prepping for bootcamp

Sarit Chaet Hudis - Sep 16 '21 - - Dev Community

In two weeks' time, I'll be a student again, for the first time in some long years.
Like a lot of people today, I never stopped learning, but this time I'm talking about not-doing-anything-but sort of studying.
I'm starting a 6-month bootcamp in the aim of starting a new career as a developer.

As a naturally anxious person, this time now is used to prep myself in many ways I thought to share here.

Family prep

I'm a 37 yo married mother of two. That means taking some months for 10-12 daily hours of studying+weekends is kind of a big deal.

Long before I decided to go for this, I consulted Nurit, a charming former colleage who is also a career-change consultant (one of the perks of not being 18..) and she helped me realise that I have concerns about how my husband will accept this decision. And that means having an open conversation with him, reflecting why I want to fo this and how our daily lives will change at least for the duration of studying.
I decided to talk to him and offer that 3 out of 5 days a week will be my responsibilty for picking up the kids (which is pretty much like now) - and I will solve whether it be me, my mom, or paid help that gets them home. Evenings and weekends will be tough, yes, but in the long run I suggested that things will be better- money-wise if not hours-wise. And kids, well, they grow up.

Honestly I think I was more worried about that conversation than anything else (maybe apart than quitting my job).
But it went well. And took a huge weight off my shoulders.
One thing that helped I think (apart from coming very prepared for this) is understanding the other side has a big change to get used to- and letting him hear that in stages. Giving him time to dygest and get back to me with questions.

Social prep

One concern I raised with my Nurit is how will it be percieved that from being an experienced professional and manager in my field (e-learning) I'll become a complete novice, not to say rookie/noob etc. How will that look like to others? She gave me a very good advice: To find my narrative - a story telling my angel to this change in my life.
Actually I haven't fully written it untill a post I wrote on facebook letting people know I'm quitting my job.
It was all too naturall when I simply wrote Im pursuing an old dream. That was it. Once it was written, repeating it in various situations was easy, felt right and framed the whole move not as starting at the bottom again, but as purusing an ambition of mine.
Framing is everything.

Mental prep

I did a LOT of research about differend available bootcamps in Israel. Participated in workshops. Explored tasks and pre-courses (including completing one that cost me too much but really focused me and helped me realise I need something more challenging that filters participants better. Ruling out options is precious!!)

Once I found my place (appleseeds) and completed most of the screening process, I made sure to talk to two graduates of the bootcamp, to get as much clarity as to what lies ahead.
Really helped me understand how the day-to-day routine will actually look like. Also helped me manage some unrealistic expectations/hopes (like finishing all the tasks early so that I have many weekends off..)

This one thing - ** talking to graduates that you found yourself** - is the ONE TAKEHOME MESSAGE I can give.

Physical- Ergonomic prep

I didn't want to spend much but knew I needed to upgrade my work environment.

I have a decent chair (including arm rests)+desk setting to start with.

Used an old laptop stand so that the monitor would be at eyes' height (5$). Then I needed a detached keyboard+mouse, which at first I thought could be just about any type. Ordered a stylish but really not comfi set. 80$ wasted, new set ordered and is on its way, went for the logitech MX keys.

Brought in a second monitor that was lying unused somewhere, it's quite flimsically connected (microHDMI to HDMI, then HDMI to VGA. Not ideal). Hope will last long enough to decide whether to get another connector or maybe a more serious laptop that actually has more connectivity options..

Software- f.lux + workrave keep me covered for now to prevent upper body and eye strain.

Is that enough? For injury prevention, hopefull yes. But ideally keeping some sort of shape and not becoming a full-blown potato - what I'd really like is to get is some sort of treadmill for using while watching\ listening to lectures.
Because of the costs and space needed- considering a rental first. Hopefully will update on that later!

Study prep

What should I study in advance? Should I alreay start or continue exploring things I know for sure will come in handy? Yes - it can be helpful in easing the initiall shock. However- after I talked to graduates I know that relatively I come with quite a bit of experience from self-learning for months now. So, instead, I decided to use the little tiime I have in trying out cool stuff I'm curious about. For example, building a small scraper using Puppeteer. Or reading a lot about blockchain. Or designing my room just a little bit because soon- I won't have time for that.
I know myself well enough to know that when the heat will be on, I'll do whatever I can. Knowing that + knowing my base level isn't bad, helps me enjoy my last two weeks of relative-free time (did I mention I have two kids + a pandemic to live in? haha)

Hoping some of what I've written will be somehow useful to someone!
It was helpful at least for me to write.


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