How to Add Internationalization (i18n) to your Preact application

Henry Lim - Jun 18 '19 - - Dev Community

🇹🇼 中文版 (Chinese Version):

What is Internationalization (i18n)?

Internationalization is the design and development of a product, application or document content that enables easy localization for target audiences that vary in culture, region, or language.

In this article, you are going to use the preact-i18n library to add internationalization to your Preact application.

Step 1: Setup Preact CLI & Create new project

Side Note: If you are already familiar with Preact, you may skip to the next step.

If you haven't installed the Preact CLI on your machine, use the following command to install the CLI. Make sure you have Node.js 6.x or above installed.

$ npm install -g preact-cli

Once the Preact CLI is installed, let's create a new project using the default template, and call it my-project.

$ preact create default my-project

Start the development server with the command below:

$ cd my-project && npm run start

Now, open your browser and go to http://localhost:8080, and you should see something like this on your screen:

Step 2: Add preact-i18n library

Install the preact-i18n library to your project using the command below:

$ npm install --save preact-i18n

preact-i18n is very easy to use, and most importantly, it's extremely small, around 1.3kb after gzipped. You can learn more about the library here:

Step 3: Create a definition file

Once you have the library installed, you will need to create a definition file, which you will store all the translate strings in a JSON file. 

In this case, you will need to save this file in src/i18n/zh-tw.json:

  "home": {
    "title": "主頁", 
    "text": "這是個Home組件。"
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Step 4: Import IntlProvider and definition file

Next, open the app.js file, which is located in the src/components folder. Then, import the IntlProvider and your definition file to the app.js file:

import { IntlProvider } from 'preact-i18n';
import definition from '../i18n/zh-tw.json';
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Step 5: Expose the definition via IntlProvider

After that, you will need to expose the definition file to the whole app via <IntlProvider>. By doing this, you will be able to read the definition file everywhere in the app.

render() {
    <IntlProvider definition={definition}>
      <div id="app" />
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At this moment, here's how your app.js file should looks like:

import { h, Component } from 'preact';
import { Router } from 'preact-router';
import Header from './header';
import Home from '../routes/home';
import Profile from '../routes/profile';
// Import IntlProvider and the definition file.
import { IntlProvider } from 'preact-i18n';
import definition from '../i18n/zh-tw.json';
export default class App extends Component {

 handleRoute = e => {
  this.currentUrl = e.url;
render() {
  return (
   // Expose the definition to your whole app via <IntlProvider>
   <IntlProvider definition={definition}>
    <div id="app">
     <Header />
     <Router onChange={this.handleRoute}>
      <Home path="/" />
      <Profile path="/profile/" user="me" />
      <Profile path="/profile/:user" />
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Step 6: Use Text to translate string literals

You are almost done, now you just need to replace the text in the page with <Text>. In this case, you will need to update the content of the home page (src/routes/home/index.js) by adding the <Text> inside the <h1> and <p> tags.

import { Text } from 'preact-i18n';
const Home = () => ( 
      <Text id="home.title">Home</Text> 
      <Text id="home.text">This is the Home component.</Text> 
export default Home;
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Fallback Text

In order to prevent blank text being rendered in the page, you should set a fallback text to the <Text>. If you didn't include the definition for unknown.definition, the library will render any text contained within <Text>…</Text> as fallback text:


<Text id="unknown.definition">This is a fallback text.</Text>
// It will render this text: "This is a fallback text."
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Localizer and MarkupText

If you want to translate the text of the HTML attribute's value (ie: placeholder="", title="", etc …), then you will need to use <Localizer> instead of <Text>.

However, if you want to include HTML markup in your rendered string, then you will need to use <MarkupText>. With this component, your text will be rendered in a <span> tag.

In the example below, you are going to add few more lines of code to your definition file. first_name and last_name will be used for the <Localizer>'s example, and link for the example for <MarkupText>.

  "first_name": "名",
  "last_name": "姓",
  "link": "這是個<a href=''>連結</a>"
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With this, you will able to use <Localizer> and <MarkupText> in the page. Please take note that you need to import Localizer and MarkupText to the src/routes/home/index.js file.

import { Text, Localizer, MarkupText } from 'preact-i18n';
const Home = () => ( 
      <input placeholder={<Text id="first_name" />} /> 
      <input placeholder={<Text id="last_name" />} /> 
    <MarkupText id="link"> 
      This is a <a href="">link</a>
export default Home;
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If you want to inject a custom string or value into the definition, you could do it with the fields props.

First, you will need to update the definition file with the {{field}} placeholder. The placeholder will get replaced with the matched keys in an object you passed in the fields props.

  "page": "{{count}} / {{total}} 頁"
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Next, you will need to add the fields attribute together with the value into the <Text />. As a result, your code should looks like this:

import { Text } from 'preact-i18n'; 
const Home = () => ( 
      <Text id="page" fields={{ count: 5, total: 10 }}>
         5 / 10 Pages
export default Home;
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With preact-i18n, you have 3 ways to specific the pluralization values:

  • "key": { "singular":"apple", "plural":"apples" }
  • "key": { "none":"no apples", "one":"apple", "many":"apples" }
  • "key": ["apples", "apple"]

For the next example, you will combine both pluralization and templating. First, you will need to update the definition file with the code below:

  "apple": { 
    "singular": "Henry has {{count}} apple.", 
    "plural":"Henry has {{count}} apples." 
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Next, you will update the home page (src/routes/home/index.js) with the following code:

import { Text } from 'preact-i18n'; 
const Home = () => ( 
      <Text id="apple" plural={1} fields={{ count: 1 }} /> 
      <Text id="apple" plural={100} fields={{ count: 100 }} /> 
export default Home;
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With the method above, you will able to add pluralization and templating to your Preact application.

Dynamically import language definition file

In a real-world scenario, you would like to set the language site based on the user's choice, which is either based on the navigator.language or the user can change the site language on their own.

However, in order to prevent you from importing all the unnecessary definition files to the project, you can import the language definition file dynamically by using import(). By doing this, you can import the language definition file based on the user's choice.

import { Component } from 'preact'; 
import { IntlProvider } from 'preact-i18n'; 
import defaultDefinition from '../i18n/zh-tw.json'; 
export default class App extends Component { 
  state = { 
    definition: defaultDefinition 
  changeLanguage = (lang) => { 
    // Call this function to change language 
      .then(definition => this.setState({ definition })); 
  render({ }, { definition }) { 
    return ( 
      <IntlProvider definition={definition}> 
        <div id="app" /> 
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In this case, you can call the this.changeLanguage('zh-TW') function to change the site language.

Who's using preact-i18n?

I am using preact-i18n for my side project: Remote for Slides.

Remote for Slides is a Progressive Web App + Chrome Extension that allows the user to control their Google Slides on any device, remotely, without the need of any extra hardware.

Remote for Slides Progressive Web App supports more than 8 languages, which includes: Català, English, Español, Euskera, Français, Polski, Traditional Chinese, and Simplified Chinese.

In this side project, I am using the "dynamically import language definition file" method I mentioned earlier. This could prevent the web app from loading some unnecessary definition language files, thus this will improve the page performance.

Furthermore, the Remote for Slides Progressive Web App will set the language based on the browser's language (navigator.language), or based on the URL parameter (ie:, or the user can change it from the Settings page.

You can learn more about Remote for Slides here:


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