.

  • Apple-style responsive design
  • Dynamic theme (Comment + Code Highlights)
  • Mobile menu animation
  • RSS Feed
  • SEO

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GitHub source

GitHub ⭐: 125


Image description

Minimal Gatsby blog starter with Glassmorphism UI.


  • Fully responsive
  • SEO metadata and Open Graph tags
  • Contact form with Netlify
  • Form edit content with Netlify


GitHub source

GitHub ⭐: 164

BCMS Gatsby Blog starter

Image description

BCMS Gatsby Blog Starter is a full-pack code starter for functional Gatsby blog websites built with Gatsby.js, Tailwind, and BCMS.

One codebase for submitting blogs, listing and searching for them, and getting applications.


  • Fast setup
  • Easy customization
  • SEO-ready
  • SSG support


GitHub source

GitHub ⭐:  227

Blog tutorial

Gatsby starters: Gatsby templates for personal websites

LekoArts Cara Portfolio starter

One-page portfolio featuring Parallax effects and animations. Built with MDX and the Theme UI.


  • React Spring Parallax effects
  • UI-based theming
  • CSS Animations and shapes

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GitHub source

GitHub ⭐: 1,4k

Gatsby Starter Portfolio Minimal

Portfolio Minimal is a one-page portfolio Gatsby template with expressive design and slick animations.


  • Cookie Consent Bar
  • Content Integration via MDX - No external CMS needed.
  • Responsive design
  • PWA - Offline Support

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GitHub source

GitHub ⭐: 127

Smakosh Gatsby Portfolio

Simple one-page portfolio with GitHub projects showcase, about text, and contact form/


  • GitHub projects cards
  • Netlify form handling
  • MDX support
  • Google Analytics support


GitHub source

GitHub ⭐: 126

London Gatsby Starter

Based on Ghost CMS, London is an image-centric portfolio with plenty of graphics to show off.


  • About page
  • Typography
  • PurgeCSS for bundle size optimization
  • Google Analytics support


GitHub source

GitHub ⭐: 170

BCMS Gatsby Personal website code starter

Image description

BCMS Gatsby Personal Code Starter allows you to shape your brand or persona. Built with Gatsby, Tailwind, and BCMS.


  • Optimized for speed
  • SEO-ready
  • Highly customizable design


GitHub source

GitHub ⭐:227

Gatsby E-commerce starters

Gatsby Shopify

Gatsby Starter for Shopify projects; an online store with a custom landing page, detailed product pages, and a shopping cart.


  • Landing page
  • Product page
  • Instant search functionality
  • Filters for categories
  • CSS modules for customization
  • Google Analytics


GitHub source

GitHub ⭐: 305

Moltin E-commerce Gatsby starter

Minimalistic and simple starter for an E-commerce store.


  • Moltin eCommerce AP
  • React 16
  • PWA
  • Semantic-UI
  • Styled components
  • Google Analytics - (you enter the tracking ID)


GitHub source

GitHub ⭐: 496

Gatsby and Snipcart Starter

Gatsby and Snipcart integration resulted in a user-friendly, simple E-commerce site.


  • Minimal design
  • Simple customisation
  • Snipcart provides an easy-to-use shopping cart
  • Product pages with custom fields.
  • Gatsby image optimization


GitHub source

GitHub ⭐: 15

Crystallize E-commerce starter

E-commerce skeleton running on the headless and GraphQL.

  • Rich content support
  • Product catalogue
  • MIT license
  • Optimized for performance


GitHub source

GitHub ⭐: 12

BCMS E-commerce starter

Image description

Ready-to-go E-commerce Starter built with Gatsby, Tailwind, and BCMS.

All-in-one E-commerce features that are crucial for an online store.


  • Image-centered
  • Product catalogue and list
  • Custom product search
  • SEO-friendly
  • Social media sharing button
  • Content-heavy support


GitHub source

GitHub ⭐: 227

Gatsby job board starters

For this category was hard to find examples. Still, I found something worth sharing.

Justcamp - Gatsby Job Board

Even though it is not free, with Justcamp, you can create a variety of job-related websites using React and Gatsby. You can use it to build job listings, directories, portals, regular job websites, career platforms, resume directories, employment websites, freelancer hubs, candidate databases, and other similar projects.


