The usefulness of building useless things

Saurabh Daware 🌻 - Sep 12 '19 - - Dev Community

So you built an e-commerce website as a freelancer but was it fun? maybe you built 'XYZ management system' as a college project but was it fun?

Throughout college, we've been told to build things that are useful for society or to build something that will earn you money and think about all that business stuff.

While deciding the project among all these factors we sometimes miss one important factor... fun.

In this article, I am going to talk about things that won't be useful to anyone and they won't help you get money either but... IT WOULD BE FUN TO BUILD!


Building products and coding can be tiring and can give you a headache if you are building something that ummm... you don't like much 🤷 so how to handle this? SIDE PROJECTS!!! Side projects give you an opportunity to go as weird as you want and build a unicorn maybe :/ A UNICORN ROBO YASSS!! 🦄🦄🤖

It is important to take time off your "work" to work on a side project. A project that you are building just because you want to build it. With these projects, you don't put yourself into any rules of

"Cool but what is your target audience?"
"My target audience is ME and I approve it so it's successful already 🎉 cheers 🍻"

"Oh but this feature is too new and won't work on internet explorer"
"that's fine forget IE users (who really cares about them anyway)"

"There's already an app like this"
"Yeah, he must have had fun building it too."

So are you convinced to build a side project by now? cool.
Here's a list of factors to decide your next side project:


That's it!

With side projects, you will find yourself taking a break from your work and still learning things that you may not learn in your work project.

So I made a lot of such "useless" projects.
I literally have a command-line tool to search on google. search how to get a date in javascript opens chrome and searches for "how to get a date in javascript" (I am just too lazy to double click on chrome (not lazy to write CLI to open chrome though 😂))

Thank you for reading this! Also, there is no project "useless". It is either helping someone else or it is helping you. So yes be creative and build things that are fun to build.

Do mention your projects in comments that you had fun building.

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