  • Fast-loading
  • Mobile-responsive design
  • SEO-friendly
  • Customizable

Gatsby Business Website Starter

Gatsby Business Website Starter follows the Jamstack architecture by using Git as a single source of truth, and Netlify for continuous deployment, and CDN distribution.


  • Complete Business Website Suite - Home page, About page, Pricing page, and Blog
  • Netlify CMS for content management
  • SEO Friendly
  • Bulma and Sass Support for styling
  • PWA


GitHub source

GitHub ⭐: 251



GitHub source

GitHub ⭐: 92

BCMS Gatsby Job Board

A fully functional job board with Gatsby.js, Tailwind, and BCMS. Whether you are looking to build a job board for your company or a stand-alone job board website - this starter is a great choice.


  • jobs submitting
  • jobs listing
  • jobs search
  • search filters
  • Highly customizable design thanks to Tailwind
  • Fully responsive


GitHub source

GitHub ⭐: 227

Gatsby Podcast starter

Code Chefs Repo

It is not an official podcast starter but open-source code to the Code Chefs Podcast website that is free to peruse. Based on Gatsby-Hooks-Starter-Theme this repo allows a custom React Audio Library that controls playback speed, volume levels, and timestamps that can autoplay a fully responsive SasS library.

GitHub source

GitHub ⭐: 22

Candid & Cringe podcast

An example of a podcast website built with Gatsby's default starter. This starter ships with the main Gatsby configuration files you might need to get up.

For more instructions visit the GitHub source and the official Gatsby tutorial.


Podcast Gatsby theme to create a site for your podcast. Write announcements, and store all episodes on your site.


  • UI customization
  • Responsive design
  • Mockup data


GitHub source

GitHub ⭐: 195

BCMS Podcast starter

Image description

Podcast code starter kit that simplifies setting up, recording, and sharing your content. With BCMS podcast starter, you can manage the whole workflow from idea to recording and organize your episodes efficiently with notes and metadata. Say goodbye to manual updates and hello to a streamlined workflow for publishing audio content.


  • Dynamic data integration
  • Responsive audio player
  • Deployment options: Gatsby supports easy deployment to popular hosting platforms like Netlify, Vercel, and AWS.
  • Responsive layout that looks good on all devices.
  • Editable through BCMS (Add and update podcast episodes through BCMS)


GitHub source

GitHub ⭐: 227

Gatsby starters: Rare examples

TailwindCSS Landing Page Starter for Gatsby

A simple landing page starter built using Tailwinds. Suitable for any business.


  • Styles using Tailwind
  • Features section
  • Reviews section


GitHub source

GitHub ⭐: 133

Airtable listing theme for Gatsby

Gatsby's starter theme integrated with Airtable.


  • Item details are displayed in a modal with navigation (previous/next)
  • Responsive/adaptive images via gatsby-image
  • Generic newsletter form
  • Dark Mode support


GitHub Source

GitHub ⭐: 82

Gatsby starter for scientists

A website starter built with Gatsby for a typical scientist's or laboratory website.


  • Publications page
  • Customizable theme and colors
  • Custom URL


GitHub source

GitHub ⭐: 12

Gatsby Starter Leaflet

A Gatsby starter with Leafet to quickly build React apps with a map. Ideal starter for the Gatsby mapping project.


GitHub source

GitHub ⭐: 115

Gatsby Starter OpenAI Blog

Public repository for the Open AI Q&A project. A public collection of questions asked by authorized members and answers provided by the text-davinci-003 model - developed and maintained by the OpenAI organization.

Built with:

  • Gatsby
  • Openai-node
  • Firebase
  • Mui


GitHub source

GitHub ⭐: 6

Gatsby docs starter

Gatsby starter that contains a documentation website starter that can optionally include a blog.


  • Markdown
  • Syntax highlighting
  • Anchors
  • Sidebar
  • Blog feature / second content type
  • Landing page


GitHub source

GitHub ⭐: 67

BCMS Gatsby Conference

Image description

Gatsby Conference Website Starter is your go-to solution for creating a conference center website.


  • Gatsby-powered performance
  • Responsive design excellence
  • Customizable templates
  • Event showcase
  • Dynamic speaker profiles
  • Multichannel support


GitHub source

GitHub ⭐: 122

Gatsby Resources

If you liked this list I made, in this part I will leave some most important links for Gatsby projects so you can search it or follow trends when it comes to the next Gatsby projects.

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Terabox Video Player